<style include="cr-shared-style settings-shared iron-flex"> | |
#status-title { | |
font-weight: 500; | |
} | |
#waiting-spinner { | |
flex-shrink: 0; | |
height: 2.0em; | |
width: 2.0em; | |
} | |
/* Apply a fixed height to the <svg> tag inside #powered-by-logo. | |
Used by |chromeCleanupPoweredByHTML|. */ | |
#powered-by-logo > svg { | |
height: 22px; | |
} | |
</style> | |
<div class="cr-row first"> | |
<div class="flex"> | |
<div id="status-title" role="status" inner-h-t-m-l="[[title_]]"></div> | |
<div hidden="[[!showExplanation_]]"> | |
<span class="secondary">[[explanation_]]</span> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<paper-spinner-lite id="waiting-spinner" | |
hidden="[[!isWaitingForResult_]]" active="[[isWaitingForResult_]]"> | |
</paper-spinner-lite> | |
<template is="dom-if" if="[[showActionButton_]]"> | |
<cr-policy-pref-indicator pref="[[prefs.software_reporter.enabled]]"> | |
</cr-policy-pref-indicator> | |
<div class="separator"></div> | |
<cr-button id="action-button" class="action-button" | |
disabled$="[[!cleanupEnabled_]]" on-click="proceed_"> | |
[[actionButtonLabel_]] | |
</cr-button> | |
</template> | |
</div> | |
<div class="cr-row continuation"> | |
<settings-checkbox hidden="[[!showLogsPermission_]]" | |
id="chromeCleanupLogsUploadControl" | |
sub-label="$i18n{chromeCleanupExplanationLogsPermissionPref}" | |
pref="{{prefs.software_reporter.reporting}}" | |
disabled$="[[!cleanupEnabled_]]"> | |
</settings-checkbox> | |
</div> | |
<cr-expand-button | |
aria-label="[[showItemsLinkLabel_]]" | |
class="cr-row" | |
expanded="{{itemsToRemoveSectionExpanded_}}" | |
hidden="[[!showItemsToRemove_]]" | |
id="show-items-button"> | |
[[showItemsLinkLabel_]] | |
</cr-expand-button> | |
<iron-collapse id="iron-collapse-items" | |
opened="[[itemsToRemoveSectionExpanded_]]"> | |
<items-to-remove-list | |
id="files-to-remove-list" | |
hidden="[[!hasFilesToShow_]]" | |
title="$i18n{chromeCleanupDetailsFilesAndPrograms}" | |
items-to-show="[[ | |
getListEntriesFromFilePaths_(scannerResults_.files)]]"> | |
</items-to-remove-list> | |
<items-to-remove-list | |
id="registry-keys-list" | |
hidden="[[!hasRegistryKeysToShow_]]" | |
title="$i18n{chromeCleanupDetailsRegistryEntries}" | |
items-to-show="[[ | |
getListEntriesFromStrings_(scannerResults_.registryKeys)]]"> | |
</items-to-remove-list> | |
<div class="cr-row continuation"> | |
<div class="secondary"> | |
$i18nRaw{chromeCleanupDetailsExplanation} | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div id="powered-by" class="cr-row continuation" | |
hidden="[[!isPoweredByPartner_]]"> | |
$i18nRaw{chromeCleanupPoweredByHtml} | |
</div> | |
</iron-collapse> |