Chrome Cleaner Security Model

Security Model

The purpose of the Chrome Cleanup Tool and Software Reporter Tool is to scan files that are found on users' machines for the presence of Unwanted Software (UwS) that could effect chrome. These files are untrusted inputs so, according to the Rule of 2 all code that parses them must run in a sandbox.

Sandboxes are implemented using the chromium sandbox library.

TL;DR: each sandbox runs in a separate process with severely reduced privileges, called a “sandbox target” process. The main process has higher privileges and is called the “broker” process.

The tool has separate sandboxes for each type of parsing that's done on untrusted files:

  • Engine Sandbox: The main scanning engine that detects UwS runs entirely in this sandbox.
  • Parser Sandbox: Parses various file formats such as JSON (mainly for Chrome extension settings) and Windows LNK files.
  • Zip Archiver Sandbox: Compresses files into a .zip archive. Used when quarantining detected UwS files.

Sandbox Infrastructure

The code for each sandbox is split into two subdirectories, broker and target, for easier auditing.

  • broker contains code that runs in the broker process.
    • This code has all the privileges of the user running the app.
    • Code can tell that it's running in the broker process because SandboxFactory::GetBrokerServices will return non-null.
  • target contains code that runs in the target process.
    • This process is considered untrusted because malicious files could gain control of it by exploiting bugs in the parser.
    • This code has highly restricted privileges, including:
      • Cannot access any files or registry keys that aren't explicitly shared by the broker process.
      • Cannot access the network to exfiltrate data.
    • Code can tell that it's running in the broker process because SandboxFactory::GetTargetServices will return non-null.

The target process communicates with the broker process using Mojo.

  • Mojo interfaces are found in the mojom directory.
  • A Mojo interface is a security boundary since it allows the untrusted target process to communicate with the broker process. This means:
    • The interface should follow the Chromium security Mojo Style Guide. Note that the style guide calls the “broker” process the “browser” process.
    • All changes to the interface must be reviewed by an IPC security reviewer. This is enforced by the OWNERS file.

Spawning a sandbox (broker process)

The main entry point to create a sandbox is SpawnSandbox in ipc/ Call this with a SandboxSetupHooks subclass.

  • Override methods of SandboxSetupHooks to provide custom behaviour for each sandbox type, such as instantiating an IPC channel or adding custom flags to the sandbox command-line.
  • Each SandboxSetupHooks subclass is paired with a SandboxTargetHooks subclass that knows how to deal with the custom behaviour, eg. connect to the IPC channel.
  • The MojoSandboxSetupHooks and MojoSandboxTargetHooks subclasses contain common code to set up a Mojo IPC connection. Override them to provide details of the Mojo interface to use with the connection. See below for more details.

SpawnSandbox will:

  1. Fill in a default sandbox policy, the most restrictive possible.
  2. Add --sandboxed-process-id=<sandbox type> to the command-line that will be used for the target process.
  3. Call hooks->UpdateSandboxPolicy. You can override this to alter the policy and command-line.
  4. Spawn another copy of the current process to be the target process.
    • The sandbox library's magic will cause the new process to be sandboxed (GetTargetServices returns non-null).
    • The target process will start off suspended.
  5. Call hooks->TargetSpawned with handles to the new process and to its main thread.
  6. Resume the target process‘s main thread. It’s now running.
  7. Call hooks->TargetResumed.

If any step fails the function calls hooks->SetupFailed.


You will probably want to set up a Mojo IPC channel to your target process. To do this:

  1. Subclass MojoSandboxSetupHooks instead of SandboxSetupHooks.
  2. The hooks class should own a mojo::Remote<SomeMojoInterface>. This acts like a pointer-to-SomeMojoInterface. Methods called through this “pointer” will be marshalled over Mojo IPC to the target process, where SomeMojoInterface is implemented.
    • For the Zip Archiver, this is a mojo::Remote<mojom::ZipArchiver> defined in zip_archiver.mojom.
  3. Override UpdateSandboxPolicy to:
    1. Call MojoSandboxSetupHooks::SetupSandboxMessagePipe, which returns a handle to the Mojo pipe.
    2. Create a mojo::PendingRemote<SomeMojoInterface> that wraps the pipe handle.
    3. Pass the PendingRemote to mojo::Remote<SomeMojoInterface>::Bind. Now the remote is bound to the Mojo pipe.
  4. You will want a method to take ownership of the remote so that it can be saved after the sandbox starts, and passed to whatever code needs to call methods on it.
    • For the Zip Archiver, this is ZipArchiverSandboxSetupHooks::TakeZipArchiverRemote.

Note: All methods on a mojo::Remote, including the destructor, need to be called from the same sequence. For legacy reasons chrome_cleaner uses an object called MojoTaskRunner for all remotes.

The easy way to ensure that all methods are called on the same sequence would be to use SequenceBound but this code predates it, so instead there are lots of explicit calls to PostTask and OnTaskRunnerDeleter.

Running a sandbox (target process)

Near the start of main, the app checks if GetTargetServices returns non-null. If so, it‘s running in the sandbox. (The "Resume the target process’s main thread" step of SpawnSandbox has just finished.) At this point the sandboxed process still has many privileges.

The app then:

  1. Checks the --sandboxed-process-id command-line switch to see which type of sandbox to start.
  2. Instantiates an override of SandboxTargetHooks based on the sandbox type.
  3. Calls RunSandboxTarget in ipc/, which will:
    1. Initialize the sandbox TargetService.
    2. Call hooks->TargetStartedWithHighPrivileges. Override this to do any setup that needs privileges,
      Important: The sandbox must not handle any untrusted data at this step.
    3. Call TargetService::LowerToken to drop the remaining privileges.
    4. Call hooks->TargetDroppedPrivileges. Override this to do the main processing for the sandbox.

When RunSandboxTarget returns, the sandboxed process exits.

Most sandboxs enter an endless loop in hooks->TargetDroppedPrivileges, servicing requests sent over IPC from the broker process. The broker will kill all target processes when it exits.


To connect to a Mojo IPC channel in the target:

  1. Subclass MojoSandboxTargetHooks instead of SandboxTargetHooks.
  2. Implement the methods of SomeMojoInterface. Traditionally this is done in a class called SomeMojoInterfaceImpl.
    • The implementation should own a mojo::Receiver<SomeMojoInterface>.
    • eg. mojom::ZipArchiver is implemented in ZipArchiverImpl, and it owns a mojo::Receiver<mojom::ZipArchier>.
    • Note this is in the target subdir to enforce that the implementation is only used in the target process.
  3. Override TargetDroppedPrivileges to:
    1. Call MojoSandboxTargetHooks::ExtractSandboxMessagePipe, which returns a handle to the Mojo pipe that was created in MojoSandboxSetupHooks::UpdateSandboxPolicy.
    2. Create a mojo::PendingReceiver<SomeMojoInterface> that wraps the pipe handle.
    3. Instantiate SomeMojoInterfaceImpl, assigning the PendingReceiver to the Receiver.
      • This binds the SomeMojoInterfaceImpl to the IPC pipe, so all calls to methods on the mojo::Remote<SomeMojoInterface> in the broker process are marshalled across the pipe and invoke the corresponding method on the SomeMojoInterfaceImpl.
    4. Call RunLoop::Run to loop until the process is killed. Mojo will do the rest.