blob: b8a988012b5e3865794dc8d0041d585c9eeb78bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/http/internet_helpers.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/cxx17_backports.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/http/internet_unittest_helpers.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace chrome_cleaner {
TEST(InternetHelpersTest, ParseContentType) {
const struct {
const wchar_t* content_type;
const wchar_t* expected_mime_type;
const wchar_t* expected_charset;
const bool expected_had_charset;
const wchar_t* expected_boundary;
} tests[] = {
{L"text/html; charset=utf-8", L"text/html", L"utf-8", true, L""},
{L"text/html; charset=", L"text/html", L"", true, L""},
{L"text/html; charset", L"text/html", L"", false, L""},
{L"text/html; charset='", L"text/html", L"", true, L""},
{L"text/html; charset='utf-8'", L"text/html", L"utf-8", true, L""},
{L"text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"", L"text/html", L"utf-8", true, L""},
{L"text/html; charset =utf-8", L"text/html", L"utf-8", true, L""},
{L"text/html; charset= utf-8", L"text/html", L"utf-8", true, L""},
{L"text/html; charset=utf-8 ", L"text/html", L"utf-8", true, L""},
{L"text/html; boundary=\"WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs\"", L"text/html",
L"", false, L"\"WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs\""},
{L"text/html; boundary =\"WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs\"", L"text/html",
L"", false, L"\"WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs\""},
{L"text/html; boundary= \"WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs\"", L"text/html",
L"", false, L"\"WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs\""},
{L"text/html; boundary= \"WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs\" ", L"text/html",
L"", false, L"\"WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs\""},
{L"text/html; boundary=\"WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs \"", L"text/html",
L"", false, L"\"WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs \""},
{L"text/html; boundary=WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs", L"text/html", L"",
false, L"WebKit-ada-df-dsf-adsfadsfs"},
for (size_t i = 0; i < base::size(tests); ++i) {
std::wstring mime_type;
std::wstring charset;
bool had_charset = false;
std::wstring boundary;
ParseContentType(tests[i].content_type, &mime_type, &charset, &had_charset,
EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].expected_mime_type, mime_type) << "i=" << i;
EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].expected_charset, charset) << "i=" << i;
EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].expected_had_charset, had_charset) << "i=" << i;
EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].expected_boundary, boundary) << "i=" << i;
TEST(InternetHelpersTest, ComposeAndDecomposeUrl) {
const struct {
const wchar_t* url;
const wchar_t* scheme;
const wchar_t* host;
uint16_t port;
const wchar_t* path;
} tests[] = {
{L"", L"http", L"", 80, L"/"},
{L"", L"https", L"", 443, L"/"},
{L"", L"https", L"", 443, L"/"},
{L"", L"https", L"", 9999, L"/"},
{L"", L"http", L"", 80, L"/a/b/c"},
for (size_t i = 0; i < base::size(tests); ++i) {
std::wstring scheme, host, path;
uint16_t port = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(DecomposeUrl(tests[i].url, &scheme, &host, &port, &path))
<< "i=" << i;
EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].scheme, scheme) << "i=" << i;
EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].host, host) << "i=" << i;
EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].port, port) << "i=" << i;
EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].path, path) << "i=" << i;
ComposeUrl(tests[i].host, tests[i].port, tests[i].path,
tests[i].scheme == std::wstring(L"https")));
const wchar_t* invalid_urls[] = {
L"", L"", L"",
L"/foo/bar", L"", L"http://",
L"http:", L"http:/", L""};
for (size_t i = 0; i < base::size(invalid_urls); ++i) {
std::wstring scheme, host, path;
uint16_t port = 0;
EXPECT_FALSE(DecomposeUrl(invalid_urls[i], &scheme, &host, &port, &path))
<< "i=" << i;
TEST(InternetHelpersTest, GenerateMultipartHttpRequestBoundary) {
std::wstring boundary1 = GenerateMultipartHttpRequestBoundary();
std::wstring boundary2 = GenerateMultipartHttpRequestBoundary();
EXPECT_NE(boundary1, boundary2);
TEST(InternetHelpersTest, GenerateMultipartHttpRequestContentTypeHeader) {
std::wstring boundary = GenerateMultipartHttpRequestBoundary();
std::wstring content_type_header =
size_t semicolon = content_type_header.find(L':');
ASSERT_NE(std::wstring::npos, semicolon);
std::wstring mime_type, charset, parsed_boundary;
bool had_charset = false;
ParseContentType(std::wstring(content_type_header.begin() + semicolon + 1,
&mime_type, &charset, &had_charset, &parsed_boundary);
EXPECT_EQ(boundary, parsed_boundary);
EXPECT_EQ(L"multipart/form-data", mime_type);
TEST(InternetHelpersTest, GenerateMultipartHttpRequestBody) {
std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> parameters;
parameters[L"param"] = L"value";
std::wstring boundary = GenerateMultipartHttpRequestBoundary();
std::string file = "file contents";
std::wstring file_part_name = L"file_name";
std::string body = GenerateMultipartHttpRequestBody(parameters, file,
file_part_name, boundary);
ExpectMultipartMimeMessageIsPlausible(boundary, parameters, file,
base::WideToUTF8(file_part_name), body);
} // namespace chrome_cleaner