blob: e8d7d1412553b676fee7c3711f8e73ae8958f261 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.h>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/win/wrapped_window_proc.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace chrome_cleaner {
// Adjust process token privileges to acquire debugging privileges, return
// false on failure.
bool AcquireDebugRightsPrivileges();
// Adjust process token privileges to disallow debugging privileges, return
// false on failure.
bool ReleaseDebugRightsPrivileges();
// Returns true if the process currently has debugging privileges.
bool HasDebugRightsPrivileges();
// Verify if the current process has admin rights or not and cache the result.
// @returns true if the current process is running elevated.
bool HasAdminRights();
// Check whether a process is running with the image |executable|. Return true
// if a process is found.
bool IsProcessRunning(const wchar_t* executable);
// Wait until every running instance of |executable| is stopped. Return true if
// every running processes are stopped.
bool WaitForProcessesStopped(const wchar_t* executable);
// Return true when a service with name |service_name| exist.
bool DoesServiceExist(const wchar_t* service_name);
// Wait until service named |service_name| is stopped. Return true if the
// service is stopped or doesn't exist.
bool WaitForServiceStopped(const wchar_t* service_name);
// Wait until service named |service_name| is deleted. Return true if the
// service is deleted.
bool WaitForServiceDeleted(const wchar_t* service_name);
// Check whether a service with name |service_name| exist, and stop it. Return
// true on success.
bool StopService(const wchar_t* service_name);
// Delete the service with name |service_name|. Return true on success.
bool DeleteService(const wchar_t* service_name);
// Call at program startup to configure COM security such that some system APIs
// can be used. Return false on failures.
bool InitializeCOMSecurity();
// Launches an elevated process in a STA-initialize thread and sets the parent
// window to the one specified by |hwnd|. A nullptr can be passed as |hwnd| if
// there is no need to associate the process with a window.
base::Process LaunchElevatedProcessWithAssociatedWindow(
const base::CommandLine& command_line,
HWND hwnd);
bool InitializeQuarantineFolder(base::FilePath* output_quarantine_path);
} // namespace chrome_cleaner