| {{+bindTo:partials.standard_nacl_article}} |
| |
| <b><font color="#cc0000"> |
| NOTE: |
| Deprecation of the technologies described here has been announced |
| for platforms other than ChromeOS.<br/> |
| Please visit our |
| <a href="/native-client/migration">migration guide</a> |
| for details. |
| </font></b> |
| <hr/><section id="release-notes"> |
| <h1 id="release-notes">Release Notes</h1> |
| <p>The dates in the following release notes denote when Chrome and the NaCl SDK |
| reached canary status. The stable release is typically 6 weeks later.</p> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-49">Chrome/Pepper 49</h2> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>GCC-based newlib toolchains removed from the SDK. These have been |
| superseded by the nacl-clang toolchain which also produces statically linked |
| architecture specific nexe files.</li> |
| <li>gtest/gmock no longer shipped as pre-built libraries. This is in-line with |
| normal gtest/gmock usage guidelines. Projects wishing to use gtest/gmock must |
| now add explicit include paths and compile gtest-all.cc locally.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-45-10-july-2015">Chrome/Pepper 45 (10 July 2015)</h2> |
| <h3 id="pepper">Pepper</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>UDP Socket Multicast API in stable (PPB_UDP_SOCKET 1.2).</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-43-03-april-2015">Chrome/Pepper 43 (03 April 2015)</h2> |
| <h3 id="pnacl">PNaCl</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The C11/C++11 <code>acquire</code>, <code>release</code>, and <code>acq_rel</code> memory orders are now |
| generated by default. The in-browser Chrome 42 translator supports them, the |
| SDK can therefore generate them.</li> |
| <li>Fix a <a class="reference external" href="https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=460432">code generation bug on ARM</a> when dealing with 16-bit load/store and |
| <code>bswap</code> which led to a NaCl validation failure.</li> |
| <li>PNaCl is now based on LLVM 3.6. If you are using GDB to debug PNaCl |
| <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/debugging.html#debugging-pnacl-pexes"><em>BC files with debug metadata in the browser</em></a>, |
| remember that debug info from SDK version <code>X</code> is only compatible with the |
| PNaCl translator in chrome version <code>X</code>. The bitcode debug metadata format |
| changed from LLVM 3.5 to 3.6. If you need to debug an app built with SDK |
| version <code>X</code> running in Chrome version <code>Y</code> (with <code>X != Y</code>), it is still |
| possible to do so. Simply translate the pexe to a nexe using the |
| <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/debugging.html#debugging-pexes-via-nexes"><em>offline pnacl-translate tool from SDK version X</em></a> instead of using the translator in the |
| browser (version <code>Y</code>).</li> |
| <li>PNaCl’s support for use of libstdc++ 4.6 as the C++ standard library is |
| deprecated and will be removed in the next release. PNaCl has used libc++ |
| (which is much more up to date, currently based on LLVM 3.6) as the default |
| since Pepper 33.</li> |
| <li>PNaCl’s experimental <a class="reference external" href="https://chromium.googlesource.com/native_client/pnacl-subzero/+/main/README.rst">Subzero translator</a> is available for x86-32 NaCl in |
| Chrome version 43, behind a flag. To give it a try, run Chrome with the |
| <code>--enable-pnacl-subzero</code> commandline flag, and use the <code>optlevel 0</code> |
| <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/reference/nacl-manifest-format.html#pnacl-nmf-optlevels"><em>NaCl manifest option</em></a>. Application startup time |
| should be several times faster than the previous LLVM-based <code>optlevel 0</code> |
| mode, with similar code quality. Note that x86-32 NaCl requires a 32-bit |
| Chrome. On Windows, it also requires a 32-bit Windows OS, but 64-bit Linux |
| OSes can run x86-32 NaCl. If you try it out, please send us feedback |
| on <a class="reference external" href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/native-client-dev">native-client-dev</a>. We are working on improvements and adding |
| new targets.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id1">Pepper</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>UDP Socket Multicast API in development preview (PPB_UDP_SOCKET 1.2).</li> |
| <li>Hardware Video Encoder API in development preview (PPB_VIDEO_ENCODER 0.1).</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-42-20-february-2015">Chrome/Pepper 42 (20 February 2015)</h2> |
| <h3 id="sdk">SDK</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The SDK now contains experimental versions of <code>i686-nacl-clang</code>, |
| <code>x86_64-nacl-clang</code>, and <code>arm-nacl-clang</code> as well as the <code>clang++</code> |
| equivalents. These toolchains are based on the same LLVM version as PNaCl, but |
| can be used to generate NaCl <code>.nexe</code> files instead of translating a |
| <code>.pexe</code> locally or using the GCC toolchain.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="nacl">NaCl</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The x86 NaCl validators accept instructions from the FMA3 extensions, as well |
| as AVX2 instructions (except <code>VGATHER</code>).</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id2">PNaCl</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>PNaCl supports C11/C++11 memory orders <code>acquire</code>, <code>release</code>, and |
| <code>acq_rel</code>. It used to upgrade all accesses to <code>seq_cst</code>. It still upgrades |
| <code>consume</code> to <code>acquire</code> (no compiler currently implements <code>consume</code>), and |
| <code>relaxed</code> to <code>seq_cst</code> (to conservatively avoid platform differences due |
| to out-of-thin-air problems). This is currently disabled by default in the SDK |
| so that the in-browser translator installed on users’ machines has time to |
| gain this support. Developers can turn it on by passing the |
| <code>-pnacl-memory-order-seq-cst-only=false</code> flag to <code>opt</code>.</li> |
| <li>PNaCl handles nested struct type expansion, which allows it to better support |
| non-C languages such as Rust.</li> |
| <li>PNaCl breaks up many integer operations over 64-bits into individual 64-bit |
| operations. This is often encountered when using large consecutive bitfields.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-41-09-january-2015">Chrome/Pepper 41 (09 January 2015)</h2> |
| <h3 id="id3">NaCl</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The x86 NaCl validators accept instructions from the AVX1 extensions.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id4">PNaCl</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>PNaCl is now based on LLVM 3.5.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-40-november-07-2014">Chrome/Pepper 40 (November 07 2014)</h2> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li><a class="reference external" href="/native-client/pepper_stable/cpp/classpp_1_1_video_decoder.html">VideoDecoder</a> is now |
| stable, see the SDK example in <code>pepper_canary/examples/api/video_decode</code>.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-39-26-september-2014">Chrome/Pepper 39 (26 September 2014)</h2> |
| <h3 id="id5">NaCl</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>This release contains a fix for CVE-2015-0565: <a class="reference external" href="https://code.google.com/p/nativeclient/issues/detail?id=3944">disable the x86 CLFLUSH |
| instruction due to rowhammer problem</a>.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id6">Pepper</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Support for <code>DEBUG_ONLY:dev://postmessage</code> has been removed in favor of |
| <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/debugging.html#devcycle-debugging"><em>other more useful debugging approaches</em></a>.</li> |
| <li><code>postMessageAndAwaitResponse</code> is now stable and allows JavaScript to |
| <a class="reference external" href="/native-client/pepper_stable/cpp/classpp_1_1_message_handler">communicate synchronously</a> with PNaCl |
| embeds.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-38-15-august-2014">Chrome/Pepper 38 (15 August 2014)</h2> |
| <h3 id="id7">PNaCl</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Compilation speed improvements due to validation caching of the translator and |
| linker.</li> |
| <li>Performance improvement of SIMD vector shuffle.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-37-20-june-2014">Chrome/Pepper 37 (20 June 2014)</h2> |
| <h3 id="id8">PNaCl</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>2–10% translation time improvement.</li> |
| <li>Improved vector load/store and shuffle performance.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id9">Pepper</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Media Streams Input support.</li> |
| <li>Compositor API.</li> |
| <li>Hardware Decode API in development preview.</li> |
| <li>Sync API in development preview.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id10">SDK</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Demo of a <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/io2014.html#io2014"><em>full development environment in the browser</em></a>.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-36-09-may-2014">Chrome/Pepper 36 (09 May 2014)</h2> |
| <h3 id="id11">PNaCl</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Support <a class="reference external" href="http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html#vectors-and-extended-vectors">LLVM vectors</a> |
| and <a class="reference external" href="http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Vector-Extensions.html">GCC vectors</a> for SIMD |
| vectors through <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/reference/pnacl-c-cpp-language-support.html#portable-simd-vectors"><em>Portable SIMD Vectors</em></a>. Note that this is still an early release, |
| and performance is expected to become acceptable for version 37 of |
| Chrome. More SIMD instructions will be added in later releases.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-35-31-mar-2014">Chrome/Pepper 35 (31 Mar 2014)</h2> |
| <h3 id="id12">PNaCl</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Upgraded LLVM to version 3.4.</li> |
| <li>Translation now uses dynamic load balancing, making translation time faster.</li> |
| <li>Unstable pexes (i.e. non-finalized) with debug information can be loaded by |
| Chrome, simplifying debugging with PNaCl. See <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/debugging.html#debugging-pnacl-pexes"><em>Debugging PNaCl pexes</em></a></li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-34-20-feb-2014">Chrome/Pepper 34 (20 Feb 2014)</h2> |
| <h3 id="id13">Pepper</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Filesystems can now be passed from JavaScript to NaCl. The resulting |
| <code>pp::Var</code> will contain a <code>pp::Resource</code> that can be given to the |
| <code>pp::FileSystem</code> constructor.</li> |
| <li>New Audio and Video input APIs have been added as dev interfaces. See |
| <a class="reference external" href="/native-client/pepper_dev/cpp/classpp_1_1_media_stream_audio_track">pp::MediaStreamAudioTrack</a> and |
| <a class="reference external" href="/native-client/pepper_dev/cpp/classpp_1_1_media_stream_video_track">pp::MediaStreamVideoTrack</a> for |
| more details.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id14">PNaCl</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Parallel translation: at least 1.7x faster, even with older pexes.</li> |
| <li>Intelligent abbreviations in the bitcode: 20% reduction in binary size using |
| the <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/building.html#pnacl-compress"><em>pnacl-compress</em></a> tool.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="chrome-pepper-33-16-dec-2013">Chrome/Pepper 33 (16 Dec 2013)</h2> |
| <h3 id="portable-native-client">Portable Native Client</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>PNaCl’s default C++ standard library is now LLVM’s own libc++, based on |
| LLVM 3.3. This library now supports optional <code>setjmp</code>/<code>longjmp</code> exception |
| handling (see <a class="reference external" href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/native-client-discuss/0spfg6O04FM">announcement</a> |
| for details).</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id15">SDK</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The <code>nacl_io</code> library now includes a FUSE mount.</li> |
| <li>In the SDK examples, <code>common.js</code> now loads the Release version of the |
| nexes/pexes that are built (by default).</li> |
| <li>“<code>make debug</code>” and “<code>make run</code>” have been fixed on Mac.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="pnacl-enabled-by-default-in-chrome-31-12-nov-2013">PNaCl enabled by default in Chrome 31 (12 Nov 2013)</h2> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Portable Native Client (PNaCl) is enabled by default in Chrome 31. See |
| <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/nacl-and-pnacl.html"><em>NaCl and PNaCl</em></a> for details on the differences between |
| NaCl and PNaCl.</li> |
| <li>The PNaCl ABI has changed from the preview release in Chrome 30. |
| Pexe modules built with the <code>pepper_30</code> bundle in the SDK must be recompiled |
| with the <code>pepper_31</code> bundle or later. |
| As a general rule, we always recommended building applications with the latest |
| stable bundle in the Native Client SDK. |
| The PNaCl ABI will remain stable starting with the release of Chrome 31.</li> |
| <li><p class="first">Additional changes in the Chrome/Pepper 31 release:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Updates to the Pepper API, including socket and network support</li> |
| <li>Improved socket support in the <code>nacl_io</code> library</li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="pnacl-in-chrome-30-dev-channel-01-aug-2013">PNaCl in Chrome 30 Dev channel (01 Aug 2013)</h2> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Portable Native Client (PNaCl) is currently available for preview in Chrome |
| 30 (currently in the Dev channel). Apps and sites built with PNaCl can run in |
| Chrome 30 without an explicit flag.</li> |
| <li>See <a class="reference external" href="http://www.chromium.org/nativeclient/pnacl/introduction-to-portable-native-client">Introduction to Portable Native Client</a> |
| for information on developing for PNaCl. More documentation will be available |
| soon.</li> |
| <li>Please note that the <a class="reference external" href="http://www.chromium.org/nativeclient/pnacl/bitcode-abi">PNaCl bitcode ABI</a> may still change |
| before the official public release; if you’re developing a PNaCl-based |
| application, be sure to build your code with the latest version of the Native |
| Client SDK.</li> |
| <li>Update: PNaCl is not enabled by default in beta or stable versions of M30.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="pnacl-15-may-2013">PNaCl (15 May 2013)</h2> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Portable Native Client (PNaCl) is currently available for developer preview |
| in Chrome 29 or higher.</li> |
| <li>To produce a PNaCl executable (.pexe) file, you must use the pnacl toolchain |
| in the current <code>pepper_canary</code> bundle. Chrome 29 does not support .pexe |
| files produced by earlier versions of the pnacl toolchain (that is, |
| executables compiled with the <code>pepper_28</code> bundle or earlier).</li> |
| <li>To run an application with a PNaCl module, you must launch Chrome 29 with the |
| <code>--enable-pnacl</code> flag (for <a class="reference external" href="/apps">Chrome apps</a>), or the <code>--enable-nacl</code> |
| flag (for other apps).</li> |
| <li>When you launch Chrome with the <code>--enable-pnacl</code> flag, Chrome loads a PNaCl |
| translator in the background. Wait about a minute after you launch Chrome and |
| check <a class="reference external" href="chrome://nacl">chrome://nacl</a> to verify that the translator loaded.</li> |
| <li>PNaCl translators are currently available for 32-bit x86, 64-bit x86, and ARM |
| architectures.</li> |
| <li>PNaCl applications must use the newlib C library (glibc and dynamic linking |
| are not supported yet).</li> |
| <li>The intermediate representation (IR) format may change prior to the release |
| of PNaCl. If so, you will need to recompile your application with the pnacl |
| toolchain in a new SDK bundle.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="pepper-27-12-april-2013">Pepper 27 (12 April 2013)</h2> |
| <p>The Pepper 27 bundle features a significant number of new libraries that have |
| been incorporated directly into the SDK.</p> |
| <h3 id="libraries">Libraries</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li><p class="first">A number of libraries from the naclports project have been incorporated |
| directly into the Native Client SDK. These libraries include:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>image encoding/decoding: jpeg, tiff, png, webp</li> |
| <li>multimedia: openal, freealut, ogg, vorbis</li> |
| <li>XML parsing: tinyxml, xml2</li> |
| <li>miscellaneous: zlib (general purpose compression), freetype (font |
| rendering), lua (Lua interpreter)</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>The libraries are located in <code>ports/lib</code>, and the header files are in |
| <code>ports/include</code>.</p> |
| </li> |
| <li>The <code>httpfs</code> filesystem in the nacl_io library now caches content in memory |
| by default; this improves performance considerably.</li> |
| <li>For applications compiled with a glibc toolchain, <code>dlopen()</code> can now be |
| used to open shared libraries that are not specified in an application’s |
| Native Client manifest (.nmf) file. This allows applications, for example, to |
| download a shared object and then use <code>dlopen()</code> to access the shared |
| object. The <code>dlopen</code> example has been modified to demonstrate this |
| functionality: reverse.cc is built into a shared object (.so) file, which is |
| downloaded and opened using an <code>httpfs</code> mount.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Each example now has a single <code>index.html</code> file, instead of multiple HTML |
| files corresponding to NaCl modules built using different toolchains and |
| configurations. By default, most examples are built using one toolchain |
| (newlib) and one configuration (Debug). If you build an example using |
| multiple toolchains or configurations, you can specify which version to run |
| in Chrome using the query parameters <code>tc</code> and <code>config</code>. For example, |
| assuming you are serving an example from the local server localhost:5103, you |
| can run a version of the example built with the glibc toolchain in the |
| Release configuration by specifying the following URL in Chrome: |
| <code>http://localhost:5103/index.html?tc=glibc&config=Release</code>. For additional |
| information about how different NaCl modules are loaded into <code>index.html</code>, |
| see the <code>common.js</code> file in each example.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="build-tools-and-toolchains">Build tools and toolchains</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Common makefiles, including <code>tools/common.mk</code>, can now handle source files |
| located outside of an application’s root directory. For example, a Makefile |
| for an application can specify a source file to compile such as |
| <code>../../some/other/place.cpp</code>.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="pepper-26-29-march-2013">Pepper 26 (29 March 2013)</h2> |
| <p>The Pepper 26 bundle includes a new HTTP filesystem type in the nacl_mounts |
| library (which has been renamed nacl_io), changes to the example Makefiles, a |
| simple new 3D example, and a threaded file IO example.</p> |
| <h3 id="id16">Build tools and toolchains</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li><p class="first">Makefiles have been changed significantly:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Build commands are now specified in a number of common files |
| (<code>tools/*.mk</code>), which are included in the Makefiles in the examples.</li> |
| <li>By default, make displays a simplified list of build steps (e.g., <code>CC |
| newlib/Debug/hello_world_x86_32.o</code>) rather than the actual build commands. |
| To see the actual build commands, run <code>make V=1</code>.</li> |
| <li>By default, most examples are built using one toolchain (newlib) and one |
| configuration (Debug). To build an example using a different toolchain or |
| configuration, run <code>make</code> with the parameters <code>TOOLCHAIN=<x></code> or |
| <code>CONFIG=<y></code>. You can also run make <code>all_versions</code> to build an example |
| with all toolchains.</li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| <li>Header files have been moved out of the toolchains. All toolchains now share |
| the same set of header files as host builds. Previously host and NaCl builds |
| used different headers, which could cause build problems.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id17">Libraries</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The nacl_mounts library has been renamed <strong>nacl_io</strong>, and has been expanded |
| with a new type of mount, httpfs, which can be used to read URLs via HTTP. |
| For details see <code>include/nacl_io/nacl_io.h</code>, as well as the |
| <code>hello_nacl_io</code> example.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id18">Examples</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>A new example, <strong>hello_world_instance3d</strong>, has been added to demonstrate a |
| simplified 3D app.</li> |
| <li>The <strong>file_io</strong> example has been rewritten to do all file operations on a |
| thread. The example demonstrates how to use the MessageLoop API and blocking |
| callbacks on a thread.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="general">General</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Old bundles (<code>pepper_20</code> and earlier) have been removed from the Native |
| Client SDK Manifest, and will no longer be updated by the <code>naclsdk</code> |
| command.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="pepper-25-21-december-2012">Pepper 25 (21 December 2012)</h2> |
| <p>The Pepper 25 bundle features an ARM toolchain to build Native Client modules |
| for ARM devices, two new Pepper APIs (including the MessageLoop API, which lets |
| you make Pepper calls on background threads), two new libraries (nacl_mounts, |
| which provides a virtual file system that you can use with standard C file |
| operations, and ppapi_main, which lets you implement a Native Client module |
| using a simple ppapi_main function), and two new examples that demonstrate how |
| to use the nacl_mounts and ppapi_main libraries.</p> |
| <h3 id="id19">Build tools and toolchains</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li><p class="first">The SDK includes a new toolchain to build Native Client executables (.nexe |
| files) for <strong>ARM devices</strong>.</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Currently the ARM toolchain can only be used to compile modules that use |
| the <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/dynamic-loading.html#c-libraries"><em>newlib C library</em></a>. You cannot use the ARM toolchain |
| to compile modules that use the glibc library.</li> |
| <li>The ARM toolchain is in the directory |
| <code>pepper_25/toolchain/<host>_arm_newlib</code>. The bin subdirectory contains |
| the compiler (<code>arm-nacl-gcc</code>), the linker (<code>arm-nacl-g++</code>), and the |
| other tools in the toolchain.</li> |
| <li>Take a look at the <code>hello_world</code> example to see how to use the ARM |
| toolchain. Go to <code>examples/hello_world</code> and run <code>make</code>. When the build |
| finishes, the newlib/Debug and newlib/Release subdirectories will contain |
| .nexe files for the x86-32, x86-64, and ARM target architecutes, and a |
| Native Client manifest (.nmf file) that references those three .nexe files.</li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| <li>The simple web server included in the SDK, <code>httpd.py</code>, has been moved from |
| the <code>examples/</code> directory to the <code>tools/</code> directory. On Windows, you can |
| run <code>httpd.cmd</code> (in the <code>examples/</code> directory) to start the server.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="ppapi">PPAPI</h3> |
| <p>Pepper 25 includes two new APIs:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The <a class="reference external" href="/native-client/pepper_stable/c/struct_p_p_b___console__1__0">Console API</a> lets your |
| module log messages to the JavaScript console in the Chrome browser.</li> |
| <li>The <a class="reference external" href="/native-client/pepper_stable/cpp/classpp_1_1_message_loop">MessageLoop</a> API lets your |
| module make PPAPI calls on a background thread. Once you’ve created a |
| message loop resource, attached it to a thread, and run it, you can post work |
| to the thread, including completion callbacks for asynchronous operations. |
| For a C++ example of how to use the MessageLoop API, see |
| <code>pepper_25/include/ppapi/utility/threading/simple_thread.h</code>. Note that you |
| cannot make asynchronous PPAPI calls on a background thread without creating |
| and using a message loop.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id20">Libraries</h3> |
| <p>The SDK includes two new libraries:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li><p class="first">The <strong>nacl_mounts</strong> library provides a virtual file system that your module |
| can “mount” in a given directory tree. The file system can be one of several |
| types:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>“memfs” is an in-memory file system,</li> |
| <li>“dev” is a file system with various utility nodes (e.g., <code>/dev/null</code>, |
| <code>/dev/console[0-3]</code>, <code>/dev/tty</code>), and</li> |
| <li>“html5fs” is a persistent file system.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>Once you’ve mounted a file system in your module, you can use standard C |
| library file operations: fopen, fread, fwrite, fseek, and fclose. How those |
| operations are performed depends on the type of file system (e.g., for |
| html5fs, the operations are performed using the Pepper FileIO API). For a |
| list of the types of file systems you can mount, see |
| include/nacl_mounts/nacl_mounts.h. For an example of how to use nacl_mounts, |
| see examples/hello_nacl_mounts. Note that html5fs is subject to the same |
| constraints as persistent <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/coding/file-io.html#devguide-coding-fileio"><em>local file IO</em></a> in |
| Chrome (for example, prior to using an html5fs file system, you must <a class="reference external" href="enabling_file_access">enable |
| local file IO</a>).</p> |
| </li> |
| <li>The <strong>ppapi_main</strong> library simplifies the creation of a NaCl module by |
| providing a familiar C programming environment. With this library, your |
| module can have a simple entry point called ppapi_main(), which is similar to |
| the standard C main() function, complete with argc and argv[] parameters. |
| Your module can also use standard C functions such as printf(), fopen(), and |
| fwrite(). For details see include/ppapi_main/ppapi_main.h. For an example of |
| how to use ppapi_main, see examples/hello_world_stdio.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>Header files for the new libraries are in the <code>include/</code> directory, source |
| files are in the <code>src/</code> directory, and compiled libraries are in the <code>lib/</code> |
| directory.</p> |
| <h3 id="id21">Examples</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li><p class="first">The SDK includes two new examples:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li><strong>hello_nacl_mounts</strong> illustrates how to use standard C library file |
| operations in a Native Client module through the use of the nacl_mounts |
| library.</li> |
| <li><strong>hello_world_stdio</strong> illustrates how to implement a Native Client module |
| with a ppapi_main() function, and how to write to STDOUT and STDERR in a |
| module, through the use of the nacl_mounts and ppapi_main libraries. This |
| example makes it easy for new users to get started with Native Client by |
| letting them start making changes in a familiar C environment.</li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| <li><p class="first">With a few exceptions, the Makefile for each example now builds the following |
| versions of each example:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>glibc toolchain: 32-bit and 64-bit .nexes for the x86 target architecture</li> |
| <li>newlib toolchain: 32-bit and 64-bit .nexes for the x86 target architecture, |
| and ARM .nexe for the ARM architecture</li> |
| <li>pnacl toolchain: .pexe (which is subsequently tranlsated to .nexes for the |
| x86-32, x86-64, and ARM architectures)</li> |
| <li>hosted toolchain: .so or .dll (to be executed as a Pepper plug-in in |
| Chrome)</li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| <li>Additionally, each version is built in both a Debug and a Release |
| configuration.</li> |
| <li>The Makefile for each example includes two new targets: <code>make RUN</code> and |
| <code>make LAUNCH</code>. These targets, which are interchangeable, launch a local |
| server and an instance of Chrome to run an example. When the instance of |
| Chrome is closed, the local server is shut down as well.</li> |
| <li>The hello_world_stdio example includes a simplified Makefile that only lists |
| source dependencies, and invokes the build rules in a separate file |
| (common.mk).</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="pepper-24-5-december-2012">Pepper 24 (5 December 2012)</h2> |
| <p>The Pepper 24 bundle features a new, experimental toolchain called PNaCl (short |
| for “Portable Native Client”), a new library (pthreads-win32) for the Windows |
| SDK, and an expanded list of attributes for Pepper 3D contexts that lets |
| applications specify a GPU preference for low power or performance.</p> |
| <h3 id="id22">Build tools and toolchains</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The SDK includes a new, experimental toolchain called <a class="reference external" href="http://nativeclient.googlecode.com/svn/data/site/pnacl.pdf">PNaCl</a> (pronounced |
| “pinnacle”). The PNaCl toolchain produces architecture-independent executable |
| files (.pexe files). Chrome doesn’t yet support .pexe files directly, but if |
| you want to experiment with this early preview of PNaCl, the toolchain |
| includes a tool to translate .pexe files into architecture-specific .nexe |
| files. Take a look at the <code>hello_world</code> example to see how to build a .pexe |
| file and translate it into multiple .nexe files. Note that PNaCl is currently |
| restricted to the newlib C standard library – if your application uses glibc, |
| you can’t build it with PNaCl.</li> |
| <li>The <code>create_nmf.py</code> script uses ELF headers (rather than file names) to |
| determine the architecture of .nexe files. That means you can change the |
| names of your .nexe files and <code>create_nmf.py</code> will still be able to |
| generate the appropriate Native Client manifest file for your application.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id24">Examples</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The SDK examples now build with four toolchains: the glibc and newlib |
| toolchains, the experimental PNaCl toolchain, and the hosted toolchain on |
| your development machine. Within each toolchain build, each example also |
| builds both a debug and a release version.</li> |
| <li>The example Makefiles use dependency (.d) files to enable incremental builds.</li> |
| <li>The pong example has been cleaned up and modified to run more smoothly. The |
| drawing function is now set up as the Flush() callback, which allows 2D |
| drawing to occur as quickly as possible.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id25">PPAPI</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>When creating a 3D rendering context, the <a class="reference external" href="/native-client/pepper_stable/c/group___enums#ga7df48e1c55f6401beea2a1b9c07967e8">attribute list</a> |
| for the context can specify whether to prefer low power or performance for |
| the GPU. Contexts with a low power preference may be created on an integrated |
| GPU; contexts with a performance preference may be created on a discrete GPU.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="windows-sdk">Windows SDK</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The Windows SDK includes the pthreads-win32 library to assist in porting from |
| win32 code. You can use this library when developing your module as a Pepper |
| plug-in (.dll). See pepper_24/include/win/pthread.h and |
| pepper_24/src/pthread/README for additional information.</li> |
| <li>The update utility naclsdk.bat works when it is run from a path with spaces.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="pepper-23-15-october-2012">Pepper 23 (15 October 2012)</h2> |
| <p>The Pepper 23 bundle includes support for the nacl-gdb debugger on Mac and |
| 32-bit Windows, resources to enable hosted development on Linux, and changes to |
| make the SDK examples compliant with version 2 of the Chrome Web Store manifest |
| file format.</p> |
| <h3 id="tools">Tools</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/debugging.html#using-gdb"><em>nacl-gdb debugger</em></a> now works on all systems (Mac, |
| Windows, and Linux).</li> |
| <li>The output of the SDK update utility has been simplified. When you run the |
| command <code>naclsdk list</code>, the utility displays one line for each available |
| bundle, annotated with an “<code>I</code>” if the bundle is already installed on your |
| system, and a “<code>*</code>” if the bundle has an update available. To see full |
| information about a bundle, use the command <code>naclsdk info <bundle></code> (for |
| example, <code>naclsdk info pepper_28</code>).</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="linux-sdk">Linux SDK</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li><p class="first">Developers using the Linux SDK now have resources, including pre-built |
| libraries and example Makefiles, that make it easier to <strong>build a module as a |
| Pepper plugin</strong> (sometimes called a “trusted” or “in-process” plugin) using |
| the native C/C++ compiler on their development system. In essence this makes |
| developing a Native Client module a two-step process:</p> |
| <ol class="arabic simple"> |
| <li>Build the module into a shared library (.so file) using your system’s |
| C/C++ compiler. Test and debug the .so file using the tools in your normal |
| development environment.</li> |
| <li>Build the module into a .nexe file using the compiler from one of the |
| Native Client toolchains in the SDK (nacl-gcc or nacl-g++). Test and debug |
| the .nexe file using nacl-gdb.</li> |
| </ol> |
| <p>This two step development process has many benefits—in particular, you can |
| use the compilers, debuggers, profilers, and other tools that you’re already |
| familiar with. But there are a few potential issues to keep in mind:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Chrome uses different threading models for trusted plugins and Native |
| Client modules.</li> |
| <li>Certain operations such as platform-specific library calls and system calls |
| may succeed during trusted development, but fail in Native Client.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>Here are the resources you can use to build your module into a Pepper plugin:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>header files are in <code>pepper_23/include</code></li> |
| <li>source files are in <code>pepper_23/src</code></li> |
| <li>pre-built libraries are in <code>pepper_23/lib</code></li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>You can now build and run most of the examples in the SDK as Pepper plugins.</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Look at the example Makefiles or run <code>make</code> in the example directories to |
| see the commands and flags used to build modules as Pepper plugins.</li> |
| <li>Run <code>make LAUNCH</code> in the example directories to see how to use the |
| <code>--register-pepper-plugins</code> argument to load a Pepper plugin in Chrome. |
| Note that you must set the <code>CHROME_PATH</code> environment variable and start a |
| <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/running.html#web-server"><em>local server</em></a> prior to running this command.</li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id26">Examples</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>On Linux and Windows systems, most of the examples now build with three |
| toolchains: the Native Client glibc and newlib toolchains, and the native |
| toolchain on the host system. Modules built with the native toolchain on the |
| host system can only run as Pepper plugins.</li> |
| <li>All examples in the SDK now comply with version 2 of the Chrome Web Store |
| <a class="reference external" href="/extensions/manifest">manifest file format</a>. By default, |
| applications that use version 2 of the manifest file format apply a strict |
| <a class="reference external" href="/extensions/contentSecurityPolicy">content security policy</a>, which |
| includes a restriction against inline JavaScript. This restriction prohibits |
| both inline <code><script></code> blocks and inline event handlers (e.g., <code><button |
| onclick="..."></code>). See <a class="reference external" href="/extensions/manifestVersion">Manifest Version</a> for |
| a list of changes between version 1 and version 2 of the manifest file |
| format, and a support schedule for applications that use version 1.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id27">PPAPI</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li><a class="reference external" href="/native-client/pepper_stable/c/group___enums#ga21b811ac0484a214a8751aa3e1c959d9">PP_InputEvent_Modifier</a> |
| has two new enum values (_ISLEFT and _ISRIGHT).</li> |
| <li>The memory leak in the <a class="reference external" href="/native-client/pepper_stable/c/struct_p_p_b___web_socket__1__0">WebSocket</a> API has |
| been fixed.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="pepper-22-22-august-2012">Pepper 22 (22 August 2012)</h2> |
| <p>The Pepper 22 bundle includes a <strong>command-line debugger</strong>, resources to enable |
| <strong>hosted development on Windows</strong>, and changes to the example Makefiles (each |
| example now builds both a debug and a release version).</p> |
| <h3 id="id28">Tools</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The SDK now includes a <strong>command-line debugger</strong> that you can use to debug |
| Native Client modules. See <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/debugging.html#devcycle-debugging"><em>Debugging with nacl-gdb</em></a> for instructions on how to use this debugger. For now, |
| nacl-gdb only works on 64-bit Windows, 64-bit Linux, and 32-bit Linux |
| systems. Support for Mac and 32-bit Windows systems will be added soon.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id29">Windows SDK</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li><p class="first">Developers using the Windows SDK can now <strong>build a module as a Pepper |
| plugin</strong> (sometimes called a “trusted” or “in-process” plugin) using the |
| native C/C++ compiler on their development system. In essence this makes |
| developing a Native Client module a two-step process:</p> |
| <ol class="arabic simple"> |
| <li>Build the module into a DLL using your system’s C/C++ compiler. Test and |
| debug the DLL using the tools in your normal development environment.</li> |
| <li>Build the module into a .nexe using the compiler from one of the Native |
| Client toolchains in the SDK (nacl-gcc or nacl-g++). Test and debug the |
| .nexe using nacl-gdb.</li> |
| </ol> |
| <p>This two step development process has many benefits—in particular, you can |
| use the compilers, debuggers, profilers, and other tools that you’re already |
| familiar with. But there are a few potential issues to keep in mind:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Some libraries that are commonly used with Native Client may not build |
| easily on Windows.</li> |
| <li>You may need to put in extra effort to get source code to compile with |
| multiple compilers, e.g., Microsoft Visual Studio and GCC.</li> |
| <li>Chrome uses different threading models for trusted plugins and Native |
| Client modules.</li> |
| <li>Certain operations such as platform-specific library calls and system calls |
| may succeed during trusted development, but fail in Native Client.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>Here are the resources you can use to build your module into a DLL:</p> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>header files are in <code>pepper_22\include</code></li> |
| <li>source files are in <code>pepper_22\src</code></li> |
| <li>pre-built libraries are in <code>pepper_22\lib</code></li> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| <li>A Visual Studio add-in will be available in the near future with |
| configurations that include platforms for both Pepper plugins and NaCl |
| modules.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <aside class="note"> |
| <strong>Note:</strong> It’s also possible to build a module as a trusted plugin on Mac and |
| Linux systems, but doing so requires more work because the SDK does not yet |
| include the above resources (library source files and pre-built libraries) |
| for Mac and Linux systems. To build and debug a trusted plugin on Mac and |
| Linux systems, you need to <a class="reference external" href="http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/get-the-code">get the Chromium code</a> and then follow |
| the <a class="reference external" href="http://www.chromium.org/nativeclient/how-tos/debugging-documentation/debugging-a-trusted-plugin/trusted-debugging-on-mac">Mac instructions</a> |
| or <a class="reference external" href="http://www.chromium.org/nativeclient/how-tos/debugging-documentation/debugging-a-trusted-plugin/debugging-a-trusted-plugin-on-linux">Linux instructions</a>. |
| In the future, the SDK will include resources for hosted development on Mac |
| and Linux as well as Windows. |
| </aside> |
| <h3 id="id30">Examples</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>Each example in the SDK now builds both a debug and a release version. As |
| before, most examples also build newlib and glibc versions, which means that |
| there are now four versions for each example. Take a look at the Makefiles in |
| the examples to see the compiler flags that are used for debug and release |
| versions. For a description of those flags, see <a class="reference internal" href="/native-client/devguide/devcycle/building.html#compile-flags"><em>Compile flags for |
| different development scenarios</em></a>.</li> |
| <li>Comments have been added to common.js, which is used in all the examples. The |
| JavaScript in common.js inserts an <embed> element that loads the NaCl module |
| in each example’s web page, attaches event listeners to monitor the loading |
| of the module, and implements handleMessage() to respond to messages sent |
| from the NaCl module to the JavaScript side of the application</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="id31">PPAPI</h3> |
| <ul class="small-gap"> |
| <li>The <code>CompletionCallbackFactory</code> class template now takes a thread traits |
| class as its second parameter. For details see the <a class="reference external" href="/native-client/pepper_stable/cpp/classpp_1_1_completion_callback_factory#details">CompletionCallbackFactory |
| class template reference</a>.</li> |
| </ul> |
| </section> |
| |
| {{/partials.standard_nacl_article}} |