blob: a20b8d3ed9d996cc0cb8d0c1b783912dfcf8f69b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Various custom data types for use throughout the unexpected pass finder."""
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import copy
import fnmatch
import logging
import six
# Allow different unexpected pass finder implementations to register custom
# data types if necessary. These are set to the base versions at the end of the
# file.
Expectation = None
Result = None
BuildStats = None
TestExpectationMap = None
def SetExpectationImplementation(impl):
global Expectation
assert issubclass(impl, BaseExpectation)
Expectation = impl
def SetResultImplementation(impl):
global Result
assert issubclass(impl, BaseResult)
Result = impl
def SetBuildStatsImplementation(impl):
global BuildStats
assert issubclass(impl, BaseBuildStats)
BuildStats = impl
def SetTestExpectationMapImplementation(impl):
global TestExpectationMap
assert issubclass(impl, BaseTestExpectationMap)
TestExpectationMap = impl
class BaseExpectation(object):
"""Container for a test expectation.
Similar to typ's expectations_parser.Expectation class, but with unnecessary
data stripped out and made hashable.
The data contained in an Expectation is equivalent to a single line in an
expectation file.
def __init__(self, test, tags, expected_results, bug=None):
self.test = test
self.tags = frozenset(tags)
self.bug = bug or ''
if isinstance(expected_results, str):
self.expected_results = frozenset([expected_results])
self.expected_results = frozenset(expected_results)
# We're going to be making a lot of comparisons, and fnmatch is *much*
# slower (~40x from rough testing) than a straight comparison, so only use
# it if necessary.
if '*' in test:
self._comp = self._CompareWildcard
self._comp = self._CompareNonWildcard
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, BaseExpectation) and self.test == other.test
and self.tags == other.tags
and self.expected_results == other.expected_results
and self.bug == other.bug)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.test, self.tags, self.expected_results, self.bug))
def _CompareWildcard(self, result_test_name):
return fnmatch.fnmatch(result_test_name, self.test)
def _CompareNonWildcard(self, result_test_name):
return result_test_name == self.test
def AppliesToResult(self, result):
"""Checks whether this expectation should have applied to |result|.
An expectation applies to a result if the test names match (including
wildcard expansion) and the expectation's tags are a subset of the result's
result: A Result instance to check against.
True if |self| applies to |result|, otherwise False.
assert isinstance(result, BaseResult)
return (self._comp(result.test) and self.tags <= result.tags)
def MaybeAppliesToTest(self, test_name):
"""Similar to AppliesToResult, but used to do initial filtering.
test_name: A string containing the name of a test.
True if |self| could apply to a test named |test_name|, otherwise False.
return self._comp(test_name)
class BaseResult(object):
"""Container for a test result.
Contains the minimal amount of data necessary to describe/identify a result
from ResultDB for the purposes of the unexpected pass finder.
def __init__(self, test, tags, actual_result, step, build_id):
test: A string containing the name of the test.
tags: An iterable containing the typ tags for the result.
actual_result: The actual result of the test as a string.
step: A string containing the name of the step on the builder.
build_id: A string containing the Buildbucket ID for the build this result
came from.
self.test = test
self.tags = frozenset(tags)
self.actual_result = actual_result
self.step = step
self.build_id = build_id
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, BaseResult) and self.test == other.test
and self.tags == other.tags
and self.actual_result == other.actual_result
and self.step == other.step and self.build_id == other.build_id)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
(self.test, self.tags, self.actual_result, self.step, self.build_id))
class BaseBuildStats(object):
"""Container for keeping track of a builder's pass/fail stats."""
def __init__(self):
self.passed_builds = 0
self.total_builds = 0
self.failure_links = frozenset()
def failed_builds(self):
return self.total_builds - self.passed_builds
def did_fully_pass(self):
return self.passed_builds == self.total_builds
def did_never_pass(self):
return self.failed_builds == self.total_builds
def AddPassedBuild(self):
self.passed_builds += 1
self.total_builds += 1
def AddFailedBuild(self, build_id):
self.total_builds += 1
build_link = BuildLinkFromBuildId(build_id)
self.failure_links = frozenset([build_link]) | self.failure_links
def GetStatsAsString(self):
return '(%d/%d passed)' % (self.passed_builds, self.total_builds)
def NeverNeededExpectation(self, expectation): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
"""Returns whether the results tallied in |self| never needed |expectation|.
expectation: An Expectation object that |stats| is located under.
True if all the results tallied in |self| would have passed without
|expectation| being present. Otherwise, False.
return self.did_fully_pass
def AlwaysNeededExpectation(self, expectation): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
"""Returns whether the results tallied in |self| always needed |expectation.
expectation: An Expectation object that |stats| is located under.
True if all the results tallied in |self| would have failed without
|expectation| being present. Otherwise, False.
return self.did_never_pass
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, BuildStats)
and self.passed_builds == other.passed_builds
and self.total_builds == other.total_builds
and self.failure_links == other.failure_links)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def BuildLinkFromBuildId(build_id):
return '' % build_id
# These explicit overrides could likely be replaced by using regular dicts with
# type hinting in Python 3. Based on, this
# should cover all cases where the dict can be modified.
class BaseTypedMap(dict):
"""A base class for typed dictionaries.
Any child classes that override __setitem__ will have any modifications to the
dictionary go through the type checking in __setitem__.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=super-init-not-called
self.update(*args, **kwargs)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
assert len(args) == 1
other = dict(args[0])
for k, v in other.items():
self[k] = v
for k, v in kwargs.items():
self[k] = v
def setdefault(self, key, value=None):
if key not in self:
self[key] = value
return self[key]
def _value_type(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def IterToValueType(self, value_type):
"""Recursively iterates over contents until |value_type| is found.
Used to get rid of nested loops, instead using a single loop that
automatically iterates through all the contents at a certain depth.
value_type: The type to recurse to and then iterate over. For example,
"BuilderStepMap" would result in iterating over the BuilderStepMap
values, meaning that the returned generator would create tuples in the
form (test_name, expectation, builder_map).
A generator that yields tuples. The length and content of the tuples will
vary depending on |value_type|. For example, using "BuilderStepMap" would
result in tuples of the form (test_name, expectation, builder_map), while
"BuildStats" would result in (test_name, expectation, builder_name,
step_name, build_stats).
if self._value_type() == value_type:
for k, v in self.items():
yield k, v
for k, v in self.items():
for nested_value in v.IterToValueType(value_type):
yield (k, ) + nested_value
def Merge(self, other_map, reference_map=None):
"""Merges |other_map| into self.
other_map: A BaseTypedMap whose contents will be merged into self.
reference_map: A dict containing the information that was originally in
self. Used for ensuring that a single expectation/builder/step
combination is only ever updated once. If None, a copy of self will be
assert isinstance(other_map, self.__class__)
# We should only ever encounter a single updated BuildStats for an
# expectation/builder/step combination. Use the reference map to determine
# if a particular BuildStats has already been updated or not.
reference_map = reference_map or copy.deepcopy(self)
for key, value in other_map.items():
if key not in self:
self[key] = value
if isinstance(value, dict):
self[key].Merge(value, reference_map.get(key, {}))
assert isinstance(value, BuildStats)
# Ensure we haven't updated this BuildStats already. If the reference
# map doesn't have a corresponding BuildStats, then base_map shouldn't
# have initially either, and thus it would have been added before
# reaching this point. Otherwise, the two values must match, meaning
# that base_map's BuildStats hasn't been updated yet.
reference_stats = reference_map.get(key, None)
assert reference_stats is not None
assert reference_stats == self[key]
self[key] = value
class BaseTestExpectationMap(BaseTypedMap):
"""Typed map for string types -> ExpectationBuilderMap.
This results in a dict in the following format:
expectation_file1 (str): {
expectation1 (data_types.Expectation): {
builder_name1 (str): {
step_name1 (str): stats1 (data_types.BuildStats),
step_name2 (str): stats2 (data_types.BuildStats),
builder_name2 (str): { ... },
expectation2 (data_types.Expectation): { ... },
expectation_file2 (str): { ... },
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
assert IsStringType(key)
assert isinstance(value, ExpectationBuilderMap)
super(BaseTestExpectationMap, self).__setitem__(key, value)
def _value_type(self):
return ExpectationBuilderMap
def IterBuilderStepMaps(self):
"""Iterates over all BuilderStepMaps contained in the map.
A generator yielding tuples in the form (expectation_file (str),
expectation (Expectation), builder_map (BuilderStepMap))
return self.IterToValueType(BuilderStepMap)
def AddResultList(self, builder, results, expectation_files=None):
"""Adds |results| to |self|.
builder: A string containing the builder |results| came from. Should be
prefixed with something to distinguish between identically named CI
and try builders.
results: A list of data_types.Result objects corresponding to the ResultDB
data queried for |builder|.
expectation_files: An iterable of expectation file names that these
results could possibly apply to. If None, then expectations from all
known expectation files will be used.
A list of data_types.Result objects who did not have a matching
expectation in |self|.
failure_results = set()
pass_results = set()
unmatched_results = []
for r in results:
if r.actual_result == 'Pass':
# Remove any cases of failure -> pass from the passing set. If a test is
# flaky, we get both pass and failure results for it, so we need to remove
# the any cases of a pass result having a corresponding, earlier failure
# result.
modified_failing_retry_results = set()
for r in failure_results:
Result(r.test, r.tags, 'Pass', r.step, r.build_id))
pass_results -= modified_failing_retry_results
# Group identically named results together so we reduce the number of
# comparisons we have to make.
all_results = pass_results | failure_results
grouped_results = collections.defaultdict(list)
for r in all_results:
matched_results = self._AddGroupedResults(grouped_results, builder,
unmatched_results = list(all_results - matched_results)
return unmatched_results
def _AddGroupedResults(self, grouped_results, builder, expectation_files):
"""Adds all results in |grouped_results| to |self|.
grouped_results: A dict mapping test name (str) to a list of
data_types.Result objects for that test.
builder: A string containing the name of the builder |grouped_results|
came from.
expectation_files: An iterable of expectation file names that these
results could possibly apply to. If None, then expectations from all
known expectation files will be used.
A set of data_types.Result objects that had at least one matching
matched_results = set()
for test_name, result_list in grouped_results.items():
for ef, expectation_map in self.items():
if expectation_files is not None and ef not in expectation_files:
for expectation, builder_map in expectation_map.items():
if not expectation.MaybeAppliesToTest(test_name):
for r in result_list:
if expectation.AppliesToResult(r):
step_map = builder_map.setdefault(builder, StepBuildStatsMap())
stats = step_map.setdefault(r.step, BuildStats())
self._AddSingleResult(r, stats)
return matched_results
def _AddSingleResult(self, result, stats):
"""Adds |result| to |self|.
result: A data_types.Result object to add.
stats: A data_types.BuildStats object to add the result to.
if result.actual_result == 'Pass':
def SplitByStaleness(self):
"""Separates stored data based on expectation staleness.
Three TestExpectationMaps (stale_dict, semi_stale_dict, active_dict). All
three combined contain the information of |self|. |stale_dict| contains
entries for expectations that are no longer being helpful,
|semi_stale_dict| contains entries for expectations that might be
removable or modifiable, but have at least one failed test run.
|active_dict| contains entries for expectations that are preventing
failures on all builders they're active on, and thus shouldn't be removed.
stale_dict = TestExpectationMap()
semi_stale_dict = TestExpectationMap()
active_dict = TestExpectationMap()
# This initially looks like a good target for using
# TestExpectationMap's iterators since there are many nested loops.
# However, we need to reset state in different loops, and the alternative of
# keeping all the state outside the loop and resetting under certain
# conditions ends up being less readable than just using nested loops.
for expectation_file, expectation_map in self.items():
for expectation, builder_map in expectation_map.items():
# A temporary map to hold data so we can later determine whether an
# expectation is stale, semi-stale, or active.
tmp_map = {
FULL_PASS: BuilderStepMap(),
NEVER_PASS: BuilderStepMap(),
PARTIAL_PASS: BuilderStepMap(),
split_stats_map = builder_map.SplitBuildStatsByPass(expectation)
for builder_name, (fully_passed, never_passed,
partially_passed) in split_stats_map.items():
if fully_passed:
tmp_map[FULL_PASS][builder_name] = fully_passed
if never_passed:
tmp_map[NEVER_PASS][builder_name] = never_passed
if partially_passed:
tmp_map[PARTIAL_PASS][builder_name] = partially_passed
def _CopyPassesIntoBuilderMap(builder_map, pass_types):
for pt in pass_types:
for builder, steps in tmp_map[pt].items():
builder_map.setdefault(builder, StepBuildStatsMap()).update(steps)
# Handle the case of a stale expectation.
if not (tmp_map[NEVER_PASS] or tmp_map[PARTIAL_PASS]):
builder_map = stale_dict.setdefault(
ExpectationBuilderMap()).setdefault(expectation, BuilderStepMap())
_CopyPassesIntoBuilderMap(builder_map, [FULL_PASS])
# Handle the case of an active expectation.
elif not tmp_map[FULL_PASS]:
builder_map = active_dict.setdefault(
ExpectationBuilderMap()).setdefault(expectation, BuilderStepMap())
_CopyPassesIntoBuilderMap(builder_map, [NEVER_PASS, PARTIAL_PASS])
# Handle the case of a semi-stale expectation.
# TODO( Sort by pass percentage so it's easier to
# find problematic builders without highlighting.
builder_map = semi_stale_dict.setdefault(
ExpectationBuilderMap()).setdefault(expectation, BuilderStepMap())
return stale_dict, semi_stale_dict, active_dict
def FilterOutUnusedExpectations(self):
"""Filters out any unused Expectations from stored data.
An Expectation is considered unused if its corresponding dictionary is
empty. If removing Expectations results in a top-level test key having an
empty dictionary, that test entry will also be removed.
A dict from expectation file name (str) to set of unused expectations
(str) from that file.
"""'Filtering out unused expectations')
unused = collections.defaultdict(list)
unused_count = 0
for (expectation_file, expectation,
builder_map) in self.IterBuilderStepMaps():
if not builder_map:
unused_count += 1
for expectation_file, expectations in unused.items():
for e in expectations:
del self[expectation_file][e]
logging.debug('Found %d unused expectations', unused_count)
empty_files = []
for expectation_file, expectation_map in self.items():
if not expectation_map:
for empty in empty_files:
del self[empty]
logging.debug('Found %d empty files: %s', len(empty_files), empty_files)
return unused
class ExpectationBuilderMap(BaseTypedMap):
"""Typed map for Expectation -> BuilderStepMap."""
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
assert isinstance(key, BaseExpectation)
assert isinstance(value, self._value_type())
super(ExpectationBuilderMap, self).__setitem__(key, value)
def _value_type(self):
return BuilderStepMap
class BuilderStepMap(BaseTypedMap):
"""Typed map for string types -> StepBuildStatsMap."""
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
assert IsStringType(key)
assert isinstance(value, self._value_type())
super(BuilderStepMap, self).__setitem__(key, value)
def _value_type(self):
return StepBuildStatsMap
def SplitBuildStatsByPass(self, expectation):
"""Splits the underlying BuildStats data by passing-ness.
expectation: The Expectation that this BuilderStepMap is located under.
A dict mapping builder name to a tuple (fully_passed, never_passed,
partially_passed). Each *_passed is a StepBuildStatsMap containing data
for the steps that either fully passed on all builds, never passed on any
builds, or passed some of the time.
retval = {}
for builder_name, step_map in self.items():
fully_passed = StepBuildStatsMap()
never_passed = StepBuildStatsMap()
partially_passed = StepBuildStatsMap()
for step_name, stats in step_map.items():
if stats.NeverNeededExpectation(expectation):
assert step_name not in fully_passed
fully_passed[step_name] = stats
elif stats.AlwaysNeededExpectation(expectation):
assert step_name not in never_passed
never_passed[step_name] = stats
assert step_name not in partially_passed
partially_passed[step_name] = stats
retval[builder_name] = (fully_passed, never_passed, partially_passed)
return retval
def IterBuildStats(self):
"""Iterates over all BuildStats contained in the map.
A generator yielding tuples in the form (builder_name (str), step_name
(str), build_stats (BuildStats)).
return self.IterToValueType(BuildStats)
class StepBuildStatsMap(BaseTypedMap):
"""Typed map for string types -> BuildStats"""
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
assert IsStringType(key)
assert isinstance(value, self._value_type())
super(StepBuildStatsMap, self).__setitem__(key, value)
def _value_type(self):
return BuildStats
def IsStringType(s):
return isinstance(s, six.string_types)
Expectation = BaseExpectation
Result = BaseResult
BuildStats = BaseBuildStats
TestExpectationMap = BaseTestExpectationMap