blob: bb66bbdcf23e5bb95fe3064398af629990292dcf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "ash/app_list/app_list_export.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace app_list {
class AppsGridView;
class AppListItemView;
struct GridIndex;
// The structure of app list item views in root apps grid view.
class APP_LIST_EXPORT PagedViewStructure {
using Page = std::vector<AppListItemView*>;
using Pages = std::vector<Page>;
explicit PagedViewStructure(AppsGridView* apps_grid_view);
PagedViewStructure(const PagedViewStructure& other);
// Loads the view structure based on the position and page position in the
// metadata of item views in the view model.
void LoadFromMetadata();
// Saves page position change of each item view to metadata of item views
// in the view model.
void SaveToMetadata();
// Operations allowed to modify the view structure. Populates overflowing item
// views to next page if |clear_overflow| is true. Clears empty pages if
// |clear_empty_pages| is true. Both are true by default.
void Move(AppListItemView* view,
const GridIndex& target_index,
bool clear_overflow = true,
bool clear_empty_pages = true);
void Remove(AppListItemView* view,
bool clear_overflow = true,
bool clear_empty_pages = true);
void Add(AppListItemView* view,
const GridIndex& target_index,
bool clear_overflow = true,
bool clear_empty_pages = true);
// Convert between the model index and the visual index. The model index
// is the index of the item in AppListModel (Also the same index in
// AppListItemList). The visual index is the GridIndex struct above with
// page/slot info of where to display the item.
GridIndex GetIndexFromModelIndex(int model_index) const;
int GetModelIndexFromIndex(const GridIndex& index) const;
// Returns the last possible visual index to add an item view.
GridIndex GetLastTargetIndex() const;
// Returns the last possible visual index to add an item view in the specified
// page, used only for drag reordering.
GridIndex GetLastTargetIndexOfPage(int page_index) const;
// Returns the target model index if moving the item view to specified target
// visual index.
int GetTargetModelIndexForMove(AppListItemView* moved_view,
const GridIndex& index) const;
// Returns the target item index if moving the item view to specified target
// visual index.
int GetTargetItemIndexForMove(AppListItemView* moved_view,
const GridIndex& index) const;
// Returns true if the visual index is valid position to which an item view
// can be moved.
bool IsValidReorderTargetIndex(const GridIndex& index) const;
// Adds a page break at the end of |pages_|.
void AppendPage();
// Returns true if the page has no empty slot.
bool IsFullPage(int page_index) const;
// Returns total number of pages in the view structure.
int total_pages() const { return pages_.size(); }
// Returns total number of item views in the specified page.
int items_on_page(int page_index) const {
DCHECK_LT(page_index, total_pages());
return pages_[page_index].size();
const Pages& pages() const { return pages_; }
// Clear overflowing item views by moving them to the next page. Returns true
// if view structure is changed.
bool ClearOverflow();
// Removes empty page. Returns true if view structure is changed.
bool ClearEmptyPages();
// Represents the item views' locations in each page.
Pages pages_;
AppsGridView* const apps_grid_view_; // Not owned.
} // namespace app_list