blob: 924534a2c713869a555bd5e8f78e9433e5711a1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "components/cronet/cronet_upload_data_stream.h"
#include "components/cronet/cronet_url_request.h"
#include "components/cronet/cronet_url_request_context.h"
#include "components/cronet/native/generated/cronet.idl_impl_interface.h"
namespace cronet {
class Cronet_UrlRequestImpl;
class Cronet_BufferWithIOBuffer;
// Implementation of Cronet_UploadDataSink that uses CronetUploadDataStream.
// Always accessed on client executor.
class Cronet_UploadDataSinkImpl : public Cronet_UploadDataSink {
Cronet_UploadDataSinkImpl(Cronet_UrlRequestImpl* url_request,
Cronet_UploadDataProvider* upload_data_provider,
Cronet_Executor* upload_data_provider_executor);
~Cronet_UploadDataSinkImpl() override;
// Initialize length and attach upload to request. Called on client thread.
void InitRequest(CronetURLRequest* request);
// Mark stream as closed and post |Close()| callback to consumer.
void PostCloseToExecutor();
class NetworkTasks;
// Cronet_UploadDataSink
void OnReadSucceeded(uint64_t bytes_read, bool final_chunk) override;
void OnReadError(Cronet_String error_message) override;
void OnRewindSucceeded() override;
void OnRewindError(Cronet_String error_message) override;
// CronetUploadDataStream::Delegate methods posted from the network thread.
void InitializeUploadDataStream(
base::WeakPtr<CronetUploadDataStream> upload_data_stream,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> network_task_runner);
void Read(net::IOBuffer* buffer, int buf_len);
void Rewind();
void Close();
void CheckState(UserCallback expected_state);
// Cronet objects not owned by |this| and accessed on client thread.
// The request, which owns |this|.
Cronet_UrlRequestImpl* const url_request_ = nullptr;
// Executor for provider callback, used, but not owned, by |this|. Always
// outlives |this| callback.
Cronet_ExecutorPtr const upload_data_provider_executor_ = nullptr;
// These are initialized in InitializeUploadDataStream(), so are safe to
// access during client callbacks, which all happen after initialization.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> network_task_runner_;
base::WeakPtr<CronetUploadDataStream> upload_data_stream_;
bool is_chunked_ = false;
uint64_t length_ = 0;
uint64_t remaining_length_ = 0;
// Synchronize access to |buffer_| and other objects below from different
// threads.
base::Lock lock_;
// Data provider callback interface, used, but not owned, by |this|.
// Set to nullptr when data provider is closed.
Cronet_UploadDataProviderPtr upload_data_provider_ = nullptr;
UserCallback in_which_user_callback_ = NOT_IN_CALLBACK;
// Close data provider once it returns from the callback.
bool close_when_not_in_callback_ = false;
// Keeps the net::IOBuffer and Cronet ByteBuffer alive until the next Read().
std::unique_ptr<Cronet_BufferWithIOBuffer> buffer_;
} // namespace cronet