blob: 298d7064bfab172694230992b8be272d051c575c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "components/infobars/core/infobar_container.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
namespace gfx {
class SlideAnimation;
@protocol InfobarContainerStateDelegate;
// iOS implementation of InfoBarContainer::Delegate. Most of the method
// implementations are no-ops, since the iOS UI should not be driven or managed
// by the cross-platform infobar code.
class InfoBarContainerDelegateIOS
: public infobars::InfoBarContainer::Delegate {
explicit InfoBarContainerDelegateIOS(
id<InfobarContainerStateDelegate> delegate)
: delegate_(delegate) {}
~InfoBarContainerDelegateIOS() override {}
// Calling this method on iOS is a programming error.
SkColor GetInfoBarSeparatorColor() const override;
// This method always returns 0 on iOS.
int ArrowTargetHeightForInfoBar(
size_t index,
const gfx::SlideAnimation& animation) const override;
// This always sets |arrow_height| and |arrow_half_width| to zero, and
// interpolates |bar_height| between zero and |bar_target_height| according
// to |animation|.
// It is a programming error to pass -1 in as the |bar_target_height| on iOS,
// signalling that the default infobar height should be used (there is no such
// default on iOS).
void ComputeInfoBarElementSizes(const gfx::SlideAnimation& animation,
int arrow_target_height,
int bar_target_height,
int* arrow_height,
int* arrow_half_width,
int* bar_height) const override;
// Informs |delegate_| that the container state has changed.
void InfoBarContainerStateChanged(bool is_animating) override;
// This method always returns false on iOS.
bool DrawInfoBarArrows(int* x) const override;
__weak id<InfobarContainerStateDelegate> delegate_;