blob: 81f91ac1e1ce3024b5fba5995575d9a4b11d6dfa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "printing/print_job_constants.h"
#include <limits>
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace printing {
// True if this is the first preview request.
const char kIsFirstRequest[] = "isFirstRequest";
// Unique ID sent along every preview request.
const char kPreviewRequestID[] = "requestID";
// Unique ID to identify a print preview UI.
const char kPreviewUIID[] = "previewUIID";
// If true, tell the printer to print without margins.
const char kSettingBorderless[] = "borderless";
// Capabilities option. Contains the capabilities in CDD format.
const char kSettingCapabilities[] = "capabilities";
// Print job setting 'collate'.
const char kSettingCollate[] = "collate";
// Print out color. Value is an int from ColorModel enum.
const char kSettingColor[] = "color";
// Default to color on or not.
const char kSettingSetColorAsDefault[] = "setColorAsDefault";
// Key that specifies the height of the content area of the page.
const char kSettingContentHeight[] = "contentHeight";
// Key that specifies the width of the content area of the page.
const char kSettingContentWidth[] = "contentWidth";
// Number of copies.
const char kSettingCopies[] = "copies";
// Device name: Unique printer identifier.
const char kSettingDeviceName[] = "deviceName";
// Option to disable scaling. True if scaling is disabled else false.
const char kSettingDisableScaling[] = "disableScaling";
// Default DPI
const char kSettingDpiDefault[] = "dpiDefault";
// Horizontal DPI
const char kSettingDpiHorizontal[] = "dpiHorizontal";
// Vertical DPI
const char kSettingDpiVertical[] = "dpiVertical";
// Print job duplex mode. Value is an int from DuplexMode enum.
const char kSettingDuplexMode[] = "duplex";
// Option to print headers and Footers: true if selected, false if not.
const char kSettingHeaderFooterEnabled[] = "headerFooterEnabled";
// Interstice or gap between different header footer components. Hardcoded to
// about 0.5cm, match the value in PrintSettings::SetPrinterPrintableArea.
const float kSettingHeaderFooterInterstice = 14.2f;
// Key that specifies the date of the page that will be printed in the headers
// and footers.
const char kSettingHeaderFooterDate[] = "date";
// Key that specifies the title of the page that will be printed in the headers
// and footers.
const char kSettingHeaderFooterTitle[] = "title";
// Key that specifies the URL of the page that will be printed in the headers
// and footers.
const char kSettingHeaderFooterURL[] = "url";
// Page orientation: true for landscape, false for portrait.
const char kSettingLandscape[] = "landscape";
// Key that specifies the requested media size.
const char kSettingMediaSize[] = "mediaSize";
// Key that specifies the requested media height in microns.
const char kSettingMediaSizeHeightMicrons[] = "height_microns";
// Key that specifies the requested media width in microns.
const char kSettingMediaSizeWidthMicrons[] = "width_microns";
// Key that specifies the left side of the bounding box for the requested
// media's printable area.
const char kSettingsImageableAreaLeftMicrons[] = "imageable_area_left_microns";
// Key that specifies the bottom side of the bounding box for the requested
// media's printable area.
const char kSettingsImageableAreaBottomMicrons[] =
// Key that specifies the right side of the bounding box for the requested
// media's printable area.
const char kSettingsImageableAreaRightMicrons[] =
// Key that specifies the top side of the bounding box for the requested
// media's printable area.
const char kSettingsImageableAreaTopMicrons[] = "imageable_area_top_microns";
// Key that specifies the requested media platform specific vendor id.
const char kSettingMediaSizeVendorId[] = "vendor_id";
// Key that specifies whether the requested media is a default one.
const char kSettingMediaSizeIsDefault[] = "is_default";
// Key that specifies the requested media type (plain, photo paper, etc.)
const char kSettingMediaType[] = "mediaType";
// Key that specifies the bottom margin of the page.
const char kSettingMarginBottom[] = "marginBottom";
// Key that specifies the left margin of the page.
const char kSettingMarginLeft[] = "marginLeft";
// Key that specifies the right margin of the page.
const char kSettingMarginRight[] = "marginRight";
// Key that specifies the top margin of the page.
const char kSettingMarginTop[] = "marginTop";
// Key that specifies the dictionary of custom margins as set by the user.
const char kSettingMarginsCustom[] = "marginsCustom";
// Key that specifies the type of margins to use. Value is an int from the
// MarginType enum.
const char kSettingMarginsType[] = "marginsType";
// Number of pages to print.
const char kSettingPreviewPageCount[] = "pageCount";
// A page range.
const char kSettingPageRange[] = "pageRange";
// The first page of a page range. (1-based)
const char kSettingPageRangeFrom[] = "from";
// The last page of a page range. (1-based)
const char kSettingPageRangeTo[] = "to";
// Page size of document to print.
const char kSettingPageWidth[] = "pageWidth";
const char kSettingPageHeight[] = "pageHeight";
// PIN code entered by the user.
const char kSettingPinValue[] = "pinValue";
// Policies affecting printing destination.
const char kSettingPolicies[] = "policies";
// Whether the source page content is from ARC or not.
const char kSettingPreviewIsFromArc[] = "previewIsFromArc";
// Whether the source page content is modifiable. True for web content.
// i.e. Anything from Blink. False for everything else. e.g. PDF/Flash.
const char kSettingPreviewModifiable[] = "previewModifiable";
// Keys that specifies the printable area details.
const char kSettingPrintableAreaX[] = "printableAreaX";
const char kSettingPrintableAreaY[] = "printableAreaY";
const char kSettingPrintableAreaWidth[] = "printableAreaWidth";
const char kSettingPrintableAreaHeight[] = "printableAreaHeight";
// Printer description.
const char kSettingPrinterDescription[] = "printerDescription";
// Printer name.
const char kSettingPrinterName[] = "printerName";
// Additional printer options.
const char kSettingPrinterOptions[] = "printerOptions";
// The printer type is an enum PrinterType.
const char kSettingPrinterType[] = "printerType";
// Print to Google Drive option: true if selected, false if not.
const char kSettingPrintToGoogleDrive[] = "printToGoogleDrive";
// Scaling factor
const char kSettingScaleFactor[] = "scaleFactor";
// Scaling type
const char kSettingScalingType[] = "scalingType";
// Number of pages per sheet.
const char kSettingPagesPerSheet[] = "pagesPerSheet";
// Whether to rasterize the PDF for printing.
const char kSettingRasterizePdf[] = "rasterizePDF";
// The DPI override to use when rasterize the PDF for printing.
const char kSettingRasterizePdfDpi[] = "rasterizePdfDpi";
// Ticket option. Contains the ticket in CJT format.
const char kSettingTicket[] = "ticket";
// Whether to sent user info to the printer.
const char kSettingSendUserInfo[] = "sendUserInfo";
// Whether to print CSS backgrounds.
const char kSettingShouldPrintBackgrounds[] = "shouldPrintBackgrounds";
// Whether to print selection only.
const char kSettingShouldPrintSelectionOnly[] = "shouldPrintSelectionOnly";
// Whether to print using the system dialog.
const char kSettingShowSystemDialog[] = "showSystemDialog";
// Username to be sent to printer.
const char kSettingUsername[] = "username";
// Advanced settings items.
const char kSettingAdvancedSettings[] = "advancedSettings";
// Indices used to represent first preview page and complete preview document.
const int FIRST_PAGE_INDEX = 0;
// Whether to show PDF in view provided by OS. Implemented for MacOS only.
const char kSettingOpenPDFInPreview[] = "openPDFInPreview";
const uint32_t kInvalidPageIndex = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
const uint32_t kMaxPageCount = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
// If set, contains OAuth token that must be used during communication with the
// printer.
const char kSettingChromeOSAccessOAuthToken[] = "chromeos-access-oauth-token";
// These correspond to IPP 'client-info' attribute and member attributes. If
// set, 'client-info' will be sent in the IPP print job.
const char kSettingIppClientInfo[] = "ipp-client-info";
const char kSettingIppClientName[] = "ipp-client-name";
const char kSettingIppClientPatches[] = "ipp-client-patches";
const char kSettingIppClientStringVersion[] = "ipp-client-string-version";
const char kSettingIppClientType[] = "ipp-client-type";
const char kSettingIppClientVersion[] = "ipp-client-version";
// True if the user selects to print to a different printer than the original
// destination shown when Print Preview opens.
const char kSettingPrinterManuallySelected[] = "printerManuallySelected";
// The printer status reason shown for the selected printer at the time print
// is requested. Only local CrOS printers set printer statuses.
const char kSettingPrinterStatusReason[] = "printerStatusReason";
} // namespace printing