blob: 9ee936371bc4e46d9fd552e77a2b05effd8be8e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <concepts>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/functional/bind_internal.h"
#include "base/types/is_instantiation.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/functional/function_ref.h"
namespace base {
template <typename Signature>
class FunctionRef;
// A non-owning reference to any invocable object (e.g. function pointer, method
// pointer, functor, lambda, et cetera) suitable for use as a type-erased
// argument to ForEach-style functions or other visitor patterns that:
// - do not need to copy or take ownership of the argument
// - synchronously call the invocable that was passed as an argument
// `base::FunctionRef` makes no heap allocations: it is trivially copyable and
// should be passed by value.
// `base::FunctionRef` has no null/empty state: a `base::FunctionRef` is always
// valid to invoke.
// The usual lifetime precautions for other non-owning references types (e.g.
// `std::string_view`, `base::span`) also apply to `base::FunctionRef`.
// `base::FunctionRef` should typically be used as an argument; returning a
// `base::FunctionRef` or storing a `base::FunctionRef` as a field is dangerous
// and likely to result in lifetime bugs.
// `base::RepeatingCallback` and `base::BindRepeating()` is another common way
// to represent type-erased invocable objects. In contrast, it requires a heap
// allocation and is not trivially copyable. It should be used when there are
// ownership requirements (e.g. partial application of arguments to a function
// stored for asynchronous execution).
// Note: `base::FunctionRef` is similar to `absl::FunctionRef<R(Args...)>`, but
// with stricter conversions between function types. Return type conversions are
// allowed (e.g. `int` -> `bool`, `Derived*` -> `Base*`); other than that,
// function parameter types must match exactly, and return values may not be
// silently discarded, e.g. `absl::FunctionRef` allows the following:
// // Silently discards `42`.
// [] (absl::FunctionRef<void()> r) {
// r();
// }([] { return 42; });
// But with `base::FunctionRef`:
// // Does not compile!
// [] (base::FunctionRef<void()> r) {
// r();
// }([] { return 42; });
template <typename R, typename... Args>
class FunctionRef<R(Args...)> {
template <typename Functor,
typename RunType = internal::FunctorTraits<Functor>::RunType>
static constexpr bool kCompatibleFunctor =
std::convertible_to<internal::ExtractReturnType<RunType>, R> &&
std::same_as<internal::ExtractArgs<RunType>, internal::TypeList<Args...>>;
// `LIFETIME_BOUND` is important; since `FunctionRef` retains
// only a reference to `functor`, `functor` must outlive `this`.
template <typename Functor>
requires kCompatibleFunctor<Functor> &&
// Prevent this constructor from participating in overload
// resolution if the callable is itself an instantiation of the
// `FunctionRef` template.
// If the callable is a `FunctionRef` with exactly the same
// signature as us, then the copy constructor will be used instead,
// so this has no effect. (Note that if the constructor argument
// were `Functor&&`, this exclusion would be necessary to force the
// choice of the copy constructor over this one for non-const ref
// args; see
// If the callable is a `FunctionRef` with some other signature
// then we choose not to support binding to it at all. Conceivably
// we could teach our trampoline to deal with this, but this may be
// the sign of an object lifetime bug, and again it's not clear
// that this isn't just a mistake on the part of the user.
(!is_instantiation<FunctionRef, std::decay_t<Functor>>) &&
// For the same reason as the second case above, prevent
// construction from `absl::FunctionRef`.
(!is_instantiation<absl::FunctionRef, std::decay_t<Functor>>)
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
FunctionRef(const Functor& functor LIFETIME_BOUND)
: wrapped_func_ref_(functor) {}
// Constructs a reference to the given function pointer. This constructor
// serves to exclude this case from lifetime analysis, since the underlying
// code pointed to by a function pointer is safe to invoke even if the
// lifetime of the pointer provided doesn't outlive us, e.g.:
// `const FunctionRef<void(int)> ref = +[](int i) { ... };`
// Without this constructor, the above code would warn about dangling refs.
// TODO(pkasting): Also support ptr-to-member-functions; this requires changes
// in `absl::FunctionRef` or else rewriting this class to not use that one.
template <typename Func>
requires kCompatibleFunctor<Func*>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
FunctionRef(Func* func) : wrapped_func_ref_(func) {}
// Null FunctionRefs are not allowed.
FunctionRef() = delete;
FunctionRef(const FunctionRef&) = default;
// Reduce the likelihood of lifetime bugs by disallowing assignment.
FunctionRef& operator=(const FunctionRef&) = delete;
R operator()(Args... args) const {
return wrapped_func_ref_(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
absl::FunctionRef<R(Args...)> wrapped_func_ref_;
} // namespace base