| // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include <optional> |
| |
| #include "base/auto_reset.h" |
| #include "base/base_export.h" |
| #include "base/compiler_specific.h" |
| #include "base/debug/stack_trace.h" |
| #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" |
| #include "base/location.h" |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Usage documentation |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // |
| // Overview: |
| // This file exposes functions to ban and allow certain slow operations |
| // on a per-thread basis. To annotate *usage* of such slow operations, refer to |
| // scoped_blocking_call.h instead. |
| // |
| // Specific allowances that can be controlled in this file are: |
| // |
| // - Blocking call: Refers to any call that causes the calling thread to wait |
| // off-CPU. It includes but is not limited to calls that wait on synchronous |
| // file I/O operations: read or write a file from disk, interact with a pipe |
| // or a socket, rename or delete a file, enumerate files in a directory, etc. |
| // Acquiring a low contention lock is not considered a blocking call. |
| // |
| // Prefer to allow a blocking call by posting a task to |
| // base::ThreadPoolInstance with base::MayBlock(). |
| // |
| // - Waiting on a //base sync primitive: Refers to calling one of these methods: |
| // - base::WaitableEvent::*Wait* |
| // - base::ConditionVariable::*Wait* |
| // - base::Process::WaitForExit* |
| // |
| // Prefer not to wait on //base sync primitives (see below for alternatives). |
| // When it is unavoidable, use ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives in a task posted |
| // to base::ThreadPoolInstance with base::MayBlock(). |
| // |
| // - Accessing singletons: Accessing global state (Singleton / LazyInstance) is |
| // problematic on threads whom aren't joined on shutdown as they can be using |
| // the state as it becomes invalid during tear down. base::NoDestructor is the |
| // preferred alternative for global state and doesn't have this restriction. |
| // |
| // - Long CPU work: Refers to any code that takes more than 100 ms to |
| // run when there is no CPU contention and no hard page faults and therefore, |
| // is not suitable to run on a thread required to keep the browser responsive |
| // (where jank could be visible to the user). |
| // |
| // The following disallowance functions are offered: |
| // - DisallowBlocking(): Disallows blocking calls on the current thread. |
| // - DisallowBaseSyncPrimitives(): Disallows waiting on a //base sync primitive |
| // on the current thread. |
| // - DisallowSingleton(): Disallows using singletons on the current thread. |
| // - DisallowUnresponsiveTasks(): Disallows blocking calls, waiting on a //base |
| // sync primitive, and long CPU work on the current thread. |
| // |
| // In addition, scoped-allowance mechanisms are offered to make an exception |
| // within a scope for a behavior that is normally disallowed. |
| // - ScopedAllowBlocking: Allows blocking calls. Prefer to use base::MayBlock() |
| // instead. |
| // - ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives: Allows waiting on a //base sync primitive. |
| // Must also be in a scope where blocking calls are allowed. |
| // - ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope: Allow waiting on a |
| // //base sync primitive, even in a scope where blocking calls are |
| // disallowed. Prefer to use a combination of base::MayBlock() and |
| // ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives. |
| // |
| // Avoid using allowances outside of unit tests. In unit tests, use allowances |
| // with the suffix "ForTesting": |
| // - ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting: Allows blocking calls in unit tests. |
| // - ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting: Allows waiting on a //base sync |
| // primitive in unit tests. For convenience this can be used in a scope |
| // where blocking calls are disallowed. Note that base::TestWaitableEvent can |
| // be used without this, also for convenience. |
| // |
| // Prefer making blocking calls from tasks posted to base::ThreadPoolInstance |
| // with base::MayBlock(). |
| // |
| // Instead of waiting on a WaitableEvent or a ConditionVariable, prefer putting |
| // the work that should happen after the wait in a continuation callback and |
| // post it from where the WaitableEvent or ConditionVariable would have been |
| // signaled. If something needs to be scheduled after many tasks have executed, |
| // use base::BarrierClosure. |
| // |
| // On Windows, join processes asynchronously using base::win::ObjectWatcher. |
| // |
| // Where unavoidable, put ScopedAllow* instances in the narrowest scope possible |
| // in the caller making the blocking call but no further down. For example: if a |
| // Cleanup() method needs to do a blocking call, document Cleanup() as blocking |
| // and add a ScopedAllowBlocking instance in callers that can't avoid making |
| // this call from a context where blocking is banned, as such: |
| // |
| // void Client::MyMethod() { |
| // (...) |
| // { |
| // // Blocking is okay here because XYZ. |
| // ScopedAllowBlocking allow_blocking; |
| // my_foo_->Cleanup(); |
| // } |
| // (...) |
| // } |
| // |
| // // This method can block. |
| // void Foo::Cleanup() { |
| // // Do NOT add the ScopedAllowBlocking in Cleanup() directly as that hides |
| // // its blocking nature from unknowing callers and defeats the purpose of |
| // // these checks. |
| // FlushStateToDisk(); |
| // } |
| // |
| // Note: In rare situations where the blocking call is an implementation detail |
| // (i.e. the impl makes a call that invokes AssertBlockingAllowed() but it |
| // somehow knows that in practice this will not block), it might be okay to hide |
| // the ScopedAllowBlocking instance in the impl with a comment explaining why |
| // that's okay. |
| |
| class BrowserProcessImpl; |
| class BrowserThemePack; |
| class ChromeNSSCryptoModuleDelegate; |
| class DesktopNotificationBalloon; |
| class FirefoxProfileLock; |
| class GaiaConfig; |
| class KeyStorageLinux; |
| class NativeBackendKWallet; |
| class NativeDesktopMediaList; |
| class PartnerBookmarksReader; |
| class Profile; |
| class ProfileImpl; |
| class ScopedAllowBlockingForProfile; |
| class StartupTabProviderImpl; |
| class WebEngineBrowserMainParts; |
| struct StartupProfilePathInfo; |
| |
| namespace base { |
| class Environment; |
| class File; |
| class FilePath; |
| class CommandLine; |
| namespace sequence_manager::internal { |
| class WorkTracker; |
| } // namespace sequence_manager::internal |
| } // namespace base |
| |
| StartupProfilePathInfo GetStartupProfilePath( |
| const base::FilePath& cur_dir, |
| const base::CommandLine& command_line, |
| bool ignore_profile_picker); |
| |
| class BrowserStateDirectoryBuilder; |
| #endif |
| |
| Profile* GetLastProfileMac(); |
| bool HasWaylandDisplay(base::Environment* env); |
| |
| namespace android_webview { |
| class AwBrowserContext; |
| class AwFormDatabaseService; |
| class CookieManager; |
| class JsSandboxIsolate; |
| class OverlayProcessorWebView; |
| class ScopedAllowInitGLBindings; |
| class VizCompositorThreadRunnerWebView; |
| } // namespace android_webview |
| namespace ash { |
| class BrowserDataBackMigrator; |
| class LoginEventRecorder; |
| class StartupCustomizationDocument; |
| class StartupUtils; |
| bool CameraAppUIShouldEnableLocalOverride(const std::string&); |
| namespace converters::diagnostics { |
| class MojoUtils; |
| } |
| namespace system { |
| class StatisticsProviderImpl; |
| class ProcStatFile; |
| } // namespace system |
| } // namespace ash |
| namespace audio { |
| class OutputDevice; |
| } |
| namespace blink { |
| class AudioDestination; |
| class DiskDataAllocator; |
| class RTCVideoDecoderAdapter; |
| class RTCVideoEncoder; |
| class SourceStream; |
| class VideoFrameResourceProvider; |
| class WebRtcVideoFrameAdapter; |
| class VideoTrackRecorderImplContextProvider; |
| class WorkerThread; |
| namespace scheduler { |
| class NonMainThreadImpl; |
| } |
| } // namespace blink |
| namespace cc { |
| class CategorizedWorkerPoolJob; |
| class CategorizedWorkerPool; |
| class CompletionEvent; |
| class TileTaskManagerImpl; |
| } // namespace cc |
| namespace chrome { |
| bool PathProvider(int, base::FilePath*); |
| void SessionEnding(); |
| } // namespace chrome |
| namespace chromecast { |
| class CrashUtil; |
| } |
| namespace chromeos { |
| class BlockingMethodCaller; |
| namespace system { |
| bool IsCoreSchedulingAvailable(); |
| int NumberOfPhysicalCores(); |
| } // namespace system |
| } // namespace chromeos |
| namespace content { |
| class BrowserGpuChannelHostFactory; |
| class BrowserMainLoop; |
| class BrowserProcessIOThread; |
| class BrowserTestBase; |
| class ContentMainRunnerImpl; |
| #endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_IOS) |
| class DesktopCaptureDevice; |
| class DWriteFontCollectionProxy; |
| class DWriteFontProxyImpl; |
| class EmergencyTraceFinalisationCoordinator; |
| class InProcessUtilityThread; |
| class NestedMessagePumpAndroid; |
| class NetworkServiceInstancePrivate; |
| class PepperPrintSettingsManagerImpl; |
| class RenderProcessHostImpl; |
| class RenderProcessHost; |
| class RenderWidgetHostViewMac; |
| class RendererBlinkPlatformImpl; |
| class SandboxHostLinux; |
| class ScopedAllowWaitForDebugURL; |
| class ServiceWorkerContextClient; |
| class ShellPathProvider; |
| class SlowWebPreferenceCache; |
| class SynchronousCompositor; |
| class SynchronousCompositorHost; |
| class SynchronousCompositorSyncCallBridge; |
| class ScopedAllowBlockingForViewAura; |
| class TextInputClientMac; |
| class WebContentsViewMac; |
| base::File CreateFileForDrop(base::FilePath*); |
| } // namespace content |
| namespace cronet { |
| class CronetPrefsManager; |
| class CronetContext; |
| } // namespace cronet |
| namespace crypto { |
| class ScopedAllowBlockingForNSS; |
| } |
| namespace dbus { |
| class Bus; |
| } |
| namespace drive { |
| class FakeDriveService; |
| } |
| namespace device { |
| class UsbContext; |
| } |
| namespace discardable_memory { |
| class ClientDiscardableSharedMemoryManager; |
| } |
| namespace disk_cache { |
| class BackendImpl; |
| class InFlightIO; |
| bool CleanupDirectorySync(const base::FilePath&); |
| } // namespace disk_cache |
| namespace enterprise_connectors { |
| class LinuxKeyRotationCommand; |
| } // namespace enterprise_connectors |
| namespace extensions { |
| // TODO(https://crbug.com/356905053): Remove DesktopAndroidExtensionSystem |
| // from here once ExtensionService is enabled for desktop android. |
| class DesktopAndroidExtensionSystem; |
| class InstalledLoader; |
| class UnpackedInstaller; |
| } // namespace extensions |
| namespace font_service::internal { |
| class MappedFontFile; |
| } |
| namespace gl { |
| struct GLImplementationParts; |
| namespace init { |
| bool InitializeStaticGLBindings(GLImplementationParts); |
| } |
| } // namespace gl |
| namespace gpu { |
| class GpuMemoryBufferImplDXGI; |
| } |
| namespace history_report { |
| class HistoryReportJniBridge; |
| } |
| namespace ios_web_view { |
| class WebViewBrowserState; |
| } |
| namespace io_thread { |
| class IOSIOThread; |
| } |
| namespace leveldb::port { |
| class CondVar; |
| } // namespace leveldb::port |
| namespace nearby::chrome { |
| class BleV2GattClient; |
| class BleV2Medium; |
| class ScheduledExecutor; |
| class SubmittableExecutor; |
| class WifiDirectSocket; |
| } // namespace nearby::chrome |
| namespace media { |
| class AudioInputDevice; |
| class AudioOutputDevice; |
| class BlockingUrlProtocol; |
| template <class WorkerInterface, |
| class WorkerImpl, |
| class Worker, |
| class WorkerStatus, |
| WorkerStatus StatusNotOk, |
| WorkerStatus StatusOk, |
| WorkerStatus StatusWork> |
| class CodecWorkerImpl; |
| class FileVideoCaptureDeviceFactory; |
| class GpuMojoMediaClientWin; |
| class MojoVideoEncodeAccelerator; |
| class PaintCanvasVideoRenderer; |
| class V4L2DevicePoller; // TODO(crbug.com/41486289): remove this. |
| } // namespace media |
| namespace memory_instrumentation { |
| class OSMetrics; |
| } |
| namespace memory_pressure { |
| class UserLevelMemoryPressureSignalGenerator; |
| } |
| namespace metrics { |
| class AndroidMetricsServiceClient; |
| class CleanExitBeacon; |
| } // namespace metrics |
| namespace midi { |
| class TaskService; // https://crbug.com/796830 |
| } |
| namespace module_installer { |
| class ScopedAllowModulePakLoad; |
| } |
| namespace mojo { |
| class SyncCallRestrictions; |
| namespace core { |
| class ScopedIPCSupport; |
| namespace ipcz_driver { |
| class MojoTrap; |
| } |
| } // namespace core |
| } // namespace mojo |
| namespace net { |
| class GSSAPISharedLibrary; |
| class MultiThreadedCertVerifierScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives; |
| class MultiThreadedProxyResolverScopedAllowJoinOnIO; |
| class NetworkChangeNotifierApple; |
| class NetworkConfigWatcherAppleThread; |
| class ProxyConfigServiceWin; |
| class ScopedAllowBlockingForSettingGetter; |
| namespace internal { |
| class AddressTrackerLinux; |
| class PemFileCertStore; |
| } // namespace internal |
| } // namespace net |
| namespace printing { |
| class LocalPrinterHandlerDefault; |
| class PrintBackendServiceImpl; |
| #endif |
| class PrintBackendServiceManager; |
| class PrintPreviewUIUntrusted; |
| class PrinterQuery; |
| } // namespace printing |
| namespace proxy_resolver { |
| class ScopedAllowThreadJoinForProxyResolverV8Tracing; |
| } |
| namespace remote_cocoa { |
| class DroppedScreenShotCopierMac; |
| class SelectFileDialogBridge; |
| } // namespace remote_cocoa |
| namespace remoting { |
| class AutoThread; |
| class ScopedAllowBlockingForCrashReporting; |
| class ScopedBypassIOThreadRestrictions; |
| namespace protocol { |
| class ScopedAllowSyncPrimitivesForWebRtcDataStreamAdapter; |
| class ScopedAllowSyncPrimitivesForWebRtcTransport; |
| class ScopedAllowSyncPrimitivesForWebRtcVideoStream; |
| class ScopedAllowThreadJoinForWebRtcTransport; |
| } // namespace protocol |
| } // namespace remoting |
| namespace rlz_lib { |
| class FinancialPing; |
| } |
| namespace service_manager { |
| class ServiceProcessLauncher; |
| } |
| namespace shell_integration_linux { |
| class LaunchXdgUtilityScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives; |
| } |
| namespace storage { |
| class ObfuscatedFileUtil; |
| } |
| namespace syncer { |
| class GetLocalChangesRequest; |
| class HttpBridge; |
| } // namespace syncer |
| namespace tracing { |
| class FuchsiaPerfettoProducerConnector; |
| } |
| namespace ui { |
| class DrmThreadProxy; |
| class DrmDisplayHostManager; |
| class ScopedAllowBlockingForGbmSurface; |
| class SelectFileDialogLinux; |
| class WindowResizeHelperMac; |
| } // namespace ui |
| namespace updater { |
| class SystemctlLauncherScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives; |
| } |
| namespace viz { |
| class HostGpuMemoryBufferManager; |
| class ClientGpuMemoryBufferManager; |
| class DisplayCompositorMemoryAndTaskController; |
| class SkiaOutputSurfaceImpl; |
| class SharedImageInterfaceProvider; |
| } // namespace viz |
| namespace vr { |
| class VrShell; |
| } |
| namespace web { |
| class WebMainLoop; |
| } // namespace web |
| namespace weblayer { |
| class BrowserContextImpl; |
| class ContentBrowserClientImpl; |
| class ProfileImpl; |
| class WebLayerPathProvider; |
| } // namespace weblayer |
| // NOTE: Please do not append entries here. Put them in the list above and keep |
| // the list sorted. |
| |
| namespace base { |
| |
| namespace android { |
| class JavaHandlerThread; |
| class PmfUtils; |
| class ScopedAllowBlockingForImportantFileWriter; |
| } // namespace android |
| |
| namespace apple::internal { |
| base::FilePath GetExecutablePath(); |
| } |
| |
| namespace debug { |
| class StackTrace; |
| } |
| |
| namespace internal { |
| class GetAppOutputScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives; |
| class JobTaskSource; |
| class TaskTracker; |
| bool ReadProcFile(const FilePath& file, std::string* buffer); |
| } // namespace internal |
| |
| namespace sequence_manager::internal { |
| class TaskQueueImpl; |
| } // namespace sequence_manager::internal |
| |
| namespace subtle { |
| class PlatformSharedMemoryRegion; |
| } |
| |
| namespace win { |
| class OSInfo; |
| class ObjectWatcher; |
| class ScopedAllowBlockingForUserAccountControl; |
| } // namespace win |
| |
| class AdjustOOMScoreHelper; |
| class ChromeOSVersionInfo; |
| class FileDescriptorWatcher; |
| class FilePath; |
| class Process; |
| class ScopedAllowBlockingForProc; |
| class ScopedAllowBlockingForProcessMetrics; |
| class ScopedAllowThreadRecallForStackSamplingProfiler; |
| class SimpleThread; |
| class StackSamplingProfiler; |
| class TestCustomDisallow; |
| class Thread; |
| |
| // NaCL doesn't support stack capture. |
| // Android can hang in stack capture (crbug.com/959139). |
| #else |
| // Stack capture is slow. Only enable it in developer builds, to avoid user |
| // visible jank when thread restrictions are set. |
| #endif |
| |
| // A boolean and the stack from which it was set. Note: The stack is not |
| // captured in all builds, see `CAPTURE_THREAD_RESTRICTIONS_STACK_TRACES()`. |
| class BooleanWithOptionalStack { |
| public: |
| // Default value. |
| BooleanWithOptionalStack() = default; |
| |
| // Value when explicitly set. |
| explicit BooleanWithOptionalStack(bool value); |
| |
| explicit operator bool() const { return value_; } |
| |
| friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, |
| const BooleanWithOptionalStack& bws); |
| |
| private: |
| bool value_ = false; |
| std::optional<debug::StackTrace> stack_; |
| #endif |
| }; |
| |
| // Asserts that blocking calls are allowed in the current scope. |
| NOT_TAIL_CALLED BASE_EXPORT void AssertBlockingAllowed(); |
| NOT_TAIL_CALLED BASE_EXPORT void AssertBlockingDisallowedForTesting(); |
| |
| // Disallows blocking on the current thread. |
| NOT_TAIL_CALLED BASE_EXPORT void DisallowBlocking(); |
| |
| // Disallows blocking calls within its scope. |
| class BASE_EXPORT ScopedDisallowBlocking { |
| public: |
| ScopedDisallowBlocking(); |
| |
| ScopedDisallowBlocking(const ScopedDisallowBlocking&) = delete; |
| ScopedDisallowBlocking& operator=(const ScopedDisallowBlocking&) = delete; |
| |
| ~ScopedDisallowBlocking(); |
| |
| private: |
| const AutoReset<BooleanWithOptionalStack> resetter_; |
| }; |
| |
| class BASE_EXPORT ScopedAllowBlocking { |
| public: |
| ScopedAllowBlocking(const ScopedAllowBlocking&) = delete; |
| ScopedAllowBlocking& operator=(const ScopedAllowBlocking&) = delete; |
| |
| private: |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadRestrictionsTest, |
| NestedAllowRestoresPreviousStack); |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadRestrictionsTest, ScopedAllowBlocking); |
| friend class ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting; |
| |
| // This can only be instantiated by friends. Use ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting |
| // in unit tests to avoid the friend requirement. |
| // Sorted by class name (with namespace), #if blocks at the bottom. |
| friend class ::BrowserProcessImpl; |
| friend class ::BrowserThemePack; // http://crbug.com/80206 |
| friend class ::DesktopNotificationBalloon; |
| friend class ::FirefoxProfileLock; |
| friend class ::GaiaConfig; |
| friend class ::ProfileImpl; |
| friend class ::ScopedAllowBlockingForProfile; |
| friend class ::StartupTabProviderImpl; |
| friend class ::WebEngineBrowserMainParts; |
| friend class android_webview::AwBrowserContext; |
| friend class android_webview::ScopedAllowInitGLBindings; |
| friend class ash::BrowserDataBackMigrator; |
| friend class ash::LoginEventRecorder; |
| friend class ash::StartupCustomizationDocument; // http://crosbug.com/11103 |
| friend class ash::StartupUtils; |
| friend class ash::converters::diagnostics::MojoUtils; // http://b/322741627 |
| friend class ash::system::ProcStatFile; |
| friend class base::AdjustOOMScoreHelper; |
| friend class base::ChromeOSVersionInfo; |
| friend class base::Process; |
| friend class base::ScopedAllowBlockingForProc; |
| friend class base::ScopedAllowBlockingForProcessMetrics; |
| friend class base::StackSamplingProfiler; |
| friend class base::android::ScopedAllowBlockingForImportantFileWriter; |
| friend class base::android::PmfUtils; |
| friend class base::debug::StackTrace; |
| friend class base::subtle::PlatformSharedMemoryRegion; |
| friend class base::win::ScopedAllowBlockingForUserAccountControl; |
| friend class blink::DiskDataAllocator; |
| friend class chromecast::CrashUtil; |
| friend class content::BrowserProcessIOThread; |
| friend class content::DWriteFontProxyImpl; |
| friend class content::NetworkServiceInstancePrivate; |
| friend class content::PepperPrintSettingsManagerImpl; |
| friend class content::RenderProcessHostImpl; |
| friend class content::RenderWidgetHostViewMac; // http://crbug.com/121917 |
| friend class content:: |
| ScopedAllowBlockingForViewAura; // http://crbug.com/332579 |
| friend class content::ShellPathProvider; |
| friend class content::WebContentsViewMac; |
| friend class cronet::CronetContext; |
| friend class cronet::CronetPrefsManager; |
| friend class crypto::ScopedAllowBlockingForNSS; // http://crbug.com/59847 |
| friend class drive::FakeDriveService; |
| friend class extensions::DesktopAndroidExtensionSystem; |
| friend class extensions::InstalledLoader; |
| friend class extensions::UnpackedInstaller; |
| friend class font_service::internal::MappedFontFile; |
| friend class ios_web_view::WebViewBrowserState; |
| friend class io_thread::IOSIOThread; |
| friend class media::FileVideoCaptureDeviceFactory; |
| friend class memory_instrumentation::OSMetrics; |
| friend class memory_pressure::UserLevelMemoryPressureSignalGenerator; |
| friend class metrics::AndroidMetricsServiceClient; |
| friend class metrics::CleanExitBeacon; |
| friend class module_installer::ScopedAllowModulePakLoad; |
| friend class net::GSSAPISharedLibrary; // http://crbug.com/66702 |
| friend class net::ProxyConfigServiceWin; // http://crbug.com/61453 |
| friend class net:: |
| ScopedAllowBlockingForSettingGetter; // http://crbug.com/69057 |
| friend class net::internal::PemFileCertStore; |
| friend class printing::LocalPrinterHandlerDefault; |
| friend class printing::PrintBackendServiceManager; |
| friend class printing::PrintPreviewUIUntrusted; |
| friend class printing::PrinterQuery; |
| friend class remote_cocoa:: |
| DroppedScreenShotCopierMac; // https://crbug.com/1148078 |
| friend class remote_cocoa::SelectFileDialogBridge; |
| friend class remoting:: |
| ScopedBypassIOThreadRestrictions; // http://crbug.com/1144161 |
| friend class remoting::ScopedAllowBlockingForCrashReporting; |
| friend class ui::DrmDisplayHostManager; |
| friend class ui::ScopedAllowBlockingForGbmSurface; |
| friend class ui::SelectFileDialogLinux; |
| friend class weblayer::BrowserContextImpl; |
| friend class weblayer::ContentBrowserClientImpl; |
| friend class weblayer::ProfileImpl; |
| friend class weblayer::WebLayerPathProvider; |
| friend class printing::PrintBackendServiceImpl; |
| #endif |
| friend class base::win::OSInfo; |
| friend class content::SlowWebPreferenceCache; // http://crbug.com/1262162 |
| friend class media::GpuMojoMediaClientWin; // https://crbug.com/360642944 |
| #endif |
| friend class ::BrowserStateDirectoryBuilder; |
| #endif |
| |
| // Sorted by function name (with namespace), ignoring the return type. |
| friend Profile* ::GetLastProfileMac(); // http://crbug.com/1176734 |
| // Note: This function return syntax is required so the "::" doesn't get |
| // mis-parsed. See https://godbolt.org/z/KGhnPxfc8 for the issue. |
| friend auto ::GetStartupProfilePath(const base::FilePath& cur_dir, |
| const base::CommandLine& command_line, |
| bool ignore_profile_picker) |
| -> StartupProfilePathInfo; |
| friend bool ::HasWaylandDisplay( |
| base::Environment* env); // http://crbug.com/1246928 |
| friend bool ash::CameraAppUIShouldEnableLocalOverride(const std::string&); |
| friend base::FilePath base::apple::internal::GetExecutablePath(); |
| friend bool base::internal::ReadProcFile(const FilePath& file, |
| std::string* buffer); |
| friend bool chrome::PathProvider(int, |
| base::FilePath*); // http://crbug.com/259796 |
| friend void chrome::SessionEnding(); |
| friend bool chromeos::system::IsCoreSchedulingAvailable(); |
| friend int chromeos::system::NumberOfPhysicalCores(); |
| friend base::File content::CreateFileForDrop( |
| base::FilePath* file_path); // http://crbug.com/110709 |
| friend bool disk_cache::CleanupDirectorySync(const base::FilePath&); |
| friend bool gl::init::InitializeStaticGLBindings(gl::GLImplementationParts); |
| |
| ScopedAllowBlocking(const Location& from_here = Location::Current()); |
| ~ScopedAllowBlocking(); |
| |
| const AutoReset<BooleanWithOptionalStack> resetter_; |
| }; |
| |
| class ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting { |
| public: |
| ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting() = default; |
| |
| ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting(const ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting&) = delete; |
| ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting& operator=( |
| const ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting&) = delete; |
| |
| ~ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting() = default; |
| |
| private: |
| ScopedAllowBlocking scoped_allow_blocking_; |
| }; |
| |
| NOT_TAIL_CALLED BASE_EXPORT void DisallowBaseSyncPrimitives(); |
| |
| // Disallows singletons within its scope. |
| class BASE_EXPORT ScopedDisallowBaseSyncPrimitives { |
| public: |
| ScopedDisallowBaseSyncPrimitives(); |
| |
| ScopedDisallowBaseSyncPrimitives(const ScopedDisallowBaseSyncPrimitives&) = |
| delete; |
| ScopedDisallowBaseSyncPrimitives& operator=( |
| const ScopedDisallowBaseSyncPrimitives&) = delete; |
| |
| ~ScopedDisallowBaseSyncPrimitives(); |
| |
| private: |
| const AutoReset<BooleanWithOptionalStack> resetter_; |
| }; |
| |
| class BASE_EXPORT ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives { |
| public: |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives(const ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives&) = delete; |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives& operator=( |
| const ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives&) = delete; |
| |
| private: |
| // This can only be instantiated by friends. Use |
| // ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting in unit tests to avoid the friend |
| // requirement. |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadRestrictionsTest, |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives); |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadRestrictionsTest, |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesResetsState); |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadRestrictionsTest, |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesWithBlockingDisallowed); |
| |
| // Allowed usage: |
| // Sorted by class name (with namespace). |
| friend class ::ChromeNSSCryptoModuleDelegate; |
| friend class ::PartnerBookmarksReader; |
| friend class ::tracing::FuchsiaPerfettoProducerConnector; |
| friend class android_webview::JsSandboxIsolate; |
| friend class base::SimpleThread; |
| friend class base::internal::GetAppOutputScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives; |
| friend class blink::SourceStream; |
| friend class blink::VideoTrackRecorderImplContextProvider; |
| friend class blink::WorkerThread; |
| friend class blink::scheduler::NonMainThreadImpl; |
| friend class cc::CategorizedWorkerPoolJob; |
| friend class content::BrowserMainLoop; |
| friend class content::BrowserProcessIOThread; |
| friend class content::DWriteFontCollectionProxy; |
| friend class content::RendererBlinkPlatformImpl; |
| friend class content::ServiceWorkerContextClient; |
| friend class device::UsbContext; |
| friend class enterprise_connectors::LinuxKeyRotationCommand; |
| friend class history_report::HistoryReportJniBridge; |
| friend class internal::TaskTracker; |
| friend class leveldb::port::CondVar; |
| friend class nearby::chrome::ScheduledExecutor; |
| friend class nearby::chrome::SubmittableExecutor; |
| friend class nearby::chrome::BleV2GattClient; |
| friend class nearby::chrome::BleV2Medium; |
| friend class nearby::chrome::WifiDirectSocket; |
| friend class media::AudioOutputDevice; |
| friend class media::BlockingUrlProtocol; |
| template <class WorkerInterface, |
| class WorkerImpl, |
| class Worker, |
| class WorkerStatus, |
| WorkerStatus StatusNotOk, |
| WorkerStatus StatusOk, |
| WorkerStatus StatusWork> |
| friend class media::CodecWorkerImpl; |
| friend class media::MojoVideoEncodeAccelerator; |
| friend class mojo::core::ScopedIPCSupport; |
| friend class net::MultiThreadedCertVerifierScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives; |
| friend class rlz_lib::FinancialPing; |
| friend class shell_integration_linux:: |
| LaunchXdgUtilityScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives; |
| friend class storage::ObfuscatedFileUtil; |
| friend class syncer::HttpBridge; |
| friend class syncer::GetLocalChangesRequest; |
| friend class updater::SystemctlLauncherScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives; |
| |
| // Usage that should be fixed: |
| // Sorted by class name (with namespace). |
| friend class ::NativeBackendKWallet; // http://crbug.com/125331 |
| friend class android_webview:: |
| OverlayProcessorWebView; // http://crbug.com/341151462 |
| friend class blink::VideoFrameResourceProvider; // http://crbug.com/878070 |
| friend class viz:: |
| DisplayCompositorMemoryAndTaskController; // http://crbug.com/341151462 |
| friend class viz::SkiaOutputSurfaceImpl; // http://crbug.com/341151462 |
| friend class viz::SharedImageInterfaceProvider; // http://crbug.com/341151462 |
| |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives(); |
| ~ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives(); |
| |
| const AutoReset<BooleanWithOptionalStack> resetter_; |
| }; |
| |
| class BASE_EXPORT |
| [[maybe_unused, |
| nodiscard]] ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope { |
| public: |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope( |
| const ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope&) = delete; |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope& operator=( |
| const ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope&) = delete; |
| |
| private: |
| // This can only be instantiated by friends. Use |
| // ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting in unit tests to avoid the friend |
| // requirement. |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadRestrictionsTest, |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope); |
| ThreadRestrictionsTest, |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScopeResetsState); |
| |
| // Allowed usage: |
| // Sorted by class name (with namespace). |
| friend class ::BrowserProcessImpl; // http://crbug.com/125207 |
| friend class ::KeyStorageLinux; |
| friend class ::NativeDesktopMediaList; |
| friend class android::JavaHandlerThread; |
| friend class android_webview:: |
| AwFormDatabaseService; // http://crbug.com/904431 |
| friend class android_webview::CookieManager; |
| friend class android_webview::VizCompositorThreadRunnerWebView; |
| friend class audio::OutputDevice; |
| friend class base::FileDescriptorWatcher; |
| friend class base::ScopedAllowThreadRecallForStackSamplingProfiler; |
| friend class base::StackSamplingProfiler; |
| friend class base::internal::JobTaskSource; |
| friend class base::sequence_manager::internal::TaskQueueImpl; |
| friend class base::sequence_manager::internal::WorkTracker; |
| friend class base::win::ObjectWatcher; |
| friend class blink::AudioDestination; |
| friend class blink::RTCVideoDecoderAdapter; |
| friend class blink::RTCVideoEncoder; |
| friend class blink::WebRtcVideoFrameAdapter; |
| friend class cc::CategorizedWorkerPoolJob; |
| friend class cc::CategorizedWorkerPool; |
| friend class cc::TileTaskManagerImpl; |
| friend class content::DesktopCaptureDevice; |
| friend class content::EmergencyTraceFinalisationCoordinator; |
| friend class content::InProcessUtilityThread; |
| friend class content::RenderProcessHost; |
| friend class content::SandboxHostLinux; |
| friend class content::ScopedAllowWaitForDebugURL; |
| friend class content::SynchronousCompositor; |
| friend class content::SynchronousCompositorHost; |
| friend class content::SynchronousCompositorSyncCallBridge; |
| friend class gpu::GpuMemoryBufferImplDXGI; |
| friend class media::AudioInputDevice; |
| friend class media::AudioOutputDevice; |
| friend class media::PaintCanvasVideoRenderer; |
| friend class media::V4L2DevicePoller; // TODO(crbug.com/41486289): remove |
| // this. |
| friend class mojo::SyncCallRestrictions; |
| friend class mojo::core::ipcz_driver::MojoTrap; |
| friend class net::NetworkConfigWatcherAppleThread; |
| friend class ui::DrmThreadProxy; |
| friend class viz::ClientGpuMemoryBufferManager; |
| friend class viz::HostGpuMemoryBufferManager; |
| friend class vr::VrShell; |
| |
| // Usage that should be fixed: |
| friend class ::ash::system::StatisticsProviderImpl; // http://b/261818124 |
| friend class ::chromeos::BlockingMethodCaller; // http://crbug.com/125360 |
| friend class base::Thread; // http://crbug.com/918039 |
| friend class cc::CompletionEvent; // http://crbug.com/902653 |
| friend class content:: |
| BrowserGpuChannelHostFactory; // http://crbug.com/125248 |
| friend class content::TextInputClientMac; // http://crbug.com/121917 |
| friend class dbus::Bus; // http://crbug.com/125222 |
| friend class discardable_memory:: |
| ClientDiscardableSharedMemoryManager; // http://crbug.com/1396355 |
| friend class disk_cache::BackendImpl; // http://crbug.com/74623 |
| friend class disk_cache::InFlightIO; // http://crbug.com/74623 |
| friend class midi::TaskService; // https://crbug.com/796830 |
| friend class net:: |
| MultiThreadedProxyResolverScopedAllowJoinOnIO; // http://crbug.com/69710 |
| friend class net::NetworkChangeNotifierApple; // http://crbug.com/125097 |
| friend class net::internal::AddressTrackerLinux; // http://crbug.com/125097 |
| friend class proxy_resolver:: |
| ScopedAllowThreadJoinForProxyResolverV8Tracing; // http://crbug.com/69710 |
| friend class remoting::AutoThread; // https://crbug.com/944316 |
| friend class remoting::protocol:: |
| ScopedAllowSyncPrimitivesForWebRtcDataStreamAdapter; // http://b/233844893 |
| friend class remoting::protocol:: |
| ScopedAllowSyncPrimitivesForWebRtcTransport; // http://crbug.com/1198501 |
| friend class remoting::protocol:: |
| ScopedAllowSyncPrimitivesForWebRtcVideoStream; // http://b/304681143 |
| friend class remoting::protocol:: |
| ScopedAllowThreadJoinForWebRtcTransport; // http://crbug.com/660081 |
| // Not used in production yet, https://crbug.com/844078. |
| friend class service_manager::ServiceProcessLauncher; |
| friend class ui::WindowResizeHelperMac; // http://crbug.com/902829 |
| |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope( |
| const Location& from_here = Location::Current()); |
| |
| ~ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope(); |
| |
| const AutoReset<BooleanWithOptionalStack> resetter_; |
| }; |
| |
| // Allow base-sync-primitives in tests, doesn't require explicit friend'ing like |
| // ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitives-types aimed at production do. |
| // Note: For WaitableEvents in the test logic, base::TestWaitableEvent is |
| // exposed as a convenience to avoid the need for |
| // ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting. |
| class BASE_EXPORT ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting { |
| public: |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting(); |
| |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting( |
| const ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting&) = delete; |
| ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting& operator=( |
| const ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting&) = delete; |
| |
| ~ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting(); |
| |
| private: |
| const AutoReset<BooleanWithOptionalStack> resetter_; |
| }; |
| |
| // Counterpart to base::DisallowUnresponsiveTasks() for tests to allow them to |
| // block their thread after it was banned. |
| class BASE_EXPORT ScopedAllowUnresponsiveTasksForTesting { |
| public: |
| ScopedAllowUnresponsiveTasksForTesting(); |
| |
| ScopedAllowUnresponsiveTasksForTesting( |
| const ScopedAllowUnresponsiveTasksForTesting&) = delete; |
| ScopedAllowUnresponsiveTasksForTesting& operator=( |
| const ScopedAllowUnresponsiveTasksForTesting&) = delete; |
| |
| ~ScopedAllowUnresponsiveTasksForTesting(); |
| |
| private: |
| const AutoReset<BooleanWithOptionalStack> base_sync_resetter_; |
| const AutoReset<BooleanWithOptionalStack> blocking_resetter_; |
| const AutoReset<BooleanWithOptionalStack> cpu_resetter_; |
| }; |
| |
| namespace internal { |
| |
| // Asserts that waiting on a //base sync primitive is allowed in the current |
| // scope. |
| NOT_TAIL_CALLED BASE_EXPORT void AssertBaseSyncPrimitivesAllowed(); |
| |
| // Resets all thread restrictions on the current thread. |
| BASE_EXPORT void ResetThreadRestrictionsForTesting(); |
| |
| // Check whether the current thread is allowed to use singletons (Singleton / |
| // LazyInstance). DCHECKs if not. |
| NOT_TAIL_CALLED BASE_EXPORT void AssertSingletonAllowed(); |
| |
| } // namespace internal |
| |
| // Disallow using singleton on the current thread. |
| NOT_TAIL_CALLED BASE_EXPORT void DisallowSingleton(); |
| |
| // Disallows singletons within its scope. |
| class BASE_EXPORT ScopedDisallowSingleton { |
| public: |
| ScopedDisallowSingleton(); |
| |
| ScopedDisallowSingleton(const ScopedDisallowSingleton&) = delete; |
| ScopedDisallowSingleton& operator=(const ScopedDisallowSingleton&) = delete; |
| |
| ~ScopedDisallowSingleton(); |
| |
| private: |
| const AutoReset<BooleanWithOptionalStack> resetter_; |
| }; |
| |
| // Asserts that running long CPU work is allowed in the current scope. |
| NOT_TAIL_CALLED BASE_EXPORT void AssertLongCPUWorkAllowed(); |
| |
| NOT_TAIL_CALLED BASE_EXPORT void DisallowUnresponsiveTasks(); |
| |
| // Friend-only methods to permanently allow the current thread to use |
| // blocking/sync-primitives calls. Threads start out in the *allowed* state but |
| // are typically *disallowed* via the above base::Disallow*() methods after |
| // being initialized. |
| // |
| // Only use these to permanently set the allowance on a thread, e.g. on |
| // shutdown. For temporary allowances, use scopers above. |
| class BASE_EXPORT PermanentThreadAllowance { |
| public: |
| // Class is merely a namespace-with-friends. |
| PermanentThreadAllowance() = delete; |
| |
| private: |
| // Sorted by class name (with namespace) |
| friend class base::TestCustomDisallow; |
| friend class content::BrowserMainLoop; |
| friend class content::BrowserTestBase; |
| friend class content::ContentMainRunnerImpl; |
| #endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_IOS) |
| friend class web::WebMainLoop; |
| |
| static void AllowBlocking(); |
| static void AllowBaseSyncPrimitives(); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace base |
| |