blob: 169f4332a413d7cd97fc1aa7d010a5707161ba12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/files/platform_file.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/crosapi.mojom.h"
namespace chromeos {
// Stores and handles BrowserPostLoginParams.
// This class is not to be used directly - use BrowserParamsProxy instead.
BrowserPostLoginParams(const BrowserPostLoginParams&) = delete;
BrowserPostLoginParams& operator=(const BrowserPostLoginParams&) = delete;
// Wait for the user to login and post-login parameters to be available.
// NOTE: This needs to be called before parameters are accessed.
// Please note that this method is not thread-safe and should be called
// before any threads are created in the browser process.
static void WaitForLogin();
// Returns true if the user has logged in, false if not.
static bool IsLoggedIn();
// Sets `postlogin_params_` to the provided value.
// Useful for tests that cannot setup a full Lacros test environment with a
// working Mojo connection to Ash.
static void SetPostLoginParamsForTests(
crosapi::mojom::BrowserPostLoginParamsPtr postlogin_params);
// Create Mem FD from `postlogin_params_`. This must be called after
// `postlogin_params_` has initialized by calling GetInstance().
static base::ScopedFD CreatePostLoginData();
friend base::NoDestructor<BrowserPostLoginParams>;
// Needs to access |Get()|.
friend class BrowserParamsProxy;
// Returns BrowserPostLoginParams which is passed from ash-chrome. On
// launching lacros-chrome from ash-chrome, ash-chrome creates an anonymous
// pipe and the forked/executed lacros-chrome process inherits the file
// descriptor. The serialized BrowserPostLoginParams is written in the pipe
// after login.
// NOTE: You should use BrowserProxyParams to access parameters instead.
static const crosapi::mojom::BrowserPostLoginParams* Get();
static BrowserPostLoginParams* GetInstanceInternal();
// Parameters passed from ash-chrome.
crosapi::mojom::BrowserPostLoginParamsPtr postlogin_params_;
// Whether the user has logged in.
bool logged_in_ = false;
} // namespace chromeos