Using third party code can save time and is consistent with our values - no need to reinvent the wheel! We put all code that isn't written by Chromium developers into //third_party
(even if you end up modifying just a few functions). We do this to make it easy to track license compliance, security patches, and supply the right credit and attributions. It also makes it a lot easier for other projects that embed our code to track what is Chromium licensed and what is covered by other licenses.
By default, all third party code should be checked into //third_party, for the reasons given above.
There is one primary exception to this, which is that if a third_party dependency has its own dependencies and it can be built on its own (without Chromium), you can check its dependencies into its third_party. For example, Dawn is a project that is developed independently of Chromium, and it has a dependency on GLFW (which Chromium does not have). Dawn can check that dependency into its //third_party/glfw
, and in a Chromium checkout, that will show up at //third_party/dawn/third_party/glfw
. That is okay, but it‘d be better if we could add GLFW to a Chromium checkout (in chromium/src’s third_party/glfw
) and configure Dawn to use that location when it is being built as part of Chromium.
However, if that dependency is also needed by Chromium or another of Chromium‘s dependencies, then it must be checked out into Chromium’s //third_party (i.e., now you have to use //third_party/glfw
). This prevents us from possibly needing to use two different versions of a dependency.
Apart from that, other locations are only appropriate in a few situations and need explicit approval; don‘t assume that because there’s some other directory with third_party in the name it's okay to put new things there.
To make sure the inclusion of a new third_party project makes sense for the Chromium project, you should first obtain Chrome ATL approval. Please include the following information in an email to
or test targets in the critical development path.Googlers can access go/chrome-atls and review existing topics in g/chrome-atls, and can also come to office hours to ask questions.
Rust is allowed for third party libraries. Unlike C++ libraries, Rust third party libraries are regularly rolled to updated versions by a rotation and can be audited for unsafety. The process for adding a Googler adding new Rust third-party dependencies is documented at go/chrome-rust. External contributors adding a new third party Rust dependency will be shepherded through the process as part of their ATL review.
Email with any questions about the Rust toolchain.
The size of Chromium derived executables can impact overall performance of those binaries as they need to run on a wide range of devices including those with extremely limited RAM. Additionally, we have experience from Windows of the binary size impacting successful patch rate of updates as well as constraints from the Android Ecosystem where APKs included in the system image have hard limits on their size due to allocation size of the system partition. For more details and guidelines on size increases see //docs/speed/binary_size/ and Googlers can additionally check go/chrome-binary-size
The addition of third-party dependencies that contain binaries, obfuscated code, or minified code is strongly discouraged. Code review is an important part of reducing risk to Chromium and a reviewer asked to approve a change that contains any of these has no way to determine the legitimacy of what they are approving. Minification for performance optimization is usually not necessary, and the trade-off in terms of understandability and security is rarely worth it.
Where your dependency will form part of a release binary where size is a concern, there are existing tools which handle compression for distribution.
You should not check in any pre-built binaries where there is an alternate, supported solution for getting them. If you need to compile from source, consider using CIPD instead.
This is accessible to Googlers only. Non-Googlers can email one of the people in third_party/OWNERS for help.
There are two common ways to depend on third-party code: you can reference a Git repo directly (via entries in the DEPS file) or you can check in a snapshot. The former is preferable in most cases:
Checking in a snapshot is useful if this is effectively taking on maintenance of an unmaintained project (e.g. an ancient library that we‘re going to GN-ify that hasn’t been updated in years). And, of course, if the code you need isn't in a Git repo, then you have to snapshot.
To include a Node package, add the dependency to the Node package.json. Make sure to update the corresponding npm_exclude.txt
and npm_include.txt
to make the code available during checkout.
If the code is in a Git repo that you want to mirror, please file an infra git ticket to get the repo mirrored onto; we don't allow direct dependencies on non-Google-hosted repositories, so that we can still build if an external repository goes down.
Once the mirror is set up, add an entry to //DEPS so that gclient will pull it in. If the code is only needed on some platforms, add a condition to the deps entry so that developers on other platforms don‘t pull in things they don’t need.
As for specifying the path where the library is fetched, a path like //third_party/<project_name>/src
is highly recommended so that you can put the file like OWNERS or README.chromium at //third_party/<project_name>
. If you have a wrong path in DEPS and want to change the path of the existing library in DEPS, please ask the infrastructure team before committing the change.
Lastly, add the new directory to Chromium‘s //third_party/.gitignore
, so that it won’t show up as untracked files when you run git status
on the main repository.
If you are checking in a snapshot, please describe the source in the README.chromium file, described below. For security reasons, please retrieve the code as securely as you can, using HTTPS and GPG signatures if available. If retrieving a tarball, please do not check the tarball itself into the tree, but do list the source and the SHA-512 hash (for verification) in the README.chromium and Change List. The SHA-512 hash can be computed via sha512sum
or openssl dgst -sha512
. If retrieving from a git repository, please list the revision that the code was pulled from.
If you are checking the files in directly, you do not need an entry in DEPS and do not need to modify //third_party/.gitignore
This is accessible to Googlers only. Non-Googlers can email one of the people in third_party/OWNERS for help.
See Moving large files to Google Storage
Your OWNERS file must either list the email addresses of two Chromium committers on the first two lines or include a file:
directive to an OWNERS file within the third_party
directory that itself conforms to this criterion. This will ensure accountability for maintenance of the code over time. While there isn't always an ideal or obvious set of people that should go in OWNERS, this is critical for first-line triage of any issues that crop up in the code.
As an OWNER, you're expected to:
You need a README.chromium file with information about the project from which you're re-using code. See //third_party/README.chromium.template for a list of fields to include. A presubmit check will check this has the right format.
README.chromium files contain a field indicating whether the package is security-critical or not. A package is security-critical if it is compiled into the product and does any of the following:
CPE Prefix One of the fields is CPEPrefix. This is used by Chromium and Google systems to spot known upstream security vulnerabilities, and ensure we merge the fixes into our third-party copy. These systems are not foolproof, so as the OWNER, it's up to you to keep an eye out rather than solely relying on these automated systems. But, adding CPEs decreases the chances of us missing vulnerabilities, so they should always be added if possible.
The CPE is a common format shared across the industry; you can look up the CPE for your package here.
, the Version
in the README.chromium
file will be appended to the CPEPrefix
, if available.Version
field is set to a git hash value, version matching for vulnerabilities will fail.When searching for a CPE, you may find that there is not yet a CPE for the specific upstream version you‘re using. This is normal, as CPEs are typically allocated only when a vulnerability is found. You should follow the version number convention such that, when that does occur in future, we’ll be notified. If no CPE is available, please specify “unknown”.
If you‘re using a patched or modified version which is halfway between two public versions, please “round downwards” to the lower of the public versions (it’s better for us to be notified of false-positive vulnerabilities than false-negatives).
Shipped Your README.chromium should also specify whether your third party dependency will be shipped as part of a final binary. The “Shipped” field replaces the now deprecated special value of “NOT_SHIPPED” which was previously allowed in the “License File” field. This use is no longer supported and all third party dependencies must include a valid license regardless of whether it is shipped or not.
Multiple packages Each package should have its own README.chromium. However, if this is not possible and the information for multiple packages must be placed in a single README.chromium, use the below line to separate the data for each package:
-------------------- DEPENDENCY DIVIDER --------------------
You need a LICENSE file. Example: //third_party/libjpeg/LICENSE. Dependencies should not be added without a license file and license type, even if they are not shipped in a final product. Existing dependencies without a license file or license type are currently being cleaned up as part of the metadata uplift effort. If you are an OWNER of a dependency missing license fields, there will soon be a bug filed to fix it.
Run //tools/licenses/ scan
; this will complain about incomplete or missing data for third_party checkins. We use credits
to generate the about:credits page in Google Chrome builds.
If the library will never be shipped as a part of Chrome (e.g. build-time tools, testing tools), make sure to set the “Shipped” field to “no” so that the license is not included in about:credits page (more on this below).
When a dependency allows a choice of license, OWNERS should choose the least restrictive license that meets Chromium's needs and document only the chosen license(s) in the README.chromium file.
Multiple licenses apply when there are dependencies bundled together, or different parts have different restrictions, these are inherently ‘and’. This is very different to a project allowing multiple license options.
The License:
field in README.chromium must use a comma-separated list of licenses that are actively in use. Complex license expressions are not allowed or supported.
Use SPDX license identifiers ( when possible e.g. ‘Apache-2.0’. You can find the full allowlist in depot_tools/+/main:metadata/fields/custom/ If the dependency uses a license that is not in the allowlist, you will need to add it to the allowlist. This requires approval from the ATLs who will check that the license classification is one of [unencumbered/permissive/notice/reciprocal]. If the license is more restrictive than reciprocal, engage with the ATLs to determine if the dependency is appropriate for Chromium. The license identifier will still need to be added to the restricted list ‘WITH_PERMISSION_ONLY’. Do not use a license on that list without approval from the ATLs.
Licenses used in our codebase fall into several categories of increasing restrictiveness, with notice-level and less restrictive licenses being allowed in all projects:
Any modified files must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files
.3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
.Additionally, open source projects like Chromium are also allowed to use reciprocal licenses:
Reciprocal Licenses - These licenses require sharing modifications under the same terms:
Restricted Licenses !Case-by-case Approval Required! - These licenses have stricter requirements but are allowed in some circumstances. These licenses may require you to publish the code under the same terms and conditions:
Make sure you understand the license terms before checking in a dependency, and when making any local modifications or forks.
The following restricted licenses are allowed under the following circumstances (this is not a definitive list):
All third party additions and substantive changes like re-licensing need the following sign-offs. Some of these are accessible to Googlers only. Non-Googlers can email one of the people in //third_party/OWNERS for help.
field of the README.chromium. Third party code is a hot spot for security vulnerabilities. Help people make informed decisions about relying on this package by highlighting security considerations.Please send separate emails to the ATLs and You can skip the ATL review and when you are only moving existing directories in Chromium to //third_party/.
Subsequent changes don't normally require third-party-owners or security approval; you can modify the code as much as you want. When you update code, be mindful of security-related mailing lists for the project and relevant CVE to update your package.
As we said at the beginning, it is important that Chrome displays the right credit and attributions for all of the third_party code we use.
To view this in chrome, you can open chrome://credits.
That page displays a resource embedded in the browser as part of the //components/resources/components_resources.grd GRIT file; the actual HTML text is generated in the //components/resources:about_credits build target using a template from the output of the //tools/licenses/ script. Assuming you‘ve followed the rules above to ensure that you have the proper path to the LICENSE file and set the Shipped value, if it passes the checks, it’ll be included automatically.