WebGPU Technical Report

Authors: tiszka@chromium.org, bookholt@chromium.org, mattdr@chromium.org

Chrome Graphics as Seen By Attackers

In this document we outline how WebGPU works through the mind of an attacker, our vulnerability research methodologies, and our thought processes in some of the more difficult research areas. There are many interesting portions of Chrome graphics that we omitted from review to keep scope manageable. While our primary focus was WebGPU, we did explore a few attack surfaces shared by other graphics features. We will interleave background information on WebGPU with descriptions of the important bugs we found. We hope this report will give the security community a deeper understanding of the shape of vulnerabilities we may come to expect with the addition of WebGPU, along with a lens into the vulnerabilities we might encounter in the future.

The graphics stack has long been an area of interest for Chrome Security. Before we dive into WebGPU internals, consider the diagram below showing a simplified view of the Chrome graphics architecture.


Show above: Attackers' perspective of Chrome graphics.

The Chrome process model uses sandboxing to create layered security boundaries between untrusted content from the web and protected user data. However, the rapid evolution and high complexity of Chrome's accelerated graphics features coupled with their need to interface directly with drivers in the kernel, as well as their implementation in memory-unsafe languages mean bugs in graphics code are especially useful for bypassing Chrome sandbox boundaries. Furthermore, although Chrome sets the industry standard for rapidly fixing security bugs and quickly shipping updates to users, the presence and exposure of code supported by third parties creates challenges to getting fixes to users rapidly that can lengthen the period when a vulnerability may be viable for exploitation, reducing the cost attackers must bear to sustain a capability.

Enter WebGPU

WebGPU entered Origin Trial in mid-2022 marking the first time web developers and users got to experience the new features. Coincidentally, the Chrome Offensive Security team decided to look into WebGPU as our first major research target.

According to the WebGPU spec, “WebGPU exposes an API for performing operations, such as rendering and computation, on a Graphics Processing Unit”. Unlike WebGL, its predecessor that set out with similar goals, WebGPU isn't an existing native API ported to the Web; WebGPU is a new API designed to surface the functionality of existing graphics APIs like Vulkan, Metal, and Direct3D. In the context of this document we will only be discussing Vulkan as it is ubiquitously reachable on every platform that WebGPU supports either through the GPU rendering pipeline or the software rendering pipeline.

WebGPU introduces two unique attack surfaces to Chrome that will come with their own challenges:

  • the WebGPU API Implementation which was added to the GPU process & renderer process; and
  • the WGSL shader compiler added to the GPU process

While they are related and shader compilation is accessible via web-exposed APIs, they pose two unique challenges so we will dig into both attack surfaces separately.

To give you the big picture first, the diagram below shows the slice of the Chrome graphics stack required for WebGPU. While WebGPU has many pieces and inter-connections, we omitted a great many notable portions of Chrome's graphics attack surface, including WebGL, Skia, Canvas2D, Widevine DRM, and video decoding for the sake of avoiding complexity explosion.


Shown above: The full Chrome WebGPU stack.


The WebGPU API is exposed via JavaScript which calls into Dawn, the library within Chrome that implements WebGPU.

Dawn is separated into two different libraries: Dawn Wire and Dawn Native. Dawn Wire is a client-server implementation of WebGPU. When a WebGPU API call is made from JavaScript the request is serialized in the renderer process using the Dawn Wire Client, the serialized blob is passed to the GPU process using WebGPU extensions to the Chrome GPU Command Buffer (WebGPUDecoderImpl) , and then deserialized in the GPU process by Dawn Wire Server. Dawn Wire Server then calls into Dawn Native which is the “native” implementation of WebGPU that wraps the underlying platform's GPU APIs.

This portion of the review focused on the WebGPU API implementation from Blink to Dawn Backends. We also chose to scope our review to Dawn‘s Vulkan Backend because it is reachable on every WebGPU platform and it is the only platform that’s fuzzable with ClusterFuzz since most of the Vulkan Backend code can be exercised without a physical GPU.


Shown above: The subset of the Chrome WebGPU stack we focused on during this portion of the review, with out-of-scope portions de-emphasized in white.

Finding: Incorrect State Tracking in Dawn Native leads to UAF

tl;dr - Systemic Concerns

Dawn has a pattern where objects hold a raw pointer to reference counted objects, assuming a reference is held elsewhere. This assumption can easily break with future changes to the code as we've seen in the browser process with Mojo handlers. Dawn should discourage this pattern to reduce use-after-free bugs.

Interacting with WebGPU begins with requesting an adapter which is an object wrapping a single instance of WebGPU and then a device which is a logical instantiation of the adapter.

const gpuAdapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
const gpuDevice = await gpuAdapter.requestDevice();

/* Call WebGPU APIs */
let buffer = gpuDevice.createBuffer();

As shown in the picture below, under the covers, gpuDevice.createBuffer creates an Oilpan managed WebGPU Buffer object in Blink that holds a raw pointer and a reference to a Dawn Wire Client Object.

This Dawn Wire Client Object, which lives in the renderer process, holds a reference to a Dawn Wire Server Object, which lives in the GPU process, implicitly incrementing and decrementing the reference count by sending a wgpuCreateObject on construction and wgpuDestroyObject on destruction over IPC to the GPU process.

This Dawn Wire Server Object holds a reference to the Dawn Native Object. Finally, the Dawn Native Object holds a raw pointer to the underlying Vulkan Object (or other graphics API platform object on non-Vulkan platforms.)


Through this long chain of reference counted objects we hold a pointer to a resource in the Usermode Graphics Driver (UMD) through our Oilpan managed gpuBuffer object in JavaScript. This is a lot of state to track!

Interestingly, this means that it's possible to drop references and free objects in the GPU process from an uncompromised renderer by garbage collecting the corresponding WebGPU object in the renderer process.

const gpuAdapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
const gpuDevice = await gpuAdapter.requestDevice();

let buffer = gpuDevice.createBuffer();
buffer = null;

Under the covers, the destruction of an Oilpan object drops a reference to its Dawn Wire Client object which when destructed sends a wgpuDestroyObject IPC command to the GPU process.


Situations can arise where multiple objects within Dawn Native hold references to the same object, so this destruction won't actually free the Dawn Native Buffer.


When we began auditing these references we checked for many of the “classic” reference counting implementation issues. For example, sending multiple wgpuDestroyObject commands from a compromised renderer does not allow the compromised renderer to decrement the reference indefinitely. Reference counted objects use 64 bit integers for tracking on all architectures which prevents integer overflow style bugs. However, we did come across instances where raw pointers were being held without taking a reference to the reference counted pointer.


What's happening inside WebGPU?

WebGPU gives developers an API to queue up operations and then run them in batches using modern graphics APIs. Under the hood, a lot goes on to make this work. The diagram below shows the simplified life cycle of creating and running a compute shader.


The Dawn Native GPUCommandBuffer object, created by the step highlighted in Blue, holds a pre-recorded set of commands that can then be executed at an arbitrary time. Herein lies the magic of WebGPU! It's possible to queue up thousands of GPU compute jobs and execute them asynchronously.

Note: The WebGPU GPUCommandBuffer is completely unrelated to the Chrome GPU Command Buffer. This is an unfortunate name collision. The GPUCommandBuffer is a WebGPU object and the Chrome GPU Command Buffer is a mechanism for communicating over shared memory with the GPU process.

const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();

// Encode commands for copying buffer to buffer.
  source_buffer, /* source buffer */
  0, /* source offset */
  dest_buffer, /* destination buffer */
  0, /* destination offset */
  10 /* size */

// Create a GPUCommandBuffer
const gpuCommandBuffer = commandEncoder.finish();
// Execute the GPU commands asynchronously
device.queue.submit([gpuCommandBuffer, gpuCommandBuffer]);

The same interface is used to create compute pipelines. These pipelines facilitate shader execution and create GPUComputePassEncoder objects which hold references to objects - GPUBuffers, GPUTextures, etc - that the GPU compute shaders will be modifying during execution.

const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();

const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginComputePass();
passEncoder.dispatchWorkgroups(1, 1);

const gpuCommand = commandEncoder.finish();
// Execute the GPU commands asynchronously
device.queue.submit([gpuCommand, gpuCommand]);

Under the covers, the GPUCommandBuffer holds references to Dawn Native objects (in the example above the source_buffer and dest_buffer). A lot can happen during execution of a sequence of commands within the GPUCommandBuffer

  • wgpuDispatchWorkGroups is used to execute shaders, wgpuCopyBufferToBuffer is used to copy one GPU buffer‘s content to another, wgpuSetBindGroup can be used to change the bindings that a compute job is executing on - so it’s very important that the objects the GPUCommandBuffer holds references to are not de-allocated until after the execution of the compute pipeline.

However, there are areas in Dawn where the code holds raw pointers with the assumption that a reference is already held to an object such as at [1] in the excerpt below.

// Used to track operations that are handled after recording.
// Currently only tracks semaphores, but may be used to do barrier coalescing in the future.
struct CommandRecordingContext {
    // External textures that will be eagerly transitioned just before VkSubmit.
    // The textures are kept alive by the CommandBuffer so they don't need to be Ref-ed.
    std::set<Texture*> externalTexturesForEagerTransition;

    std::set<Buffer*> mappableBuffersForEagerTransition; // [1]

The Bug

Herein lies a bug, and likely a bug pattern that could cause issues in the future. An assumption was made that raw pointers could not be added to mappableBuffersForEagerTransition outside of GPUCommandBuffer execution. The code also assumes that references would not be dropped within GPUCommandBuffer execution.

Within Buffer initialization, there was a branch that called the function ClearBuffer [1] if the size of the buffer being created was unaligned.

MaybeError Buffer::Initialize(bool mappedAtCreation) {
  if (device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::LazyClearResourceOnFirstUse) && !mappedAtCreation) {
    uint32_t paddingBytes = GetAllocatedSize() - GetSize();
    if (paddingBytes > 0) {
      CommandRecordingContext* recordingContext = device->GetPendingRecordingContext();
      // [1]
      ClearBuffer(recordingContext, 0, clearOffset, clearSize);

The ClearBuffer call leads to many other state changing effects and function calls. One of those code paths adds a Buffer's raw pointer to mappableBuffersForEagerTransition.


This TrackResourceAndGetResourceBarrier call occurs outside of WebGPU GPUCommandBuffer command execution, which is unexpected, so the only other reference to the Dawn Native Buffer is the reference from the renderer process.

From here it was possible to drop all other references to the Dawn Native Buffer object in the GPU process held from the renderer process by garbage collecting the WebGPU JavaScript buffer object, leading to a use-after-free the next time mappableBuffersForEagerTransition was iterated.

Pointer lifetimes are difficult to get right. Taking a closer look at this vulnerability we see that there are other raw pointers. These appeared to be safe, but they could easily be turned into vulnerabilities by future changes to Dawn.

// Used to track operations that are handled after recording.
// Currently only tracks semaphores, but may be used to do barrier coalescing in the future.
struct CommandRecordingContext {
    // External textures that will be eagerly transitioned just before VkSubmit.
    // The textures are kept alive by the CommandBuffer so they don't need to be Ref-ed.
    std::set<Texture*> externalTexturesForEagerTransition;

-    std::set<Buffer*> mappableBuffersForEagerTransition;
+    std::set<Ref<Buffer>> mappableBuffersForEagerTransition;


As the diff above shows, the fix was to add reference counting to accurately track the Buffer life cycle. It appears that this vulnerability was introduced because assumptions were made about Buffer lifetimes based on the earlier comment about GPUTexture lifetimes. This shows us a problem: even when this pattern is used correctly, it may too easily encourage other incorrect uses. It is hard to verify that the raw pointers in externalTexturesForEagerTransition aren't vulnerable in a similar way. It is probably safer to avoid raw pointers altogether when working with Dawn Native Objects.

Finding: Unexpected State Change Before Callback leads to UAF

tl;dr - Systemic Concerns

WebGPU implements callbacks in the GPU process.Similar patterns in Mojo and JavaScript have consistently caused high severity issues in Chrome over the years. We believe a high bar of scrutiny should be applied to changes within existing Dawn callback handlers and for any new callback handlers being added to Dawn. Increasing complexity in this area would likely have a high cost to Chrome Security.

WebGPU was built to offload work from the CPU to the GPU. GPU execution is asynchronous, so WebGPU was built to be entirely asynchronous. In the bug above we learned that Dawn GPUCommandBuffer execution can execute GPUComputePipelines. For example, GPUComputePipelines contain shader programs that have no guarantees on when they terminate.

// WGSL Script
fn main() {
  loop {}

GPU Drivers implement Fences to signal the completion of GPU work. These Fences are polled on every logical wgpuTick within Dawn. Once the work on the GPU completes, Dawn will execute a callback in the GPU process that will then change state within the GPU process and send any results to the renderer process using Dawn Wire.


This creates a point of reentrancy during callback execution in wgpuTick when the pending callbacks are executed. State can change in unexpected ways during callback execution within wgpuTick and state can change in unexpected ways before callback execution. This creates room for bugs similar to the classic Javascript engine callback bugs that we've seen in the browser and renderer processes.


Luckily, as of May 2023, there aren't that many asynchronous calls in WebGPU and these callbacks do not introduce unbounded re-entrancy (i.e. it is not possible to call ApiTick within an ApiTick).


The Bug

The bug we're looking at occurred because of an unexpected state change between callback registration and callback execution. WebGPU registers a callback handler that executes whenever an error is encountered.

void Server::SetForwardingDeviceCallbacks(ObjectData<WGPUDevice>* deviceObject) {
        [](WGPUErrorType type, const char* message, void* userdata) {
            DeviceInfo* info = static_cast<DeviceInfo*>(userdata);
            info->server->OnUncapturedError(info->self, type, message);
        deviceObject->info.get()); // [1.a]

A raw pointer to the WGPUDevice‘s **Object’s** userdata is fetched and passed to the callback [1.a], which later stores the saved pointer into mUncapturedErrorUserdata [1.b].

void DeviceBase::APISetUncapturedErrorCallback(wgpu::ErrorCallback callback, void* userdata) {
    if (IsLost()) { // [2]
    mUncapturedErrorCallback = callback;
    mUncapturedErrorUserdata = userdata; // [1.b]

When a Dawn Wire Server GPUDevice object is freed, mUncapturedErrorCallback is set to null.

void Server::ClearDeviceCallbacks(WGPUDevice device) {
    mProcs.deviceSetUncapturedErrorCallback(device, nullptr, nullptr);

However if the Device is put into a “Lost” state [2] after 1.a and before 1.b when the ClearDeviceCallbacks is called it will not be nulled out, leading to a dangling pointer. This creates room for an attacker to send a wgpuBufferDestroy command to Dawn Wire Server before the callback is executed.

void DeviceBase::APISetUncapturedErrorCallback(wgpu::ErrorCallback callback, void* userdata) {
    if (IsLost()) { // [2]
    mUncapturedErrorCallback = callback;
    mUncapturedErrorUserdata = userdata; // [1.b]

After that the attacker can clear all references to the WGPUDevice, freeing the userdata leading to a dangling pointer. On the next wgpuTick, if an error callback is invoked it will lead to mUncapturedErrorUserdata being dereferenced, causing a use-after-free (UAF).

This leads to the proof of concept below that uses the trick we mentioned earlier where Garbage Collected objects created from JavaScript in the renderer process can be used to drop a single reference to a Dawn Wire Server object in the GPU process, opening the door for the use-after-free.

async function trigger() {
    let adapter1 = await self.navigator.gpu.requestAdapter({
        forceFallbackAdapter: true
    let device1 = await adapter1.requestDevice();

    // Request a second device.
    let adapter2 = await self.navigator.gpu.requestAdapter({
        forceFallbackAdapter: true

    let buffer1 = device1.createBuffer(
        { mappedAtCreation: false,
          size: 128, usage:
          GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM });

    // Set Device::mState to State::kDestroyed.

    // Trigger an error by unmapping a buffer on a destroyed device,
    // which queues up an error callback

    // Trigger GC to drop the renderer's reference to device, and free it
    buffer1 = null;
    adapter1 = null;
    device1 = null;
    try { new ArrayBuffer(31 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); } catch(e) {}

    // Flush. Trigger UAF.
    await adapter2.requestDevice();

Finding: Multiple vulnerabilities in WebGPU use of GPU Command Buffer

Our Concerns - The Short Version

The Chrome Command Buffer is prone to input validation issues, has many legacy undocumented footguns, and is difficult to fuzz effectively. Manual auditing is currently the best way to discover bugs in this area of the codebase. Snapshot fuzzing could help solve this problem.

Dawn Wire is a serialization/deserialization library. Dawn Wire does not implement IPC mechanisms that can be used to transfer data between processes in Chrome. Instead, within Chrome, Dawn Wire is built on top of the existing Chrome Command Buffer architecture to facilitate inter-process communication between the Renderer and GPU processes. One of the WebGPU-specific GPU Command Buffer IPC handlers receives serialized Dawn Wire data over shared memory and deserializes and executes it using Dawn Wire Server.

error::Error WebGPUDecoderImpl::HandleDawnCommands(...) {
  if (!wire_server_->HandleCommands(shm_commands, size)) {
    return error::kLostContext;


WebGPU improved on the GLES2CommandBuffer implementation in many ways. For example, the GLES2CommandBuffer has been plagued with time-of-check/time-of-use (TOCTOU) vulnerabilities that come with working directly on shared memory that can be concurrently modified by a compromised renderer process. In direct response to this bug class, the WebGPU usage of the Chrome GPU Command Buffer and Dawn Wire Server always copy shared memory passed from the renderer process into a static heap-allocated buffer within the deserializer in the GPU process, before calling into Dawn Native.

There are still a few other footguns to avoid when building on top of the Chrome GPU Command Buffer abstraction. The vulnerabilities discovered in the WebGPU usage of the Chrome GPU Command Buffer so far are good examples; such as not holding a scoped_ptr reference to a TransferBuffer while holding a raw_ptr to its shared memory and not validating buffer offsets/sizes received from a compromised renderer process.

While these vulnerabilities are in WebGPU's implementation within Chrome, they are not unique to WebGPU. The Chrome GPU Command Buffer had similar issues in 2013, and it is notoriously difficult to fuzz effectively, so we will likely introduce similar bugs that reach stable with future abstractions that build on the Chrome GPU Command Buffer.

More Bugs and Notes on WebGPU Implementation Complexity

  • WebGPU was the first web-exposed user to back an ArrayBuffer with a raw pointer. This led to some issues.

  • The WebGPU specification states the getMappedRange() method returns an ArrayBuffer. Within Chrome, this ArrayBuffer is backed by shared memory. Concurrent modification of ArrayBuffer backing stores has led to multiple security vulnerabilities. Fortunately, it is not possible to modify the shared memory in the GPU process after the ArrayBuffer is created. However, if that ever becomes possible in the future it will be a security vulnerability.

    • Interestingly, this also means that we have a well-defined way to compromise an uncompromised renderer that is colluding with a compromised GPU process.
  • Google do not control the underlying Vulkan implementation in the various third party Usermode Graphics Driver that Dawn calls into. Usermode Graphics Driver complexity could reach a point where it becomes indefensible.

  • Vulkan, Metal, and D3d are inherently insecure APIs. Dawn has the hefty responsibility of validating user input before calling into these APIs.

  • The current Dawn fuzzers - DawnWireServerFuzzer and DawnLPMFuzzer

    • fuzz the Dawn wire byte stream, and therefore all of the validation and everything the validation is protecting.
  • Dawn will one day be multithreaded, first as a standalone library and then within Chrome. This will increase its complexity.

WebGPU Shaders

This section focuses on the portions of WebGPU that ingest and process shaders. Refer again to the high level picture below for an illustration of the components of interest in this section.


Show above: The subset of the Chrome WebGPU stack we focused on during this portion of the review, with out-of-scope portions de-emphasized in white.

There is not much information out there about threats facing Chrome's existing shader compilers for WebGL shaders, or how Chrome currently defends against them. WebGPU introduced a new shader compiler pipeline that is defended in a similar manner.

WebGPU moves away from WebGL‘s GLSL shader language entirely and implements WGSL, a re-imagined high level shading language for the web. Tint is Google’s translator for WGSL. Tint compiles WGSL into a platform dependent intermediate language - SPIR-V, HLSL, MSL - that the underlying Usermode Graphics Drivers will further compile.


With the addition of WebGPU, Chrome now has two front-end compilers in the GPU process that can compile some high-level language into SPIR-V: the ANGLE Translator for WebGL shaders (not discussed here) and Tint for WebGPU shaders. Interestingly, the SPIR-V emitted by Tint is not the same subset of SPIR-V emitted by the ANGLE Translator. However, both compilers end up passing their emitted SPIR-V to the same underlying Usermode Graphics Drivers for further backend compilation.


Integer Overflow in SwiftShader JIT leads to out-of-bounds read/write

tl;dr - Systemic Concerns

Vulnerabilities in the SwiftShader JIT compiler aren't being fixed in the SwiftShader codebase. Instead they are fixed by translating away code patterns using the higher-level front end compilers like the ANGLE Translator. This has led to bug variants. Furthermore, ANGLE and Tint sanitization happens on a representation of shaders that is distinct from the representation used by SwiftShader and Usermode Graphics Drivers, creating gaps in protection coverage. Finally, Chrome now has two front-end compilers that pass compiled code to SwiftShader for further compilation making this even more precarious.

We did dig into SwiftShader's shader execution pipeline. SwiftShader emulates an entire GPU stack - the Vulkan Implementation within the Usermode Graphics Drivers, shader compiler within the Usermode Graphics Drivers, and the GPU hardware these call into - all on the CPU.

GPUs make heavy use of parallel shader computation. SwiftShader implemented a SPIR-V JIT compiler to reach near-GPU speeds that compiles to various architectures (x86, x64, arm, arm64). After shader compilation, the JITTed code is executed on multiple threads to emulate a GPU executing shaders.

SwiftShader's JIT

SwiftShader's JIT compiler is built on the Reactor API which acts as a domain specific language and interface to the underlying JIT compiler. Reactor emits LLVM-like IR which is then ingested by the JIT compiler backend for Reactor, Subzero.

The Bug

The vulnerability is a classic integer overflow within a SubZero optimization that collates multiple alloca instructions into a single alloca instruction.

void Cfg::sortAndCombineAllocas(CfgVector<InstAlloca *> &Allocas,
                                uint32_t CombinedAlignment, InstList &Insts,
                                AllocaBaseVariableType BaseVariableType) {
 uint32_t CurrentOffset = 0; // [1]
 for (Inst *Instr : Allocas) {
   auto *Alloca = llvm::cast<InstAlloca>(Instr);
   uint32_t Alignment = std::max(Alloca->getAlignInBytes(), 1u);
   auto *ConstSize =
   uint32_t Size = Utils::applyAlignment(ConstSize->getValue(), Alignment);
   CurrentOffset += Size; // [2]
 uint32_t TotalSize =
    Utils::applyAlignment(CurrentOffset, CombinedAlignment);

 Operand *AllocaSize = Ctx->getConstantInt32(TotalSize);
 InstAlloca *CombinedAlloca =
 ); // [3]

CurrentOffset is a 32 bit unsigned integer declared at [1]. By supplying a SPIR-V shader that generates enough large alloca nodes, it's possible for the repeated addition at [2] to overflow the 32-bit unsigned integer, leading to an undersized alloca node being generated at [3].

alloca instructions are later lowered to stack allocations for the actual variables in the shader program. Reading and writing into an undersized stack allocation will lead to out-of-bounds reads/writes.

SwiftShader JIT Bugs: Reachable from WebGPU and WebGL

As we mentioned earlier, both WebGPU and WebGL shaders are compiled to SPIR-V in Vulkan environments. SwiftShader implements the Vulkan Graphics API.


We found a bug, but there are many many layers to dig through to figure out if the bug is reachable. The ANGLE Translator will emit an spv::Op::OpVariable SPIR-V instruction whenever it encounters a variable declaration within the WebGL SL it is compiling. Tint will also emit an spv::Op::OpVariable SPIR-V instruction whenever it encounters a variable declaration within the WGSL it is compiling.


When the SwiftShader SPIR-V compiler encounters the spv::Op::OpVariable instruction it will generate a Variable IR.


Whenever this Variable IR is being converted from Reactor IR into Subzero IR it calls into allocateStackVariable() which emits a SubZero InstAlloca instruction.


Value *Nucleus::allocateStackVariable(Type *t, int arraySize)
	Ice::Type type = T(t);
	int typeSize = Ice::typeWidthInBytes(type);
	int totalSize = typeSize * (arraySize ? arraySize : 1);

	auto bytes = Ice::ConstantInteger32::create(
             ::context, Ice::IceType_i32, totalSize);
	auto address = ::function->makeVariable(T(getPointerType(t)));
	auto alloca =
          Ice::InstAlloca::create(::function, address, bytes, typeSize); // [4]

	return V(address);

allocateStackVariable() generates the SubZero InstAlloca IR instruction that sortAndCombineAllocas incorrectly optimizes.


When the assembly emitted by SubZero is executed on the CPU and the undersized allocation is read/written to, it leads to out-of-bounds memory accesses.

The Fix

Similar to other bugs in shader compilers, this vulnerability is prevented by the front-end compilers and no changes were made to SwiftShader. For those who don‘t follow the bug tracker closely, looking closer at the fix this is a variant of a variant. Integer overflows keep popping up in shader compilers and ValidateTypeSizeLimitations() is being used to further restrict the maximum size of variables within shaders to prevent these vulnerabilities. It’s unclear if this strategy will prevent more variants from popping up in SwiftShader; especially now that WebGPU will also need to make similar fixes in their front-end compiler.

Note: When Tint emits an OpVariable it also emits an OpConstantNull SPIR-V instruction. The OpConstantNull instruction causes SwiftShader, and any other SPIR-V compiler, to zero-initialize variables allocations. As noted in the bug, it prevents the bug from triggering in a convenient amount of time on WebGPU. This is an interesting inconsistency between the two front-end compilers. We are also actively investigating if the ANGLE Translator's lack of OpConstantNull leads to infoleaks. The WebGPU team is considering a separate fix for this bug.

More Bugs and Notes on Shader Compiler Complexity

  • The front-end shader compilers - ANGLE Translator and Tint - break Chrome's Rule of Two on platforms like Android, where the GPU process is un-sandboxed and parses complex attacker-controlled shaders as input. In addition, backend shader compilers in the Usermode Graphics Drivers have a high complexity, are closed source, and are evolving targets that are continuously adding new optimizations and functionality.

  • WGSL Shader Compilers are more expressive in general than WebGL SL shader compilers. Notably, WGSL supports both dynamic sized arrays and runtime-sized arrays which introduces complexity when handling. There is state tracking within Dawn to ensure that object types don't change between executions of the JIT compiler. However as complexity increases in both Dawn and Tint this could become harder to manage and lead to bugs.

  • We are currently fixing bugs in SwiftShader by making fixes in the front-end compilers. This is likely a risky way to fix these vulnerabilities and leads to situations where variants can easily slip through the cracks.

  • We believe that Chrome owning the entire front-end compilation component in Tint is a net-positive win for security. The less attack surface we pass on to the Usermode Graphics Drivers the better.

  • We did not spend time digging into speculative execution vulnerabilities. However, we would be surprised if there are no Spectre gadgets in SwiftShader.

  • SwiftShader unifies the GPU process attack surface, and enables exploits that are reachable through the Vulkan API on all platforms. We encouraged the WebGPU team to consider shipping the forceFallbackAdapter adapter option behind a runtime flag.

  • We have not yet audited what any of this means at the Kernel level. We don't know what shader compiler execution looks like on a GPU and what the shape of a vulnerability in that area would look like.

Summary of Findings

WebGPU introduces a significant amount of attack surface to Chrome's GPU process both through the core WebGPU implementation which lives in Dawn, the WebGPU extensions to the GPU Command Buffer, and transitively through the third party Usermode Graphics Drivers and everything below.

The vulnerabilities in the document are meant to showcase attack surfaces and patterns that demonstrate further complexity will likely lead to more vulnerabilities.

WebGPU invested a significant amount of effort on validating renderer supplied input before calling into drivers and reference counting pointers. This investment paid off – we found precisely zero “low-hanging” vulnerabilities in Dawn.

WebGPU also introduces a large amount of attack surface through the compilation and execution of shader compilers in Chrome's privileged GPU process in Tint, third party Usermode Graphics Drivers, and SwiftShader.

WebGPU has invested a significant amount of effort on fuzzing Tint. However the fuzzing only targets the parsers and lexers within Tint and doesn‘t exercise the code in SwiftShader or on Usermode Graphics Drivers. There is room for Chrome to invest in fuzzing shader compilers with syntactically and semantically correct code in the same way that we fuzz V8 with Fuzzilli to exercise code in **SwiftShader’s** JIT compiler. Like V8, shader compilers will have bugs that are unfuzzable. Chrome Security will need to continue manually auditing shader compiler implementations to correctly assess risk and reduce bug density. Furthermore, where we lack access to source code, such as third party Usermode Graphics Drivers, expanding fuzzing support is our only feasibly scalable approach to mitigating the risk of third party code within the Chrome GPU process.

Systemic Concerns

We found many one-off vulnerabilities in WebGPU during this exercise, and we found some bugs that hinted at future problem areas:

  • Dawn use-after-frees: Dawn has a pattern where objects hold a raw pointer to reference counted objects, assuming a reference is held elsewhere. This assumption can easily break with future changes to the code as we've seen in the browser process with Mojo handlers. Dawn should discourage this pattern to reduce use-after-free bugs.

  • Dawn Callbacks: WebGPU implements callbacks in the GPU process. Similar patterns in Mojo and JavaScript have consistently caused high severity issues in Chrome over the years. We believe a high bar of scrutiny should be applied to changes within existing WebGPU callback handlers and for any new callback handlers being added to Dawn. Increasing complexity in this area would likely have a high cost to Chrome Security.

  • Chrome Command Buffer: The Chrome Command Buffer is prone to input validation issues, has many undocumented legacy footguns, and is difficult to fuzz effectively because feature coverage requires (a) a harness that supports Chrome in multi-process mode, (b) a stateful generator that can leverage context across test cases, and (c) can sometimes also require execution on a host with a physical GPU. Snapshot fuzzing may be useful to address some of these challenges, although manual auditing is currently the best way to discover bugs in this area of the codebase.

  • SwiftShader JIT: Vulnerabilities in the SwiftShader JIT compiler aren't being fixed in the SwiftShader codebase. Instead they are fixed by translating away code patterns using the higher-level front end compilers like the ANGLE Translator. This has led to bug variants. Furthermore, ANGLE and Tint sanitization happens on a representation of shaders that is distinct from the representation used by SwiftShader and Usermode Graphics Drivers, creating gaps in protection coverage. Finally, Chrome now has two front-end compilers that pass compiled code to SwiftShader for further compilation making this strategy more precarious.

Glossary: Chrome Security GPU Terminology

The security relevance of GPU terms is hard to track. Here are a lot of them in one place.

  • Dawn Wire: Client-Server implementation of webgpu.h.

    • Dawn Wire Client: Lives in the renderer process.
    • Dawn Wire Server: Lives in the GPU process
  • Dawn Native: Core implementation of WebGPU that calls into the Dawn backends.

  • Dawn Backends: Wrappers around the System Graphics Apis that Dawn Native needs to call into (Vulkan, Metal, & DirectX3D).

  • Tint: Google's OSS implementation of WGSL. Compiles WGSL to SPIRV, MSL, HLSL, & DXIL. Mostly a front-end compiler as of May 23, 2023.

  • ANGLE: Google's OSS implementation of OpenGL.

  • ANGLE Translator: Google's OSS implementation of WebGL SL. Compiles WebGL SL to GLSL or SPIR-V.

  • SwiftShader: Vulkan implementation and SPIR-V compiler built to run directly on the CPU. Emulates an entire GPU as well. Does so with JIT compiled SIMD shader compiler execution.

  • SwiftShader JIT Compiler: SwiftShader compiles SPIR-V shaders to X86/Arm/aarch64/etc using PNACL's old JIT compiler, SubZero.

  • D3D12: Direct3D 12, Microsoft's newest System Graphics API. Implemented in Usermode Graphics Driver.

  • OpenGL: WebGL is built on OpenGL. Implemented in Usermode Graphics Driver. SwiftShader no longer

  • Vulkan: Systems Graphics API on Linux (and some Windows devices™). WebGPU is built on top of Vulkan.

    • WebGL can be run with a Vulkan backend natively. Currently enabled on 50% is built on top of Vulkan on 50% of Linux Desktop devices through a finch experiment.
    • WebGL on SwiftShader uses the Vulkan backend on every platform.
    • WebGPU on Linux uses Vulkan for 100% of Linux Desktop and Android devices
    • WebGPU on SwiftShader uses the Vulkan backend on every platform.
  • Metal: Systems Graphics API on Mac.

  • DXIL: DirectX Intermediate Language, essentially LLVM IR for shaders for D3D12

  • HLSL: High Level Shading Language, Direct3D's shading language (including D3D12).

  • MSL: Metal Shading Language (shading language that runs on apple hardware).

  • SPIR-V: Standard Portable Intermediate Representation - Vulkan. An SSA form bytecode shading language used for Vulkan. Both WebGL and WebGPU compile to SPIR-V on Vulkan.

  • WGSL: WebGPU Shading Language. WebGL's successor.

  • GLSL: OpenGL Shading Language.

  • WebGL SL: WebGL Shader language. A subset of GLSL that is safe for the web. Compiled and sanitized by the ANGLE translator.

  • Usermode Graphics Driver (UMD): A shared library that ships with a kernel graphics driver (think Arm, Nvidia, AMD, Qualcomm). This is where shader compilation happens. This is where the system graphics APIs are implemented. SwiftShader emulates an entire GPU, so it is a Usermode Graphics Driver and more.

  • GPU Command Buffer: High level abstraction for transferring data over shared memory to the GPU process. Both the renderer process and browser process use various command buffers to do GPU operations in Chrome.

  • WebGPU use of GPU Command Buffer (WebGPUDecoderImpl): An extension of the Chrome GPU Command Buffer abstraction that is used for transferring Dawn Wire data between the Renderer and GPU processes.

  • Dawn Native GPUCommandBuffer: An object within Dawn that has a name collision with the legacy Chrome GPU Command Buffer abstraction. They are not related.