In Chrome 77, two changes to the First Contentful Paint (FCP) metric occurred:
swap time
--the time at which the compositor frame is sent to the display compositor. The metric was updated to end at the presentation time
instead. The presentation time is the time pixels actually appear on screen, according to the GPU. The presentation time occurs after the swap time, so the metric duration is longer after this change. The source code of the change can be seen here.These changes will affect the RUM API data, the data reported in Chrome User Experience Report, the values reported in Chrome Devtools, and in Lighthouse.
The metric now includes the time between swap time and presentation time, which is measured internally by the Chrome team in the PageLoad.Internal.Renderer.PresentationTime.DeltaFromSwapTime
metric. How it affects a site will depend on the devices accessing the site, which can vary quite a bit in performance.
The performance regression in M77 will also vary depending on the usage of the site. This regression recovered in M78, so a site can understand the impact by comparing its metrics from M77 and M78.
On Android, Chrome was updated by most users:
On Windows, Chrome was updated by most users: