blob: 6119f7f3f73379b9bdd219342f23bdde4509ab8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/client_hints/enabled_client_hints.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/renderer_content_settings.mojom.h"
namespace blink {
class WebURL;
// This class provides the content settings information which tells
// whether each feature is allowed or not.
class WebContentSettingsClient {
// Only used if this is a WebContentSettingsClient on a worker thread. Clones
// this WebContentSettingsClient so it can be used by another worker thread.
virtual std::unique_ptr<WebContentSettingsClient> Clone() { return nullptr; }
enum class StorageType {
// Controls whether access to the given StorageType is allowed for this frame.
// Runs asynchronously.
virtual void AllowStorageAccess(StorageType storage_type,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) {
// Controls whether access to the given StorageType is allowed for this frame.
// Blocks until done.
virtual bool AllowStorageAccessSync(StorageType storage_type) { return true; }
// Controls whether insecure scripts are allowed to execute for this frame.
virtual bool AllowRunningInsecureContent(bool enabled_per_settings,
const WebURL&) {
return enabled_per_settings;
// Controls whether access to read the clipboard is allowed for this frame.
virtual bool AllowReadFromClipboard() { return false; }
// Controls whether access to write the clipboard is allowed for this frame.
virtual bool AllowWriteToClipboard() { return false; }
// Controls whether enabling Web Components API for this frame.
virtual bool AllowWebComponents(bool default_value) { return default_value; }
// Controls whether to enable MutationEvents for this frame.
// The common use case of this method is actually to selectively disable
// MutationEvents, but it's been named for consistency with the rest of the
// interface.
virtual bool AllowMutationEvents(bool default_value) { return default_value; }
// Reports that passive mixed content was found at the provided URL.
virtual void PassiveInsecureContentFound(const WebURL&) {}
// Notifies the client that the frame would have executed script if script
// were enabled.
virtual void DidNotAllowScript() {}
// Notifies the client that the frame would have loaded an image if image were
// enabled.
virtual void DidNotAllowImage() {}
// Called to persist the received client hint preferences when |url| was
// fetched. The preferences should be persisted for |duration|.
virtual void PersistClientHints(
const EnabledClientHints& enabled_client_hints,
base::TimeDelta duration,
const blink::WebURL& url) {}
// Controls whether mixed content autoupgrades should be allowed in this
// frame.
virtual bool ShouldAutoupgradeMixedContent() { return true; }
// Controls whether the ViewTransition callback needs to be larger than
// default.
virtual bool IncreaseViewTransitionCallbackTimeout() const { return false; }
virtual ~WebContentSettingsClient() = default;
} // namespace blink