blob: 6a3f7c86f68cc477543fedd139380548a7be961f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// WebSocketHandshakeThrottle provides a facility for embedders to delay
// WebSocket connection establishment. Specifically, at the same time as the
// handshake is started blink::Platform::CreateWebSocketHandshakeThrottle() will
// be called. If a non-null WebSocketHandshakeThrottle is returned then
// ThrottleHandshake() will be called on it. If the result is error then the
// handshake will be aborted, and a connection error will be reported to
// Javascript. If the throttle hasn't reported a result when the WebSocket
// handshake succeeds then Blink will wait for the throttle result before
// reporting the connection is open to Javascript.
#include <optional>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
namespace blink {
class WebURL;
class WebString;
class WebSecurityOrigin;
// Embedders can implement this class to delay WebSocket connections.
class WebSocketHandshakeThrottle {
// Destruction implies that the handshake has been aborted. Any ongoing work
// should be cleaned up if possible.
virtual ~WebSocketHandshakeThrottle() = default;
// The closure callback OnCompletion should be called asynchronously
// to permit Javascript to use the connection or not. On error, a message
// should be passed to be displayed on the console indicating why the
// handshake was blocked. This object will be destroyed synchronously inside
// the callback. Callback must not be called after this object has been
// destroyed.
using OnCompletion =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::optional<WebString>& error)>;
// |creator_origin| is the origin of the execution context that created
// this WebSocket.
// |isolated_world_origin| indicates the origin of the isolated world if the
// subresource request is initiated from an isolated world (e.g. from a
// content script of a Chrome Extension). Otherwise, |isolated_world_origin|
// is null.
virtual void ThrottleHandshake(const WebURL&,
const WebSecurityOrigin& creator_origin,
const WebSecurityOrigin& isolated_world_origin,
OnCompletion) = 0;
} // namespace blink