blob: 111ef2840249e5458e24c82c1c8e97ff258530cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_vector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/member.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class Element;
class Document;
class ComputedStyle;
class CSSAnimationUpdate;
// PostStyleUpdateScope applies pending animation, and initiates clearing of the
// focused element, on destruction, if it is the *current* scope. A
// PostStyleUpdateScope becomes the current scope upon construction if there
// isn't one already.
class CORE_EXPORT PostStyleUpdateScope {
explicit PostStyleUpdateScope(Document&);
class AnimationData {
// Set a pending CSSAnimationUpdate for a given Element.
// The update will be automatically applied when the owning
// PostStyleUpdateScope object goes out of scope.
void SetPendingUpdate(Element&, const CSSAnimationUpdate&);
// When calculating transition updates, we need the old style of the element
// to set up the transition correctly. Container queries can cause the style
// to be calculated (and replaced on Element) multiple times before we have
// the final after-change ComputedStyle, hence we need to store the
// "original" old style for affected elements in order to avoid triggering
// transitions based on some abandoned and intermediate ComputedStyle.
// This function takes the current ComputedStyle of the element, and stores
// it as the old style. If an old style was already stored for this Element,
// this function does nothing.
// The old styles remain until the PostStyleUpdateScope object goes out of
// scope.
void StoreOldStyleIfNeeded(Element&);
// If an old-style was previously stored using StoreOldStyleIfNeeded,
// this function returns that ComputedStyle. Otherwise returns the current
// ComputedStyle on the Element.
const ComputedStyle* GetOldStyle(const Element&) const;
friend class PostStyleUpdateScope;
friend class ContainerQueryTest;
friend class StyleResolverTest;
HeapHashSet<Member<Element>> elements_with_pending_updates_;
HeapHashMap<Member<const Element>, Member<const ComputedStyle>> old_styles_;
class PseudoData {
// Add a pending ::backdrop update for a given originating element.
// This is required when a ::backdrop exists on a container query container:
// Since ::backdrop comes *before* the originating element in the layout
// tree, it is not possible to correctly update ::backdrop pseudo-elements
// in a single pass if the originating element is the container. Therefore
// "conditional" ::backdrop pseudo-elements handled in a follow-up
// style/layout pass.
void AddPendingBackdrop(Element& originating_element);
friend class PostStyleUpdateScope;
HeapVector<Member<Element>> pending_backdrops_;
static AnimationData* CurrentAnimationData();
static PseudoData* CurrentPseudoData();
// If there is a CurrentAnimationData() and old-style was previously stored
// using StoreOldStyleIfNeeded, this function returns that ComputedStyle.
// Otherwise returns the current ComputedStyle on the Element.
static const ComputedStyle* GetOldStyle(const Element&);
// Apply side-effects from the style update, e.g. starting and stopping
// animations.
// A return value of true means that style needs to be updated again.
// This can happen for e.g. ::backdrop pseudo-elements in container queries
// (see PseudoData::AddPendingBackdrop).
bool Apply();
Document& document_;
// Note that |animation_data_| is only used if the PostStyleUpdateScope is the
// current scope. Otherwise it will remain empty.
AnimationData animation_data_;
PseudoData pseudo_data_;
// Set to true by ApplyPseudo to prevent subsequent style recalc passes from
// adding things to PseudoData (which could cause infinite loops).
bool nullify_pseudo_data_ = false;
bool ApplyPseudo();
void ApplyAnimations();
PseudoData* GetPseudoData() {
return nullify_pseudo_data_ ? nullptr : &pseudo_data_;
static PostStyleUpdateScope* current_;
} // namespace blink