blob: 9ef58c6aa48b898f8ffa2a6197737bb82ca49683 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/box_painter.h"
#include <optional>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/object_painter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_info.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_layer_scrollable_area.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/scrollable_area_painter.h"
namespace blink {
void BoxPainter::RecordRegionCaptureData(
const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const PhysicalRect& paint_rect,
const DisplayItemClient& background_client) {
const Element* element = DynamicTo<Element>(layout_box_.GetNode());
if (element) {
const RegionCaptureCropId* crop_id = element->GetRegionCaptureCropId();
if (crop_id) {
background_client, *crop_id, ToPixelSnappedRect(paint_rect));
void BoxPainter::RecordScrollHitTestData(
const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const DisplayItemClient& background_client,
const FragmentData* fragment) {
if (!fragment) {
// Scroll hit test data are only needed for compositing. This flag is used for
// printing and drag images which do not need hit testing.
if (paint_info.ShouldOmitCompositingInfo())
// If an object is not visible, it does not scroll.
const ComputedStyle& style = layout_box_.StyleRef();
if (style.Visibility() != EVisibility::kVisible) {
if (!layout_box_.GetScrollableArea())
// If an object does scroll overflow, but it is not itself visible to
// hit testing (e.g., because it has pointer-events: none), it may
// have descendants that *are* visible to hit testing. In that case,
// we need to record hit test data with a null scroll_translation
// (which marks a region where composited scroll is not allowed) so
// that we fall back to main thread hit testing for the entire box.
// Note that if it is visibility: hidden, then the style.Visibility()
// check above will fail and we will already have returned.
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::HitTestOpaquenessEnabled() &&
!style.VisibleToHitTesting()) {
auto& paint_controller = paint_info.context.GetPaintController();
background_client, DisplayItem::kScrollHitTest, nullptr,
VisualRect(fragment->PaintOffset()), cc::HitTestOpaqueness::kMixed);
// If there is an associated scroll node, emit scroll hit test data.
const auto* properties = fragment->PaintProperties();
auto hit_test_opaqueness = ObjectPainter(layout_box_).GetHitTestOpaqueness();
if (properties && properties->Scroll()) {
// We record scroll hit test data in the local border box properties
// instead of the contents properties so that the scroll hit test is not
// clipped or scrolled.
auto& paint_controller = paint_info.context.GetPaintController();
// TODO( This should be
// DCHECK_EQ(fragment->LocalBorderBoxProperties(),
// paint_controller.CurrentPaintChunkProperties());
// but we have problems about the effect node with CompositingReason::
// kTransform3DSceneLeaf on non-stacking-context elements.
auto border_box_properties = fragment->LocalBorderBoxProperties();
auto current_properties = paint_controller.CurrentPaintChunkProperties();
<< border_box_properties.Transform().ToTreeString().Utf8()
<< current_properties.Transform().ToTreeString().Utf8();
DCHECK_EQ(&border_box_properties.Clip(), &current_properties.Clip())
<< border_box_properties.Clip().ToTreeString().Utf8()
<< current_properties.Clip().ToTreeString().Utf8();
background_client, DisplayItem::kScrollHitTest,
properties->ScrollTranslation(), VisualRect(fragment->PaintOffset()),
if (hit_test_opaqueness != cc::HitTestOpaqueness::kTransparent) {
gfx::Rect BoxPainter::VisualRect(const PhysicalOffset& paint_offset) {
DCHECK(!layout_box_.VisualRectRespectsVisibility() ||
layout_box_.StyleRef().Visibility() == EVisibility::kVisible);
PhysicalRect rect = layout_box_.SelfVisualOverflowRect();
return ToEnclosingRect(rect);
} // namespace blink