blob: 638ee7fc6ea61f490b2595fbd0fa2f8c2333a2bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/dom_node_ids.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/speculation_rules/speculation_rule.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_vector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/garbage_collected.h"
namespace blink {
class Document;
class ExecutionContext;
class KURL;
class ScriptElementBase;
class SpeculationRule;
class SpeculationRulesResource;
class StyleRule;
using SpeculationRuleSetId = String;
// Summary of an error got in parse.
enum class SpeculationRuleSetErrorType {
// Source is not a valid JSON object and entire parse failed.
// An invalid or unsupported rule was ignored.
kMaxValue = kInvalidRulesSkipped,
// A set of rules generated from a single <script type=speculationrules>, which
// provides rules to identify URLs and corresponding conditions for speculation,
// grouped by the action that is suggested.
class CORE_EXPORT SpeculationRuleSet final
: public GarbageCollected<SpeculationRuleSet> {
// Stores the original source text and base URL (if the base URL used isn't
// the document's base URL) used for parsing a rule set.
class CORE_EXPORT Source : public GarbageCollected<Source> {
// Don't call this directly; use the factory methods below instead!
const String& source_text,
std::optional<DOMNodeId> node_id,
std::optional<KURL> base_url,
std::optional<uint64_t> request_id);
static Source* FromInlineScript(const String& source_text,
DOMNodeId node_id);
static Source* FromRequest(const String& source_text,
const KURL& base_url,
uint64_t request_id);
static Source* FromBrowserInjected(const String& source_text,
const KURL& base_url);
const String& GetSourceText() const;
// Has a value iff IsFromInlineScript() is true.
const std::optional<DOMNodeId>& GetNodeId() const;
// Have values iff IsFromRequest() is true.
const std::optional<KURL> GetSourceURL() const;
const std::optional<uint64_t>& GetRequestId() const;
KURL GetBaseURL() const;
bool IsFromInlineScript() const;
bool IsFromRequest() const;
bool IsFromBrowserInjected() const;
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
// Set for all types
String source_text_;
// Set by FromInlineScript()
Member<Document> document_;
std::optional<DOMNodeId> node_id_;
// Set by FromRequest() and FromBrowserInjected()
std::optional<KURL> base_url_;
// Set by FromRequest()
std::optional<uint64_t> request_id_;
SpeculationRuleSet(base::PassKey<SpeculationRuleSet>, Source* source);
// Returns parsed rule sets (never nullptr). If an error occurred in
// parsing entire JSON object, returns an empty rule set. If an error
// occurred in parsing a rule set for a key or a rule, skips that one.
static SpeculationRuleSet* Parse(Source* source, ExecutionContext* context);
SpeculationRuleSetId InspectorId() const { return inspector_id_; }
const HeapVector<Member<SpeculationRule>>& prefetch_rules() const {
return prefetch_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<SpeculationRule>>& prefetch_with_subresources_rules()
const {
return prefetch_with_subresources_rules_;
const HeapVector<Member<SpeculationRule>>& prerender_rules() const {
return prerender_rules_;
bool has_document_rule() const { return has_document_rule_; }
bool requires_unfiltered_input() const { return requires_unfiltered_input_; }
Source* source() const { return source_.Get(); }
const HeapVector<Member<StyleRule>>& selectors() { return selectors_; }
// Returns an summary and detail of an error got in `Parse`.
// `error_message` is empty iff `error_type` is `kNoError`.
// An error indicates that one or more rules were skipped.
SpeculationRuleSetErrorType error_type() const { return error_type_; }
const String& error_message() const { return error_message_; }
// Returns a list of detailed warnings from the `Parse` method. Warnings
// indicate that there are issues with one or more rules but these rules were
// still accepted in contrast with rules with an error that would be skipped.
const Vector<String>& warning_messages() const { return warning_messages_; }
// Shorthand to check `error_type` is not `kNoError`.
bool HasError() const;
// Shorthand to check if there are any warning messages.
bool HasWarnings() const;
bool ShouldReportUMAForError() const;
void AddConsoleMessageForValidation(ScriptElementBase& script_element);
void AddConsoleMessageForValidation(Document& element_document,
SpeculationRulesResource& resource);
static mojom::blink::SpeculationTargetHint SpeculationTargetHintFromString(
const StringView& target_hint_str);
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
void SetError(SpeculationRuleSetErrorType error_type, String error_message);
void SetWarnings(Vector<String> warning_messages);
SpeculationRuleSetId inspector_id_;
HeapVector<Member<SpeculationRule>> prefetch_rules_;
HeapVector<Member<SpeculationRule>> prefetch_with_subresources_rules_;
HeapVector<Member<SpeculationRule>> prerender_rules_;
// The original source is reused to reparse speculation rule sets when the
// document base URL changes.
Member<Source> source_;
HeapVector<Member<StyleRule>> selectors_;
bool has_document_rule_ = false;
// If true, this ruleset contains a rule which may not work correctly if input
// is filtered.
// TODO( Remove this once such rules work without this
// hack.
bool requires_unfiltered_input_ = false;
SpeculationRuleSetErrorType error_type_ =
String error_message_;
Vector<String> warning_messages_;
} // namespace blink