blob: d34602feebb63ec6a9ad2649bbcd7f3f3daca73a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/grid_track_size.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
enum class AutoRepeatType : uint8_t { kNoAutoRepeat, kAutoFill, kAutoFit };
enum class GridAxisType : uint8_t { kStandaloneAxis, kSubgriddedAxis };
// Stores tracks related data by compressing repeated tracks into a single node.
struct NGGridTrackRepeater {
enum RepeatType {
NGGridTrackRepeater(wtf_size_t repeat_index,
wtf_size_t repeat_size,
wtf_size_t repeat_count,
wtf_size_t line_name_indices_count,
RepeatType repeat_type);
String ToString() const;
bool operator==(const NGGridTrackRepeater& o) const;
// `NGGridTrackList` will store the sizes for each track in this repeater
// consecutively in a single vector for all repeaters; this index specifies
// the position of the first track size that belongs to this repeater.
wtf_size_t repeat_index;
// Amount of tracks to be repeated.
wtf_size_t repeat_size;
// Amount of times the group of tracks are repeated.
wtf_size_t repeat_count;
// Count of line name indices defined in this repeater. This is different than
// the count of line names. for instance, a definition of
// `repeat(auto-fit, [a b], [c d])` would have a line name count of 4, but the
// line name indices count would be 2 (0 and 1). This is necessary for round
// tripping repeaters, as we need to know how many indices have line names.
// TODO(kschmi): Merge this with `repeat_size`.
wtf_size_t line_name_indices_count;
// Type of repetition.
RepeatType repeat_type;
class CORE_EXPORT NGGridTrackList {
NGGridTrackList() = default;
NGGridTrackList(const NGGridTrackList& other) = default;
explicit NGGridTrackList(const GridTrackSize& default_track_size) {
// Returns the repeat count of the repeater at `index`, or `auto_value`
// if the repeater is auto.
wtf_size_t RepeatCount(wtf_size_t index, wtf_size_t auto_value) const;
// Returns the position of the first track size in the repeater at `index`.
wtf_size_t RepeatIndex(wtf_size_t index) const;
// Returns the number of tracks in the repeater at `index`.
wtf_size_t RepeatSize(wtf_size_t index) const;
// Returns the number line name indices defined at a given repeater `index`.
wtf_size_t LineNameIndicesCount(wtf_size_t index) const;
// Returns the repeat type of the repeater at `index`.
NGGridTrackRepeater::RepeatType RepeatType(wtf_size_t index) const;
// Returns the size of the `n`-th specified track of the repeater at `index`.
const GridTrackSize& RepeatTrackSize(wtf_size_t index, wtf_size_t n) const;
// Returns the count of repeaters.
wtf_size_t RepeaterCount() const;
// Returns the count of all tracks, ignoring those within an auto repeater.
wtf_size_t TrackCountWithoutAutoRepeat() const;
// Returns the number of tracks in the auto repeater, or 0 if there is none.
wtf_size_t AutoRepeatTrackCount() const;
// Returns the count of line names not including auto repeaters. Note that
// this is subtly different than `TrackCountWithoutAutoRepeat`, as it is
// specifically line names (not sizes), and includes empty line names.
wtf_size_t NonAutoRepeatLineCount() const;
// Increments the count of line names not including auto repeaters.
void IncrementNonAutoRepeatLineCount();
// Adds a repeater.
bool AddRepeater(const Vector<GridTrackSize, 1>& repeater_track_sizes,
NGGridTrackRepeater::RepeatType repeat_type =
wtf_size_t repeat_count = 1u,
wtf_size_t repeat_number_of_lines = 1u,
wtf_size_t line_name_indices_count = 0u);
// Returns true if this list contains an auto repeater.
bool HasAutoRepeater() const;
// Returns true if this is a subgridded track list.
bool IsSubgriddedAxis() const;
// Sets the axis type (standalone or subgrid).
void SetAxisType(GridAxisType axis_type);
// Clears all data.
void Clear();
String ToString() const;
void operator=(const NGGridTrackList& o);
bool operator==(const NGGridTrackList& o) const;
bool operator!=(const NGGridTrackList& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
// Returns the amount of tracks available before overflow.
wtf_size_t AvailableTrackCount() const;
Vector<NGGridTrackRepeater, 1> repeaters_;
// Stores the track sizes of every repeater added to this list; tracks from
// the same repeater group are stored consecutively.
Vector<GridTrackSize, 1> repeater_track_sizes_;
// The index of the automatic repeater, if there is one; `kInvalidRangeIndex`
// otherwise.
wtf_size_t auto_repeater_index_{kNotFound};
// Count of tracks ignoring those within an auto repeater.
wtf_size_t track_count_without_auto_repeat_{0};
// Count of line names outside of auto-repeaters. This is subtly different
// than `track_count_without_auto_repeat_`, as that is track definitions,
// while this tracks line names (including empty lines).
wtf_size_t non_auto_repeat_line_count_{0};
// The grid axis type (standalone or subgridded).
GridAxisType axis_type_{GridAxisType::kStandaloneAxis};
} // namespace blink