blob: 18891962737ee44b902d46fcdc0fdfbc757ffc5b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "components/viz/common/navigation_id.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/frame/view_transition_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/active_script_wrappable.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_function.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_promise_property.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/v8_sync_iterator_view_transition_type_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/v8_view_transition_callback.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/execution_context/execution_context_lifecycle_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/chrome_client.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/view_transition/view_transition_request_forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/view_transition/view_transition_style_tracker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/script_wrappable.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/clip_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/effect_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/wtf_size_t.h"
namespace viz {
using TransitionId = base::UnguessableToken;
namespace blink {
class Document;
class DOMViewTransition;
class Element;
class LayoutObject;
class PseudoElement;
class CORE_EXPORT ViewTransition : public GarbageCollected<ViewTransition>,
public ExecutionContextLifecycleObserver,
public ChromeClient::CommitObserver {
using PassKey = base::PassKey<ViewTransition>;
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
virtual void AddPendingRequest(std::unique_ptr<ViewTransitionRequest>) = 0;
virtual void OnTransitionFinished(ViewTransition*) = 0;
// Creates and starts a same-document ViewTransition initiated using the
// script API.
static ViewTransition* CreateFromScript(
const std::optional<Vector<String>>& types,
// Creates a skipped transition that still runs the specified callbacks.
static ViewTransition* CreateSkipped(Document*, V8ViewTransitionCallback*);
// Creates a ViewTransition to cache the state of a Document before a
// navigation. The cached state is provided to the caller using the
// |ViewTransitionStateCallback|.
using ViewTransitionStateCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const ViewTransitionState&)>;
static ViewTransition* CreateForSnapshotForNavigation(
const viz::NavigationId& navigation_id,
const Vector<String>& types,
// Creates a ViewTransition using cached state from the previous Document
// of a navigation. This ViewTransition is responsible for running
// animations on the new Document using the cached state.
static ViewTransition* CreateFromSnapshotForNavigation(Document*,
// Script-based constructor.
const std::optional<Vector<String>>& types,
// Skipped transition constructor.
ViewTransition(PassKey, Document*, V8ViewTransitionCallback*);
// Navigation-initiated for-snapshot constructor.
const viz::NavigationId& navigation_id,
const Vector<String>& types,
// Navigation-initiated from-snapshot constructor.
ViewTransition(PassKey, Document*, ViewTransitionState, Delegate*);
DOMViewTransition* GetScriptDelegate() { return script_delegate_.Get(); }
// GC functionality.
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const override;
// Returns true if the pseudo element corresponding to the given id and name
// is the only child.
bool MatchForOnlyChild(PseudoId pseudo_id,
const AtomicString& view_transition_name) const;
// Returns true if the transition matches :active-view-transition
bool MatchForActiveViewTransition();
// Returns true if the transition matches :active-view-transition-type with
// the given types.
bool MatchForActiveViewTransitionType(
const Vector<AtomicString>& pseudo_types);
// ExecutionContextLifecycleObserver implementation.
void ContextDestroyed() override;
// Returns true if this object needs to create an EffectNode for its element
// transition.
bool NeedsViewTransitionEffectNode(const LayoutObject& object) const;
// Returns true if this object needs a clip node to render a subset of its
// painting in the snapshot.
bool NeedsViewTransitionClipNode(const LayoutObject& object) const;
// Returns true if this object is painted via pseudo elements. Note that this
// is different from NeedsViewTransitionEffectNode() since the root may not
// be a transitioning element, but require an effect node.
bool IsRepresentedViaPseudoElements(const LayoutObject& object) const;
// Returns true if `node` participates in the transition excluding the
// document element. Since the root element's snapshot is hoisted up the
// LayoutView, this API should be used for checks which are needed to set up
// state for snapshotting an element. This state is set up on the LayoutView
// instead of the root element's LayoutView.
bool IsTransitionElementExcludingRoot(const Element& node) const;
// Updates an effect node. This effect populates the view transition element
// id and the shared element resource id. The return value is a result of
// updating the effect node.
PaintPropertyChangeType UpdateEffect(
const LayoutObject& object,
const EffectPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& current_effect,
const ClipPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias* current_clip,
const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias* current_transform);
// Updates a clip node. The clip tracks the subset of the |object|'s ink
// overflow rectangle which should be painted.The return value is a result of
// updating the clip node.
PaintPropertyChangeType UpdateCaptureClip(
const LayoutObject& object,
const ClipPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias* current_clip,
const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias* current_transform);
// Returns the effect. One needs to first call UpdateEffect().
const EffectPaintPropertyNode* GetEffect(const LayoutObject& object) const;
// Returns the clip. One needs to first call UpdateCaptureClip().
const ClipPaintPropertyNode* GetCaptureClip(const LayoutObject& object) const;
// Dispatched during a lifecycle update after prepaint has finished its work.
// This is only done if the lifecycle update was triggered outside of a main
// frame. For example by a script API like getComputedStyle.
void RunViewTransitionStepsOutsideMainFrame();
// Dispatched during a lifecycle update after prepaint has finished its work.
// This is only done if we're in the main lifecycle update that will produce
// painted output.
void RunViewTransitionStepsDuringMainFrame();
// This returns true if this transition object needs to gather tags as the
// next step in the process. This is used to force activatable
// content-visibility locks.
bool NeedsUpToDateTags() const;
// Creates a pseudo element for the given |pseudo_id|.
PseudoElement* CreatePseudoElement(Element* parent,
PseudoId pseudo_id,
const AtomicString& view_transition_name);
// Returns the UA style sheet for the pseudo element tree generated during a
// transition.
CSSStyleSheet* UAStyleSheet() const;
// CommitObserver overrides.
void WillCommitCompositorFrame() override;
// Return non-root transitioning elements.
VectorOf<Element> GetTransitioningElements() const {
return style_tracker_ ? style_tracker_->GetTransitioningElements()
: VectorOf<Element>{};
bool IsRootTransitioning() const {
return style_tracker_ && document_->documentElement() &&
// In physical pixels. See comments on equivalent methods in
// ViewTransitionStyleTracker for info.
gfx::Size GetSnapshotRootSize() const;
gfx::Vector2d GetFrameToSnapshotRootOffset() const;
bool IsDone() const { return IsTerminalState(state_); }
// Returns true if this object was created to cache a snapshot of the current
// Document for a navigation.
bool IsForNavigationSnapshot() const {
return creation_type_ == CreationType::kForSnapshot;
// Returns true if this object was created for transitions in the same
// Document via document.startViewTransition(...).
bool IsCreatedViaScriptAPI() const {
return creation_type_ == CreationType::kScript;
// Returns true if this object was created for a navigation initiated
// transition on the new Document.
bool IsForNavigationOnNewDocument() const {
return creation_type_ == CreationType::kFromSnapshot;
// Notifies the transition that frames are being produced and that the
// transition can start the animation phase (starting by capturing the
// incoming elements). No-op unless the transition is created from a
// snapshot.
void ActivateFromSnapshot();
// Returns true if lifecycle updates should be throttled for the Document
// associated with this transition.
bool ShouldThrottleRendering() const;
// Ensure the LayoutViewTransitionRoot, representing the snapshot containing
// block concept, has up to date style.
void UpdateSnapshotContainingBlockStyle();
// Indicates how the promise should be handled.
enum class PromiseResponse {
void SkipTransition(PromiseResponse response = PromiseResponse::kRejectAbort);
// Dispatched when the promise returned from the author's update callback has
// resolved and start phase of the animation can be initiated. Note: this is
// called only if a callback is provided.
void NotifyDOMCallbackFinished(bool success);
ViewTransitionTypeSet* Types();
void InitTypes(const Vector<String>&);
friend class ViewTransitionTest;
friend class AXViewTransitionTest;
// Tracks how the ViewTransition object was created.
enum class CreationType {
// Created via the document.startViewTransition() script API.
// Created when a navigation is initiated from the Document associated with
// this ViewTransition.
// Created when a navigation is initiated to the Document associated with
// this ViewTransition.
// Note the states are possibly overly verbose, and several states can
// transition in one function call, but it's useful to keep track of what is
// happening. For the most part, the states transition in order, with the
// exception of us being able to jump to some terminal states from other
// states.
enum class State {
// Initial state.
// Capture states.
// Navigation specific states.
// Callback states.
// Animate states.
// Terminal states.
static const char* StateToString(State state);
// Advance to the new state. This returns true if the state should be
// processed immediately.
bool AdvanceTo(State state);
bool CanAdvanceTo(State state) const;
static bool StateRunsInViewTransitionStepsDuringMainFrame(State state);
// Returns true if we're in a state that doesn't require explicit flow (i.e.
// we don't need to post task or schedule a frame). We're waiting for some
// external notifications, like capture is finished, or callback finished
// running.
static bool WaitsForNotification(State state);
static bool IsTerminalState(State state);
void ProcessCurrentState();
void NotifyCaptureFinished();
// Used to defer visual updates between transition prepare dispatching and
// transition start to allow the page to set up the final scene
// asynchronously.
void PauseRendering();
void OnRenderingPausedTimeout();
void ResumeRendering();
// Returns the navigation id to use when creating a capture request. This id
// is the same for captures on both old and new documents of a cross-document
// transition. It is an empty id if the transition is not cross document.
viz::NavigationId CrossDocumentNavigationId() const;
State state_ = State::kInitial;
const CreationType creation_type_;
Member<Document> document_;
Delegate* const delegate_ = nullptr;
// Each transition is assigned a unique ID. For cross-document navigations
// this is also the `navigation_id` provided to the browser/GPU process to
// track the lifetime of generated resources.
const viz::TransitionId transition_id_;
Member<ViewTransitionStyleTracker> style_tracker_ = nullptr;
// Manages pausing rendering of the Document between capture and updateDOM
// callback finishing.
// If the Document is the local root frame then the backing CC instance is
// paused which stops compositor driven animations, videos, offscreen canvas
// etc. Otherwise only main thread lifecycle updates are paused. We'd like to
// pause compositor/Viz driven effects for nested frames as well but
// selectively pausing animations for a CC instance is difficult.
class ScopedPauseRendering {
explicit ScopedPauseRendering(const Document& document);
bool ShouldThrottleRendering() const;
std::unique_ptr<cc::ScopedPauseRendering> cc_paused_;
std::optional<ScopedPauseRendering> rendering_paused_scope_;
ViewTransitionStateCallback transition_state_callback_;
// This is the object that implements the IDL interface exposed to script. It
// is cleared if the document is torn down.
Member<DOMViewTransition> script_delegate_;
Member<ViewTransitionTypeSet> types_;
bool in_main_lifecycle_update_ = false;
bool dom_callback_succeeded_ = false;
bool first_animating_frame_ = true;
bool context_destroyed_ = false;
} // namespace blink