blob: 8c952fab2fb7a5928fc59c083902031b2fa94fa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_path_override.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/install_verifier.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/updater/extension_updater.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "extensions/browser/browsertest_util.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_creator.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_host.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_protocols.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_registry_observer.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_system.h"
#include "extensions/browser/sandboxed_unpacker.h"
#include "extensions/browser/scoped_ignore_content_verifier_for_test.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
#include "extensions/common/feature_switch.h"
#include "extensions/common/features/feature_channel.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
#include "extensions/common/mojom/manifest.mojom-shared.h"
class Profile;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class ServiceWorkerContext;
} // namespace content
namespace extensions {
class ChromeExtensionTestNotificationObserver;
class ExtensionCacheFake;
class ExtensionService;
class ExtensionSet;
class ProcessManager;
// Base class for extension browser tests. Provides utilities for loading,
// unloading, and installing extensions.
class ExtensionBrowserTest : virtual public InProcessBrowserTest,
public ExtensionRegistryObserver {
// Different types of extension's lazy background contexts used in some tests.
enum class ContextType {
// TODO( Get rid of this value when we can use
// std::optional in the LoadOptions struct.
// No specific context type.
// A non-persistent background page/JS based extension.
// A Service Worker based extension.
// A Service Worker based extension that uses MV2.
// An extension with a persistent background page.
// Use the value from the manifest. This is used when the test
// has been parameterized but the particular extension should
// be loaded without using the parameterized type. Typically,
// this is used when a test loads another extension that is
// not parameterized.
ExtensionBrowserTest(const ExtensionBrowserTest&) = delete;
ExtensionBrowserTest& operator=(const ExtensionBrowserTest&) = delete;
// ExtensionRegistryObserver:
void OnExtensionLoaded(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const Extension* extension) override;
void OnShutdown(ExtensionRegistry* registry) override;
static bool IsServiceWorkerContext(ContextType context_type) {
return context_type == ContextType::kServiceWorker ||
context_type == ContextType::kServiceWorkerMV2;
bool IsContextTypeForServiceWorker() const {
return IsServiceWorkerContext(context_type_);
struct LoadOptions {
// Allows the extension to run in incognito mode.
bool allow_in_incognito = false;
// Allows file access for the extension.
bool allow_file_access = false;
// Doesn't fail when the loaded manifest has warnings (should only be used
// when testing deprecated features).
bool ignore_manifest_warnings = false;
// Waits for extension renderers to fully load.
bool wait_for_renderers = true;
// An optional install param.
const char* install_param = nullptr;
// If this is a Service Worker-based extension, wait for the
// Service Worker's registration to be stored before returning.
bool wait_for_registration_stored = false;
// Loads the extension with location COMPONENT.
bool load_as_component = false;
// Changes the "manifest_version" manifest key to 3. Note as of now, this
// doesn't make any other changes to convert the extension to MV3 other than
// changing the integer value in the manifest.
bool load_as_manifest_version_3 = false;
// Used to force loading the extension with a particular background type.
// Currently this only support loading an extension as using a service
// worker.
ContextType context_type = ContextType::kNone;
explicit ExtensionBrowserTest(ContextType context_type = ContextType::kNone);
~ExtensionBrowserTest() override;
// Useful accessors.
ExtensionService* extension_service();
ExtensionRegistry* extension_registry();
const extensions::ExtensionId& last_loaded_extension_id() {
return last_loaded_extension_id_;
// Get the profile to use.
virtual Profile* profile();
// Extensions used in tests are typically not from the web store and will have
// missing content verification hashes. The default implementation disables
// content verification; this should be overridden by derived tests which care
// about content verification.
virtual bool ShouldEnableContentVerification();
// Extensions used in tests are typically not from the web store and will fail
// install verification. The default implementation disables install
// verification; this should be overridden by derived tests which care
// about install verification.
virtual bool ShouldEnableInstallVerification();
// Returns the path of the directory from which to serve resources when they
// are prefixed with "_test_resources/".
// The default is chrome/test/data/extensions/.
virtual base::FilePath GetTestResourcesParentDir();
static const Extension* GetExtensionByPath(const ExtensionSet& extensions,
const base::FilePath& path);
// InProcessBrowserTest
void SetUp() override;
void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override;
void SetUpOnMainThread() override;
void TearDownOnMainThread() override;
const Extension* LoadExtension(const base::FilePath& path);
const Extension* LoadExtension(const base::FilePath& path,
const LoadOptions& options);
// Loads unpacked extension from |path| with manifest |manifest_relative_path|
// and imitates that it is a component extension.
// |manifest_relative_path| is relative to |path|.
const Extension* LoadExtensionAsComponentWithManifest(
const base::FilePath& path,
const base::FilePath::CharType* manifest_relative_path);
// Loads unpacked extension from |path| and imitates that it is a component
// extension. Equivalent to
// LoadExtensionAsComponentWithManifest(path, kManifestFilename).
const Extension* LoadExtensionAsComponent(const base::FilePath& path);
// Loads and launches the app from |path|, and returns it. Waits until the
// launched app's WebContents has been created and finished loading. If the
// app uses a guest view this will create two WebContents (one for the host
// and one for the guest view). `uses_guest_view` is used to wait for the
// second WebContents.
const Extension* LoadAndLaunchApp(const base::FilePath& path,
bool uses_guest_view = false);
// Launches |extension| as a window and returns the browser.
Browser* LaunchAppBrowser(const Extension* extension);
// Pack the extension in |dir_path| into a crx file and return its path.
// Return an empty FilePath if there were errors.
base::FilePath PackExtension(
const base::FilePath& dir_path,
int extra_run_flags = ExtensionCreator::kNoRunFlags);
// Pack the extension in |dir_path| into a crx file at |crx_path|, using the
// key |pem_path|. If |pem_path| does not exist, create a new key at
// |pem_out_path|.
// Return the path to the crx file, or an empty FilePath if there were errors.
base::FilePath PackExtensionWithOptions(
const base::FilePath& dir_path,
const base::FilePath& crx_path,
const base::FilePath& pem_path,
const base::FilePath& pem_out_path,
int extra_run_flags = ExtensionCreator::kNoRunFlags);
// |expected_change| indicates how many extensions should be installed (or
// disabled, if negative).
// 1 means you expect a new install, 0 means you expect an upgrade, -1 means
// you expect a failed upgrade.
const Extension* InstallExtension(const base::FilePath& path,
std::optional<int> expected_change) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension(std::string(), path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_NONE,
// Same as above, but an install source other than
// mojom::ManifestLocation::kInternal can be specified.
const Extension* InstallExtension(const base::FilePath& path,
std::optional<int> expected_change,
mojom::ManifestLocation install_source) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension(std::string(), path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_NONE,
std::move(expected_change), install_source);
// Installs an extension and grants it the permissions it requests.
// TODO(devlin): It seems like this is probably the desired outcome most of
// the time - otherwise the extension installs in a disabled state.
const Extension* InstallExtensionWithPermissionsGranted(
const base::FilePath& file_path,
std::optional<int> expected_change) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension(
std::string(), file_path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_NONE,
std::move(expected_change), mojom::ManifestLocation::kInternal,
browser(), Extension::NO_FLAGS, false, true);
// Installs extension as if it came from the Chrome Webstore.
const Extension* InstallExtensionFromWebstore(
const base::FilePath& path,
std::optional<int> expected_change);
// Same as above but passes an id to CrxInstaller and does not allow a
// privilege increase.
const Extension* UpdateExtension(const extensions::ExtensionId& id,
const base::FilePath& path,
std::optional<int> expected_change) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension(id, path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_NONE,
// Same as UpdateExtension but waits for the extension to be idle first.
const Extension* UpdateExtensionWaitForIdle(
const extensions::ExtensionId& id,
const base::FilePath& path,
std::optional<int> expected_change);
const Extension* InstallExtensionWithUIAutoConfirm(
const base::FilePath& path,
std::optional<int> expected_change,
Browser* browser) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension(
std::string(), path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_AUTO_CONFIRM,
std::move(expected_change), browser, Extension::NO_FLAGS);
const Extension* InstallExtensionWithSourceAndFlags(
const base::FilePath& path,
std::optional<int> expected_change,
mojom::ManifestLocation install_source,
Extension::InitFromValueFlags creation_flags) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension(std::string(), path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_NONE,
std::move(expected_change), install_source,
browser(), creation_flags, false, false);
// Begins install process but simulates a user cancel.
const Extension* StartInstallButCancel(const base::FilePath& path) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension(
std::string(), path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_CANCEL, 0);
void ReloadExtension(const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id);
void UnloadExtension(const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id);
void UninstallExtension(const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id);
void DisableExtension(const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id);
void EnableExtension(const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id);
// Wait for the number of visible page actions to change to |count|.
bool WaitForPageActionVisibilityChangeTo(int count);
// Wait for all extension views to load.
bool WaitForExtensionViewsToLoad();
// Wait for the extension to be idle.
bool WaitForExtensionIdle(const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id);
// Wait for the extension to not be idle.
bool WaitForExtensionNotIdle(const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id);
// Simulates a page calling on an URL and waits for the
// navigation.
// |should_succeed| indicates whether the navigation should succeed, in which
// case the last committed url should match the passed url and the page should
// not be an error or interstitial page.
void OpenWindow(content::WebContents* contents,
const GURL& url,
bool newtab_process_should_equal_opener,
bool should_succeed,
content::WebContents** newtab_result);
// Simulates a page navigating itself to an URL and waits for the
// navigation. Returns true if the navigation succeeds.
[[nodiscard]] bool NavigateInRenderer(content::WebContents* contents,
const GURL& url);
// Looks for an ExtensionHost whose URL has the given path component
// (including leading slash). Also verifies that the expected number of hosts
// are loaded.
ExtensionHost* FindHostWithPath(ProcessManager* manager,
const std::string& path,
int expected_hosts);
// Waits until `script` calls "chrome.test.sendScriptResult(result)",
// where `result` is a serializable value, and returns `result`. Fails
// the test and returns an empty base::Value if `extension_id` isn't
// installed in the test's profile or doesn't have a background page, or
// if executing the script fails. The argument `script_user_activation`
// determines if the script should be executed after a user activation.
base::Value ExecuteScriptInBackgroundPage(
const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id,
const std::string& script,
browsertest_util::ScriptUserActivation script_user_activation =
// Waits until |script| calls "window.domAutomationController.send(result)",
// where |result| is a string, and returns |result|. Fails the test and
// returns an empty base::Value if |extension_id| isn't installed in test's
// profile or doesn't have a background page, or if executing the script
// fails. The argument |script_user_activation| determines if the script
// should be executed after a user activation.
std::string ExecuteScriptInBackgroundPageDeprecated(
const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id,
const std::string& script,
browsertest_util::ScriptUserActivation script_user_activation =
bool ExecuteScriptInBackgroundPageNoWait(
const extensions::ExtensionId& extension_id,
const std::string& script,
browsertest_util::ScriptUserActivation script_user_activation =
// Get the ServiceWorkerContext for the default browser's profile.
content::ServiceWorkerContext* GetServiceWorkerContext();
// Get the ServiceWorkerContext for the `browser_context`.
static content::ServiceWorkerContext* GetServiceWorkerContext(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
// True if the command line should be tweaked as if ChromeOS user is
// already logged in.
bool set_chromeos_user_;
// Set to "chrome/test/data/extensions". Derived classes may override.
// TODO(michaelpg): Don't override protected data members.
base::FilePath test_data_dir_;
std::unique_ptr<ChromeExtensionTestNotificationObserver> observer_;
const ContextType context_type_;
// Modifies extension at `input_path` as dictated by `options`. On success,
// returns true and populates `out_path`. On failure, false is returned.
bool ModifyExtensionIfNeeded(const LoadOptions& options,
const base::FilePath& input_path,
base::FilePath* out_path);
// Temporary directory for testing.
base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
// Specifies the type of UI (if any) to show during installation and what
// user action to simulate.
enum InstallUIType {
const Extension* InstallOrUpdateExtension(const extensions::ExtensionId& id,
const base::FilePath& path,
InstallUIType ui_type,
std::optional<int> expected_change);
const Extension* InstallOrUpdateExtension(
const extensions::ExtensionId& id,
const base::FilePath& path,
InstallUIType ui_type,
std::optional<int> expected_change,
Browser* browser,
Extension::InitFromValueFlags creation_flags);
const Extension* InstallOrUpdateExtension(
const extensions::ExtensionId& id,
const base::FilePath& path,
InstallUIType ui_type,
std::optional<int> expected_change,
mojom::ManifestLocation install_source);
const Extension* InstallOrUpdateExtension(
const extensions::ExtensionId& id,
const base::FilePath& path,
InstallUIType ui_type,
std::optional<int> expected_change,
mojom::ManifestLocation install_source,
Browser* browser,
Extension::InitFromValueFlags creation_flags,
bool wait_for_idle,
bool grant_permissions);
// Used for setting the default scoped current channel for extension browser
// tests to UNKNOWN (trunk), in order to enable channel restricted features.
// TODO(crbug/1427323): We should remove this and have the current channel
// respect what is defined on the builder. If a test requires a specific
// channel for a channel restricted feature, it should be defining its own
// scoped channel override. As this stands, it means we don't really have
// non-trunk coverage for most extension browser tests.
ScopedCurrentChannel current_channel_;
// Disable external install UI.
FeatureSwitch::ScopedOverride override_prompt_for_external_extensions_;
// Use mock shortcut directories to ensure app shortcuts are cleaned up.
base::ScopedPathOverride user_desktop_override_;
base::ScopedPathOverride common_desktop_override_;
base::ScopedPathOverride user_quick_launch_override_;
base::ScopedPathOverride start_menu_override_;
base::ScopedPathOverride common_start_menu_override_;
// The default profile to be used.
raw_ptr<Profile, AcrossTasksDanglingUntriaged> profile_;
// Cache cache implementation.
std::unique_ptr<ExtensionCacheFake> test_extension_cache_;
// An override so that chrome-extensions://<extension_id>/_test_resources/foo
// maps to chrome/test/data/extensions/foo.
ExtensionProtocolTestHandler test_protocol_handler_;
// Conditionally disable content verification.
// Conditionally disable install verification.
// Used to disable CRX publisher signature checking.
ExtensionUpdater::ScopedSkipScheduledCheckForTest skip_scheduled_check_;
// Listens to extension loaded notifications.
base::ScopedObservation<ExtensionRegistry, ExtensionRegistryObserver>
extensions::ExtensionId last_loaded_extension_id_;
} // namespace extensions