blob: 93b08e2afd90412fe1835fda72a7246506da0045 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/url_request/redirect_util.h"
#include <string>
#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
#include "net/url_request/redirect_info.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
TEST(RedirectUtilTest, UpdateHttpRequest) {
const GURL original_url("");
const char kContentLengthValue[] = "100";
const char kContentTypeValue[] = "text/plain; charset=utf-8";
const char kContentEncoding[] = "Content-Encoding";
const char kContentEncodingValue[] = "gzip";
const char kContentLanguage[] = "Content-Language";
const char kContentLanguageValue[] = "tlh";
const char kContentLocation[] = "Content-Location";
const char kContentLocationValue[] = "https://somewhere.test/";
const char kCustomHeader[] = "Custom-Header-For-Test";
const char kCustomHeaderValue[] = "custom header value";
struct TestCase {
const char* original_method;
const char* new_method;
const char* new_url;
const struct {
const char* name;
const char* value;
} modified_headers[2];
bool expected_should_clear_upload;
// nullptr if the origin header should not exist
const char* expected_origin_header;
const TestCase kTests[] = {
"POST" /* original_method */,
"POST" /* new_method */,
"" /* new_url */,
{{"Header1", "Value1"}, {"Header2", "Value2"}} /* modified_headers */,
false /* expected_should_clear_upload */,
"" /* expected_origin_header */
"POST" /* original_method */,
"GET" /* new_method */,
"" /* new_url */,
{{"Header1", "Value1"}, {"Header2", "Value2"}} /* modified_headers */,
true /* expected_should_clear_upload */,
nullptr /* expected_origin_header */
"POST" /* original_method */,
"POST" /* new_method */,
"" /* new_url */,
{{"Header1", "Value1"}, {"Header2", "Value2"}} /* modified_headers */,
false /* expected_should_clear_upload */,
"null" /* expected_origin_header */
"POST" /* original_method */,
"GET" /* new_method */,
"" /* new_url */,
{{"Header1", "Value1"}, {"Header2", "Value2"}} /* modified_headers */,
true /* expected_should_clear_upload */,
nullptr /* expected_origin_header */
"PUT" /* original_method */,
"GET" /* new_method */,
"" /* new_url */,
{{"Header1", "Value1"}, {"Header2", "Value2"}} /* modified_headers */,
true /* expected_should_clear_upload */,
nullptr /* expected_origin_header */
"FOOT" /* original_method */,
"GET" /* new_method */,
"" /* new_url */,
{{"Header1", "Value1"}, {"Header2", "Value2"}} /* modified_headers */,
true /* expected_should_clear_upload */,
nullptr /* expected_origin_header */
for (const auto& test : kTests) {
<< "original_method: " << test.original_method
<< " new_method: " << test.new_method
<< " new_url: " << test.new_url);
RedirectInfo redirect_info;
redirect_info.new_method = test.new_method;
redirect_info.new_url = GURL(test.new_url);
net::HttpRequestHeaders modified_headers;
for (const auto& headers : test.modified_headers) {
ASSERT_TRUE(!!; // Currently all test case has this.
modified_headers.SetHeader(, headers.value);
std::string expected_modified_header1, expected_modified_header2;
modified_headers.GetHeader("Header1", &expected_modified_header1);
modified_headers.GetHeader("Header2", &expected_modified_header2);
HttpRequestHeaders request_headers;
request_headers.SetHeader(kContentEncoding, kContentEncodingValue);
request_headers.SetHeader(kContentLanguage, kContentLanguageValue);
request_headers.SetHeader(kContentLocation, kContentLocationValue);
request_headers.SetHeader(kCustomHeader, kCustomHeaderValue);
request_headers.SetHeader("Header1", "Initial-Value1");
bool should_clear_upload = !test.expected_should_clear_upload;
original_url, test.original_method, redirect_info,
std::nullopt /* removed_headers */, modified_headers, &request_headers,
EXPECT_EQ(test.expected_should_clear_upload, should_clear_upload);
std::string content_length;
std::string content_type;
std::string content_encoding;
request_headers.GetHeader(kContentEncoding, &content_encoding));
std::string content_language;
request_headers.GetHeader(kContentLanguage, &content_language));
std::string content_location;
request_headers.GetHeader(kContentLocation, &content_location));
if (!test.expected_should_clear_upload) {
EXPECT_EQ(kContentLengthValue, content_length);
EXPECT_EQ(kContentTypeValue, content_type);
EXPECT_EQ(kContentEncodingValue, content_encoding);
EXPECT_EQ(kContentLanguageValue, content_language);
EXPECT_EQ(kContentLocationValue, content_location);
std::string custom_header;
EXPECT_TRUE(request_headers.GetHeader(kCustomHeader, &custom_header));
EXPECT_EQ(kCustomHeaderValue, custom_header);
std::string origin_header_value;
EXPECT_EQ(test.expected_origin_header != nullptr,
if (test.expected_origin_header) {
EXPECT_EQ(test.expected_origin_header, origin_header_value);
std::string modified_header1, modified_header2;
EXPECT_TRUE(request_headers.GetHeader("Header1", &modified_header1));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_modified_header1, modified_header1);
EXPECT_TRUE(request_headers.GetHeader("Header2", &modified_header2));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_modified_header2, modified_header2);
TEST(RedirectUtilTest, RemovedHeaders) {
struct TestCase {
std::vector<const char*> initial_headers;
std::vector<const char*> modified_headers;
std::vector<const char*> removed_headers;
std::vector<const char*> final_headers;
const TestCase kTests[] = {
// Remove no headers (empty vector).
{}, // Initial headers
{}, // Modified headers
{}, // Removed headers
{}, // Final headers
// Remove an existing header.
{"A:0"}, // Initial headers
{}, // Modified headers
{"A"}, // Removed headers
{}, // Final headers
// Remove a missing header.
{}, // Initial headers
{}, // Modified headers
{"A"}, // Removed headers
{}, // Final headers
// Remove two different headers.
{"A:0", "B:0"}, // Initial headers
{}, // Modified headers
{"A", "B"}, // Removed headers
{}, // Final headers
// Remove two times the same headers.
{"A:0"}, // Initial headers
{}, // Modified headers
{"A", "A"}, // Removed headers
{}, // Final headers
// Remove an existing header that is also modified.
{"A:0"}, // Initial headers
{"A:1"}, // Modified headers
{"A"}, // Removed headers
{"A:1"}, // Final headers
// Some headers are removed, some aren't.
{"A:0", "B:0"}, // Initial headers
{}, // Modified headers
{"A"}, // Removed headers
{"B:0"}, // Final headers
for (const auto& test : kTests) {
HttpRequestHeaders initial_headers, modified_headers, final_headers;
std::vector<std::string> removed_headers;
for (const char* header : test.initial_headers)
for (const char* header : test.modified_headers)
for (const char* header : test.removed_headers)
for (const char* header : test.final_headers)
bool should_clear_upload(false); // unused.
RedirectUtil::UpdateHttpRequest(GURL(), // original_url
std::string(), // original_method
RedirectInfo(), removed_headers,
modified_headers, &initial_headers,
// The initial_headers have been updated and should match the expected final
// headers.
EXPECT_EQ(initial_headers.ToString(), final_headers.ToString());
// Test with removed_headers = std::nullopt.
TEST(RedirectUtilTest, RemovedHeadersNullOpt) {
HttpRequestHeaders initial_headers, final_headers;
initial_headers.SetHeader("A", "0");
final_headers.SetHeader("A", "0");
std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> removed_headers(std::nullopt);
std::optional<HttpRequestHeaders> modified_headers(std::in_place);
bool should_clear_upload(false); // unused.
RedirectUtil::UpdateHttpRequest(GURL(), // original_url
std::string(), // original_method
RedirectInfo(), removed_headers,
modified_headers, &initial_headers,
// The initial_headers have been updated and should match the expected final
// headers.
EXPECT_EQ(initial_headers.ToString(), final_headers.ToString());
// Test with modified_headers = std::nullopt.
TEST(RedirectUtilTest, ModifyHeadersNullopt) {
HttpRequestHeaders initial_headers, final_headers;
initial_headers.SetHeader("A", "0");
final_headers.SetHeader("A", "0");
std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> removed_headers(std::in_place);
std::optional<HttpRequestHeaders> modified_headers(std::nullopt);
bool should_clear_upload(false); // unused.
RedirectUtil::UpdateHttpRequest(GURL(), // original_url
std::string(), // original_method
RedirectInfo(), removed_headers,
modified_headers, &initial_headers,
// The initial_headers have been updated and should match the expected final
// headers.
EXPECT_EQ(initial_headers.ToString(), final_headers.ToString());
} // namespace
} // namespace net