blob: 71803b7d312e73f5576f2329b914d464dacbf5b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote_set.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/ip_address.h"
#include "net/dns/host_resolver_proc.h"
#include "net/dns/host_resolver_system_task.h"
#include "services/proxy_resolver/public/mojom/proxy_resolver.mojom.h"
namespace net {
class ClientSocketFactory;
class AddressList;
} // namespace net
namespace network {
// myIpAddress() is a broken API available to PAC scripts. Do not use these
// outside of PAC as they are broken APIs.
// It has the problematic definition of:
// "Returns the IP address of the host machine."
// This has ambiguity on what should happen for multi-homed hosts which may have
// multiple IP addresses to choose from. To be unambiguous we would need to
// know which hosts is going to be connected to, in order to use the outgoing
// IP for that request.
// However at this point that is not known, as the proxy still hasn't been
// decided.
// The strategy used here is to prioritize the IP address that would be used
// for connecting to the public internet by testing which interface is used for
// connecting to and 2001:4860:4860::8888 (public IPs).
// If that fails, we will try resolving the machine's hostname, and also probing
// for routes in the private IP space.
// Link-local IP addresses are not generally returned, however may be if no
// other IP was found by the probes.
// This class supports being deleted at any time.
enum class Mode {
explicit MyIpAddressImpl(Mode mode);
MyIpAddressImpl(const MyIpAddressImpl&) = delete;
MyIpAddressImpl& operator=(const MyIpAddressImpl&) = delete;
// Adds `my_ip_address_client` to the list of clients waiting for a list of
// IP candidates. If no search for candidates is currently ongoing, a search
// according to `mode_` is started which will run asynchronously on the
// current thread.
void AddRequest(
// Used for mocking the socket dependency.
void SetSocketFactoryForTest(net::ClientSocketFactory* socket_factory);
// Used for mocking the DNS dependency.
void SetHostResolverProcForTest(
scoped_refptr<net::HostResolverProc> host_resolver_proc);
// State-machine states.
enum class State {
// Sockets that are created and connected for the purpose of probing their
// source addresses.
struct SocketConnectionResult;
// Try to make progress gathering IP candidates.
void DoLoop();
int DoConnectSocketsPublicInternetRoutes();
int DoTestResolvingHostname();
int DoConnectSocketsPrivateIPRoutes();
int DoSendResultsAndReset();
// Resets back to the initial state. Clears all candidate IPs, clears the
// RemoteSet, and invalidates any weak pointers to cancel any pending
// callbacks.
void Reset();
// Callback for a disconnected Remote in `my_ip_address_clients_`. If no
// clients are left, calls Reset() to cancel the current candidate search.
void ClientDisconnected(mojo::RemoteSetElementId id);
// DoConnectSocketsPublicInternetRoutes() and
// DoConnectSocketsPrivateIPRoutes() both test what source IP addresses would
// be used for sending a UDP packet to a set of destination IPs. This function
// connects sockets stored in `socket_results_` to the given
// `destination_ips`. The sockets are stored in the same order as
// `destination_ips` so sockets_results_[0] is connected to
// destination_ips[0], etc.
// Then returns the result of DoProcessConnectedSockets().
int DoConnectSockets(std::vector<net::IPAddress> destination_ips);
// Loops through the connected sockets in `socket_results_` (in order) and
// gets the local address associated with the socket. The local address is
// Add()ed and if the search is `done_`, returns immediately with net::OK.
// If the loop encounters a socket that has not yet connected, this function
// will return with net::ERR_IO_PENDING. This function can then be called
// again later and will not reconsider already-processed sockets.
// If all sockets in `socket_results_` are processed, calls
// MarkAsDoneIfHaveCandidates().
int DoProcessConnectedSockets();
// Called whenever a socket is connect asynchronously. `socket_result` should
// always be in `socket_results_` unless the WeakPtr associated with this
// callback is invalidated.
// Stores `result` in `socket_result` and calls DoProcessConnectedSockets().
// If the result is not ERR_IO_PENDING, re-enters DoLoop().
void OnConnectedSocket(SocketConnectionResult& socket_result, int result);
// A callback for SystemHostResolverCallAsync(). Add()s all the IPs in
// `addr_list` if `net_error` is net::OK, and then returns to the state
// machine by calling DoLoop().
void ReceiveDnsResults(
std::unique_ptr<net::HostResolverSystemTask> system_dns_resolution_task,
const net::AddressList& addr_list,
int os_error,
int net_error);
// Adds `address` to the results if appropriate. Can add the IP to either
// `candidate_ips_` or `link_local_ips_`.
void Add(const net::IPAddress& address);
// If candidate IPs have been found, marks the current search as done.
// If `done_` is true then also sets `next_state_` to kSendResultsAndReset.
// This is used to stop exploring for IPs if any of the high-level tests find
// a match (i.e. either the public internet route test, or hostname test, or
// private route test found something).
// In the case of myIpAddressEx() this means it will be conservative in which
// IPs it returns and not enumerate the full set. See
// before expanding that policy.
void MarkAsDoneIfHaveCandidates();
net::IPAddressList GetResultForMyIpAddress() const;
net::IPAddressList GetResultForMyIpAddressEx() const;
static net::IPAddressList GetSingleResultFavoringIPv4(
const net::IPAddressList& ips);
// The operation being carried out.
const Mode mode_;
// A set of clients waiting for the search to conclude.
// Tracks current state of the state machine.
State next_state_ = State::kNone;
// Tracks all IPs seen so far so that duplicates don't end up in the returned
// results.
std::set<net::IPAddress> seen_ips_;
// Sockets used to probe public and private routes for the machine's IP
// address. These are considered in order.
std::list<SocketConnectionResult> socket_results_;
// The preferred ordered candidate IPs so far.
net::IPAddressList candidate_ips_;
// The link-local IP addresses seen so far (not part of `candidate_ips_`).
net::IPAddressList link_local_ips_;
// Whether the search for results has completed.
// Once "done", calling Add() will not change the final result. This is used
// to short-circuit early.
bool done_ = false;
raw_ptr<net::ClientSocketFactory> override_socket_factory_ = nullptr;
scoped_refptr<net::HostResolverProc> host_resolver_proc_ = nullptr;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MyIpAddressImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace network