blob: e47afdb94f6a436bca56c62b1db03c8d6cdd8cca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2005 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/garbage_collected.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/member.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/atomic_string.h"
// This implements a counter tree that is used for finding parents in counters()
// lookup, and for propagating count changes when nodes are added or removed.
// Parents represent unique counters and their scope, which are created either
// explicitly by "counter-reset" style rules or implicitly by referring to a
// counter that is not in scope.
// Such nodes are tagged as "reset" nodes, although they are not all due to
// "counter-reset".
// Not that layout tree children are often counter tree siblings due to counter
// scoping rules.
namespace blink {
class Element;
class LayoutObject;
class LayoutCounter;
class CounterNode : public GarbageCollected<CounterNode> {
enum Type { kIncrementType = 1 << 0, kResetType = 1 << 1, kSetType = 1 << 2 };
CounterNode(LayoutObject& object,
unsigned type_mask,
int value,
bool is_reversed = false);
void Destroy();
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
bool ActsAsReset() const { return HasResetType() || !parent_; }
bool HasUseType() const { return type_mask_ == 0u; }
bool HasIncrementType() const { return type_mask_ & kIncrementType; }
bool HasResetType() const { return type_mask_ & kResetType; }
bool HasSetType() const { return type_mask_ & kSetType; }
int Value() const { return value_; }
int CountInParent() const { return count_in_parent_; }
LayoutObject& Owner() const { return *owner_; }
Element& OwnerElement() const;
Element& OwnerNonPseudoElement() const;
void AddLayoutObject(LayoutCounter*);
void RemoveLayoutObject(LayoutCounter*);
// Invalidates the text in the layoutObjects of this counter, if any.
void ResetLayoutObjects();
const AtomicString& Identifier() const { return identifier_; }
CounterNode* PreviousInParent() const { return previous_in_parent_.Get(); }
void SetPreviousInParent(CounterNode* previous_in_parent) {
previous_in_parent_ = previous_in_parent;
int ValueAfter() const { return value_after_; }
void CalculateValueAfter(bool should_reset_increment = false,
int num_counters_in_scope = 0) {
if (IsReversed()) {
value_after_ = num_counters_in_scope;
if (IsReset()) {
value_after_ = value_;
int value_before =
should_reset_increment && HasIncrementType() ? 0 : value_before_;
value_after_ =
base::CheckAdd(value_before, value_).ValueOrDefault(value_before);
int ValueBefore() const { return value_before_; }
void SetValueBefore(int value) { value_before_ = value; }
bool IsReset() const { return HasSetType() || HasResetType(); }
bool IsReversed() const { return is_reversed_; }
AtomicString DebugName() const;
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
// This finds a closest ancestor style containment boundary, crosses it, and
// then returns the closest ancestor CounterNode available (for the given
// `identifier`). Note that the element that specifies contain: style is
// itself considered to be across the boundary from its subtree.
static CounterNode* AncestorNodeAcrossStyleContainment(
const LayoutObject&,
const AtomicString& identifier);
// Returns the parent of this CounterNode. If the node is the root, then it
// instead tries to find a node with the same identifier across the style
// containment boundary so that it can continue navigating up to the root of
// the document. This is used for reporting content: counters().
CounterNode* ParentCrossingStyleContainment(
const AtomicString& identifier) const;
CounterNode* Parent() const { return parent_; }
CounterNode* PreviousSibling() const { return previous_sibling_; }
CounterNode* NextSibling() const { return next_sibling_; }
CounterNode* FirstChild() const { return first_child_; }
CounterNode* LastChild() const { return last_child_; }
CounterNode* LastDescendant() const;
CounterNode* PreviousInPreOrder() const;
CounterNode* NextInPreOrder(const CounterNode* stay_within = nullptr) const;
CounterNode* NextInPreOrderAfterChildren(
const CounterNode* stay_within = nullptr) const;
void InsertAfter(CounterNode* new_child,
CounterNode* before_child,
const AtomicString& identifier);
// identifier must match the identifier of this counter.
void RemoveChild(CounterNode*);
// Moves all non-reset next siblings of first_node to be children of
// new_parent. Used when we insert new reset nodes that requires reparenting
// existing nodes.
static void MoveNonResetSiblingsToChildOf(CounterNode* first_node,
CounterNode& new_parent,
const AtomicString& identifier);
int ComputeCountInParent() const;
// Invalidates the text in the layoutObject of this counter, if any,
// and in the layoutObjects of all descendants of this counter, if any.
void ResetThisAndDescendantsLayoutObjects();
void Recount();
unsigned type_mask_;
int value_;
int value_before_;
int count_in_parent_;
int value_after_;
bool is_reversed_;
const Member<LayoutObject> owner_;
Member<LayoutCounter> root_layout_object_;
Member<CounterNode> parent_;
Member<CounterNode> previous_sibling_;
Member<CounterNode> next_sibling_;
Member<CounterNode> first_child_;
Member<CounterNode> last_child_;
AtomicString identifier_;
Member<CounterNode> previous_in_parent_;
} // namespace blink
// Outside the blink namespace for ease of invocation from gdb.
void ShowCounterTree(const blink::CounterNode*);