blob: ebd69c14ba148522cef3b14d74973759663f0bb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "cc/paint/paint_op_buffer.h"
#include "third_party/skia/src/core/SkRemoteGlyphCache.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
namespace cc {
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintOpBufferSerializer {
using SerializeCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<size_t(const PaintOp*,
const PaintOp::SerializeOptions&,
const PaintFlags*,
const SkM44&,
const SkM44&)>;
PaintOpBufferSerializer(SerializeCallback serialize_cb,
const PaintOp::SerializeOptions& options);
virtual ~PaintOpBufferSerializer();
struct Preamble {
// The full size of the content, to know whether edge texel clearing
// is required or not. The full_raster_rect and playback_rect must
// be contained in this size.
gfx::Size content_size;
// Rect in content space (1 unit = 1 pixel) of this tile.
gfx::Rect full_raster_rect;
// A subrect in content space (full_raster_rect must contain this) of
// the partial content to play back.
gfx::Rect playback_rect;
// The translation and scale to do after
gfx::Vector2dF post_translation;
gfx::Vector2dF post_scale = gfx::Vector2dF(1.f, 1.f);
// If requires_clear is true, then this will raster will be cleared to
// transparent. If false, it assumes that the content will raster
// opaquely up to content_size inset by 1 (with the last pixel being
// potentially being partially transparent, if post scaled).
bool requires_clear = true;
// If clearing is needed, the color to clear to.
SkColor background_color = SK_ColorTRANSPARENT;
// Serialize the buffer with a preamble. This function wraps the buffer in a
// save/restore and includes any translations, scales, and clearing as
// specified by the preamble. This should generally be used for top level
// rastering of an entire tile.
void Serialize(const PaintOpBuffer* buffer,
const std::vector<size_t>* offsets,
const Preamble& preamble);
// Serialize the buffer without a preamble. This function serializes the whole
// buffer without any extra ops added. No clearing is done. This should
// generally be used for internal PaintOpBuffers that want to be sent as-is.
void Serialize(const PaintOpBuffer* buffer);
// Serialize the buffer with a scale and a playback rect. This should
// generally be used for internal PaintOpBuffers in PaintShaders that have
// a scale and a tiling, but don't want the clearing or other complicated
// logic of the top level Serialize.
// post_matrix_for_analysis adds a scale that is not added to the serialized
// buffer, but used in analysis. This is required for cases that don't modify
// the record during serialization, but need to send resources based on the
// raster scale (mainly PaintRecord backed PaintFilters).
void Serialize(const PaintOpBuffer* buffer,
const gfx::Rect& playback_rect,
const gfx::SizeF& post_scale,
const SkMatrix& post_matrix_for_analysis);
bool valid() const { return valid_; }
void SerializePreamble(SkCanvas* canvas,
const Preamble& preamble,
const PlaybackParams& params);
void SerializeBuffer(SkCanvas* canvas,
const PaintOpBuffer* buffer,
const std::vector<size_t>* offsets);
bool SerializeOpWithFlags(SkCanvas* canvas,
const PaintOpWithFlags* flags_op,
const PlaybackParams& params,
uint8_t alpha);
bool SerializeOp(SkCanvas* canvas,
const PaintOp* op,
const PaintFlags* flags_to_serialize,
const PlaybackParams& params);
void Save(SkCanvas* canvas, const PlaybackParams& params);
void RestoreToCount(SkCanvas* canvas,
int count,
const PlaybackParams& params);
void ClearForOpaqueRaster(SkCanvas* canvas,
const Preamble& preamble,
const PlaybackParams& params);
void PlaybackOnAnalysisCanvas(SkCanvas* canvas,
const PaintOp* op,
const PaintFlags* flags_to_serialize,
const PlaybackParams& params);
SerializeCallback serialize_cb_;
PaintOp::SerializeOptions options_;
bool valid_ = true;
// Serializes the ops in the memory available, fails on overflow.
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT SimpleBufferSerializer : public PaintOpBufferSerializer {
SimpleBufferSerializer(void* memory,
size_t size,
const PaintOp::SerializeOptions& options);
~SimpleBufferSerializer() override;
size_t written() const { return written_; }
size_t SerializeToMemory(const PaintOp* op,
const PaintOp::SerializeOptions& options,
const PaintFlags* flags_to_serialize,
const SkM44& current_ctm,
const SkM44& original_ctm);
void* memory_;
const size_t total_;
size_t written_ = 0u;
} // namespace cc