blob: 1a9f3fef5c2aeda3c2693b4471ef0fa7ad1c0d69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/child_accounts/time_limits/app_types.h"
namespace ash {
namespace app_time {
class PersistedAppInfo {
static std::optional<PersistedAppInfo> PersistedAppInfoFromDict(
const base::Value::Dict* value,
bool include_app_activity_array);
static std::vector<PersistedAppInfo> PersistedAppInfosFromList(
const base::Value::List& list,
bool include_app_activity_array);
static std::optional<AppState> GetAppStateFromDict(
const base::Value::Dict* value);
PersistedAppInfo(const AppId& app_id,
AppState state,
base::TimeDelta active_running_time,
std::vector<AppActivity::ActiveTime> active_times);
PersistedAppInfo(const PersistedAppInfo& info);
PersistedAppInfo(PersistedAppInfo&& info);
PersistedAppInfo& operator=(const PersistedAppInfo& info);
PersistedAppInfo& operator=(PersistedAppInfo&& info);
// Updates the dictionary to contain the information stored in this class.
// If |replace_activity| is true, then completely replaces the list keyed by
// |kActiveTimesKey| in the dicationary. Otherwise, appends the values in
// |active_running_time_|.
void UpdateAppActivityPreference(base::Value::Dict& dict,
bool replace_activity) const;
void RemoveActiveTimeEarlierThan(base::Time timestamp);
bool ShouldRestoreApp() const;
bool ShouldRemoveApp() const;
const AppId& app_id() const { return app_id_; }
AppState app_state() const { return app_state_; }
base::TimeDelta active_running_time() const { return active_running_time_; }
const std::vector<AppActivity::ActiveTime>& active_times() const {
return active_times_;
AppId app_id_;
AppState app_state_;
base::TimeDelta active_running_time_;
std::vector<AppActivity::ActiveTime> active_times_;
} // namespace app_time
} // namespace ash