blob: e902e59e68cc3f3762cbcd4e4276c8f745fb90bd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/on_device_translation/file_operation_proxy_impl.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
namespace on_device_translation {
mojo::PendingReceiver<FileOperationProxy> proxy_receiver,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
std::vector<base::FilePath> package_paths)
: receiver_(this, std::move(proxy_receiver), task_runner),
package_paths_(std::move(package_paths)) {}
FileOperationProxyImpl::~FileOperationProxyImpl() = default;
void FileOperationProxyImpl::FileExists(uint32_t package_index,
const base::FilePath& relative_path,
FileExistsCallback callback) {
const base::FilePath file_path = GetFilePath(package_index, relative_path);
if (file_path.empty()) {
// Invalid `path` was passed.
// Calling `ReportBadMessage` to crash the service, because this is
// likely caused by a compromised service. We check the validity of the
// `path` before passing it from the service in
receiver_.ReportBadMessage("Invalid `path` was passed.");
if (!base::PathExists(file_path)) {
// File doesn't exist.
std::move(callback).Run(/*exists=*/false, /*is_directory=*/false);
void FileOperationProxyImpl::Open(uint32_t package_index,
const base::FilePath& relative_path,
OpenCallback callback) {
const base::FilePath file_path = GetFilePath(package_index, relative_path);
if (file_path.empty()) {
// Invalid `path` was passed.
// Calling `ReportBadMessage` to crash the service, because this is
// likely caused by a compromised service. We check the validity of the
// `path` before passing it from the service in
receiver_.ReportBadMessage("Invalid `path` was passed.");
// Sends a file object only if the file exists and is not a directory.
base::PathExists(file_path) && !base::DirectoryExists(file_path)
? base::File(file_path, base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ)
: base::File());
base::FilePath FileOperationProxyImpl::GetFilePath(
uint32_t package_index,
const base::FilePath& relative_path) const {
if (package_index >= package_paths_.size()) {
// Invalid package index.
return base::FilePath();
if (relative_path.IsAbsolute() || relative_path.ReferencesParent()) {
// Invalid relative path.
return base::FilePath();
return package_paths_[package_index].Append(relative_path);
} // namespace on_device_translation