Cronet offers its own Java asynchronous API as well as support for the API. This document gives a brief introduction to using these two Java APIs.
First you will need to extend UrlRequest.Callback
to handle events during the lifetime of a request. For example:
class MyCallback extends UrlRequest.Callback { @Override public void onRedirectReceived(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo responseInfo, String newLocationUrl) { if (followRedirect) { // Let's tell Cronet to follow the redirect! request.followRedirect(); } else { // Not worth following the redirect? Abandon the request. request.cancel(); } } @Override public void onResponseStarted(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo responseInfo) { // Now we have response headers! int httpStatusCode = responseInfo.getHttpStatusCode(); if (httpStatusCode == 200) { // Success! Let's tell Cronet to read the response body.; } else if (httpStatusCode == 503) { // Do something. Note that 4XX and 5XX are not considered // errors from Cronet's perspective since the response is // successfully read. } mResponseHeaders = responseInfo.getAllHeaders(); } @Override public void onReadCompleted(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo responseInfo, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { // Response body is available. doSomethingWithResponseData(byteBuffer); // Let's tell Cronet to continue reading the response body or // inform us that the response is complete!; } @Override public void onSucceeded(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo responseInfo) { // Request has completed successfully! } @Override public void onFailed(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo responseInfo, CronetException error) { // Request has failed. responseInfo might be null. Log.e("MyCallback", "Request failed. " + error.getMessage()); // Maybe handle error here. Typical errors include hostname // not resolved, connection to server refused, etc. } }
Make a request like this:
CronetEngine.Builder engineBuilder = new CronetEngine.Builder(getContext()); CronetEngine engine =; Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); MyCallback callback = new MyCallback(); UrlRequest.Builder requestBuilder = engine.newUrlRequestBuilder( "", callback, executor); UrlRequest request =; request.start();
In the above example, MyCallback
extends UrlRequest.Callback
. The request is started asynchronously. When the response is ready (fully or partially), and in the event of failures or redirects, callback
's methods will be invoked on executor
's thread to inform the client of the request state and/or response information.
When Cronet fetches response headers from the server or gets them from the cache, UrlRequest.Callback.onResponseStarted
will be invoked. To read the response body, the client should call
and supply a ByteBuffer for Cronet to fill. Once a portion or all of the response body is read, UrlRequest.Callback.onReadCompleted
will be invoked. The client may then read and consume the data within byteBuffer
. Once the client is ready to consume more data, the client should call
again. The process continues until UrlRequest.Callback.onSucceeded
or UrlRequest.Callback.onFailed
is invoked, which signals the completion of the request.
MyUploadDataProvider myUploadDataProvider = new MyUploadDataProvider(); requestBuilder.setHttpMethod("POST"); requestBuilder.setUploadDataProvider(myUploadDataProvider, executor);
In the above example, MyUploadDataProvider
extends UploadDataProvider
. When Cronet is ready to send the request body, uploadDataSink, ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
will be invoked. The client will need to write the request body into byteBuffer
. Once the client is done writing into byteBuffer
, the client can let Cronet know by calling uploadDataSink.onReadSucceeded
. If the request body doesn't fit into byteBuffer
, the client can continue writing when
is invoked again. For more details, please see the API reference.
Various configuration options are available via the CronetEngine.Builder
Enabling HTTP/2 and QUIC:
For Example:
Controlling the cache:
Use a 100KiB in-memory cache:
engineBuilder.enableHttpCache( CronetEngine.Builder.HttpCache.IN_MEMORY, 100 * 1024);
or use a 1MiB disk cache:
engineBuilder.setStoragePath(storagePathString); engineBuilder.enableHttpCache(CronetEngine.Builder.HttpCache.DISK, 1024 * 1024);
To get more information about how Cronet is processing network requests, you can start and stop NetLog logging by calling CronetEngine.startNetLogToFile
and CronetEngine.stopNetLog
. Bear in mind that logs may contain sensitive data. You may analyze the generated log by navigating to chrome://net-internals#import using a Chrome browser.
Cronet offers an implementation of the API to make it easier for apps which rely on this API to use Cronet. To open individual connections using Cronet's implementation, do the following:
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)engine.openConnection(url);
To use Cronet‘s implementation instead of the system’s default implementation for all connections established using URL.openConnection()
do the following:
Cronet's HttpURLConnection implementation has some limitations as compared to the system implementation, including not utilizing the default system HTTP cache (Please see {@link} for more information). You can configure Cronet and control caching through the CronetEngine.Builder
instance, engineBuilder
(See Configuring Cronet section), before you build the CronetEngine
and then call CronetEngine.createURLStreamHandlerFactory()