blob: 94397d8b07294f34fb79adcd16f241ba4740bc97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/webcrypto/jwk.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "base/base64url.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/webcrypto/algorithms/util.h"
#include "components/webcrypto/status.h"
// JSON Web Key Format (JWK) is defined by:
// A JWK is a simple JSON dictionary with the following members:
// - "kty" (Key Type) Parameter, REQUIRED
// - <kty-specific parameters, see below>, REQUIRED
// - "use" (Key Use) OPTIONAL
// - "key_ops" (Key Operations) OPTIONAL
// - "alg" (Algorithm) OPTIONAL
// - "ext" (Key Exportability), OPTIONAL
// (all other entries are ignored)
// The <kty-specific parameters> are defined by the JWA spec:
namespace webcrypto {
namespace {
// |kJwkEncUsage| and |kJwkSigUsage| are a superset of the possible meanings of
// JWK's {"use":"enc"}, and {"use":"sig"} respectively.
// TODO( Remove these masks,
// as they are not consistent with the Web Crypto
// processing model for JWK. In particular,
// intersecting the usages after processing the JWK
// means Chrome can fail with a Syntax error in cases
// where the spec describes a Data error.
const blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask kJwkEncUsage =
blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt | blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageDecrypt |
blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageWrapKey | blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageUnwrapKey |
blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageDeriveKey | blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageDeriveBits;
const blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask kJwkSigUsage =
blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageSign | blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageVerify;
// Checks that the "ext" member of the JWK is consistent with
// "expected_extractable".
Status VerifyExt(const JwkReader& jwk, bool expected_extractable) {
// JWK "ext" (optional) --> extractable parameter
bool jwk_ext_value = false;
bool has_jwk_ext;
Status status = jwk.GetOptionalBool("ext", &jwk_ext_value, &has_jwk_ext);
if (status.IsError())
return status;
if (has_jwk_ext && expected_extractable && !jwk_ext_value)
return Status::ErrorJwkExtInconsistent();
return Status::Success();
struct JwkToWebCryptoUsageMapping {
const char* const jwk_key_op;
const blink::WebCryptoKeyUsage webcrypto_usage;
// Keep this ordered the same as WebCrypto's "recognized key usage
// values". While this is not required for spec compliance,
// it makes the ordering of key_ops match that of WebCrypto's Key.usages.
const JwkToWebCryptoUsageMapping kJwkWebCryptoUsageMap[] = {
{"encrypt", blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageEncrypt},
{"decrypt", blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageDecrypt},
{"sign", blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageSign},
{"verify", blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageVerify},
{"deriveKey", blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageDeriveKey},
{"deriveBits", blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageDeriveBits},
{"wrapKey", blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageWrapKey},
{"unwrapKey", blink::kWebCryptoKeyUsageUnwrapKey}};
bool JwkKeyOpToWebCryptoUsage(std::string_view key_op,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsage* usage) {
for (const auto& crypto_usage_entry : kJwkWebCryptoUsageMap) {
if (crypto_usage_entry.jwk_key_op == key_op) {
*usage = crypto_usage_entry.webcrypto_usage;
return true;
return false;
// Creates a JWK key_ops list from a Web Crypto usage mask.
base::Value::List CreateJwkKeyOpsFromWebCryptoUsages(
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usages) {
base::Value::List jwk_key_ops;
for (const auto& crypto_usage_entry : kJwkWebCryptoUsageMap) {
if (usages & crypto_usage_entry.webcrypto_usage)
return jwk_key_ops;
// Composes a Web Crypto usage mask from an array of JWK key_ops values.
Status GetWebCryptoUsagesFromJwkKeyOps(const base::Value::List& key_ops,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask* usages) {
// This set keeps track of all unrecognized key_ops values.
std::set<std::string> unrecognized_usages;
*usages = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < key_ops.size(); ++i) {
const base::Value& key_op_value = key_ops[i];
if (!key_op_value.is_string()) {
return Status::ErrorJwkMemberWrongType(
base::StringPrintf("key_ops[%d]", static_cast<int>(i)), "string");
std::string key_op = key_op_value.GetString();
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsage usage;
if (JwkKeyOpToWebCryptoUsage(key_op, &usage)) {
// Ensure there are no duplicate usages.
if (*usages & usage)
return Status::ErrorJwkDuplicateKeyOps();
*usages |= usage;
// Reaching here means the usage was unrecognized. Such usages are skipped
// over, however they are kept track of in a set to ensure there were no
// duplicates.
if (!unrecognized_usages.insert(key_op).second)
return Status::ErrorJwkDuplicateKeyOps();
return Status::Success();
// Checks that the usages ("use" and "key_ops") of the JWK is consistent with
// "expected_usages".
Status VerifyUsages(const JwkReader& jwk,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask expected_usages) {
// JWK "key_ops" (optional) --> usages parameter
const base::Value::List* jwk_key_ops_value = nullptr;
bool has_jwk_key_ops;
Status status =
jwk.GetOptionalList("key_ops", &jwk_key_ops_value, &has_jwk_key_ops);
if (status.IsError())
return status;
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask jwk_key_ops_mask = 0;
if (has_jwk_key_ops) {
status =
GetWebCryptoUsagesFromJwkKeyOps(*jwk_key_ops_value, &jwk_key_ops_mask);
if (status.IsError())
return status;
// The input usages must be a subset of jwk_key_ops_mask.
if (!ContainsKeyUsages(jwk_key_ops_mask, expected_usages))
return Status::ErrorJwkKeyopsInconsistent();
// JWK "use" (optional) --> usages parameter
std::string jwk_use_value;
bool has_jwk_use;
status = jwk.GetOptionalString("use", &jwk_use_value, &has_jwk_use);
if (status.IsError())
return status;
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask jwk_use_mask = 0;
if (has_jwk_use) {
if (jwk_use_value == "enc")
jwk_use_mask = kJwkEncUsage;
else if (jwk_use_value == "sig")
jwk_use_mask = kJwkSigUsage;
return Status::ErrorJwkUnrecognizedUse();
// The input usages must be a subset of jwk_use_mask.
if (!ContainsKeyUsages(jwk_use_mask, expected_usages))
return Status::ErrorJwkUseInconsistent();
// If both 'key_ops' and 'use' are present, ensure they are consistent.
if (has_jwk_key_ops && has_jwk_use &&
!ContainsKeyUsages(jwk_use_mask, jwk_key_ops_mask))
return Status::ErrorJwkUseAndKeyopsInconsistent();
return Status::Success();
} // namespace
JwkReader::JwkReader() = default;
JwkReader::~JwkReader() = default;
Status JwkReader::Init(base::span<const uint8_t> bytes,
bool expected_extractable,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask expected_usages,
std::string_view expected_kty,
std::string_view expected_alg) {
// Parse the incoming JWK JSON.
std::string_view json_string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
// Limit the visibility for |value| as it is moved to |dict_| (via
// |dict_value|) once it has been loaded successfully.
std::optional<base::Value> dict = base::JSONReader::Read(json_string);
if (!dict.has_value() || !dict->is_dict())
return Status::ErrorJwkNotDictionary();
dict_ = std::move(dict.value()).TakeDict();
// JWK "kty". Exit early if this required JWK parameter is missing.
std::string kty;
Status status = GetString("kty", &kty);
if (status.IsError())
return status;
if (kty != expected_kty)
return Status::ErrorJwkUnexpectedKty(expected_kty);
status = VerifyExt(*this, expected_extractable);
if (status.IsError())
return status;
status = VerifyUsages(*this, expected_usages);
if (status.IsError())
return status;
// Verify the algorithm if an expectation was provided.
if (!expected_alg.empty()) {
status = VerifyAlg(expected_alg);
if (status.IsError())
return status;
return Status::Success();
bool JwkReader::HasMember(std::string_view member_name) const {
return dict_.contains(member_name);
Status JwkReader::GetString(std::string_view member_name,
std::string* result) const {
const base::Value* value = dict_.Find(member_name);
if (!value) {
return Status::ErrorJwkMemberMissing(member_name);
if (!value->is_string()) {
return Status::ErrorJwkMemberWrongType(member_name, "string");
*result = value->GetString();
return Status::Success();
Status JwkReader::GetOptionalString(std::string_view member_name,
std::string* result,
bool* member_exists) const {
*member_exists = false;
const base::Value* value = dict_.Find(member_name);
if (!value) {
return Status::Success();
if (!value->is_string()) {
return Status::ErrorJwkMemberWrongType(member_name, "string");
*result = value->GetString();
*member_exists = true;
return Status::Success();
Status JwkReader::GetOptionalList(std::string_view member_name,
const base::Value::List** result,
bool* member_exists) const {
*member_exists = false;
const base::Value* value = dict_.Find(member_name);
if (!value) {
return Status::Success();
if (!value->is_list()) {
return Status::ErrorJwkMemberWrongType(member_name, "list");
*result = &value->GetList();
*member_exists = true;
return Status::Success();
Status JwkReader::GetBytes(std::string_view member_name,
std::vector<uint8_t>* result) const {
std::string base64_string;
Status status = GetString(member_name, &base64_string);
if (status.IsError())
return status;
// The JSON web signature spec says that padding is omitted.
std::string result_str;
if (!base::Base64UrlDecode(base64_string,
&result_str)) {
return Status::ErrorJwkBase64Decode(member_name);
result->assign(result_str.begin(), result_str.end());
return Status::Success();
Status JwkReader::GetBigInteger(std::string_view member_name,
std::vector<uint8_t>* result) const {
Status status = GetBytes(member_name, result);
if (status.IsError())
return status;
if (result->empty())
return Status::ErrorJwkEmptyBigInteger(member_name);
// The JWA spec says that "The octet sequence MUST utilize the minimum number
// of octets to represent the value." This means there shouldn't be any
// leading zeros.
if (result->size() > 1 && (*result)[0] == 0)
return Status::ErrorJwkBigIntegerHasLeadingZero(member_name);
return Status::Success();
Status JwkReader::GetOptionalBool(std::string_view member_name,
bool* result,
bool* member_exists) const {
*member_exists = false;
const base::Value* value = dict_.Find(member_name);
if (!value) {
return Status::Success();
if (!value->is_bool()) {
return Status::ErrorJwkMemberWrongType(member_name, "boolean");
*result = value->GetBool();
*member_exists = true;
return Status::Success();
Status JwkReader::GetAlg(std::string* alg, bool* has_alg) const {
return GetOptionalString("alg", alg, has_alg);
Status JwkReader::VerifyAlg(std::string_view expected_alg) const {
bool has_jwk_alg;
std::string jwk_alg_value;
Status status = GetAlg(&jwk_alg_value, &has_jwk_alg);
if (status.IsError())
return status;
if (has_jwk_alg && jwk_alg_value != expected_alg)
return Status::ErrorJwkAlgorithmInconsistent();
return Status::Success();
JwkWriter::JwkWriter(std::string_view algorithm,
bool extractable,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usages,
std::string_view kty) {
if (!algorithm.empty()) {
dict_.Set("alg", algorithm);
dict_.Set("key_ops", CreateJwkKeyOpsFromWebCryptoUsages(usages));
dict_.Set("ext", extractable);
dict_.Set("kty", kty);
void JwkWriter::SetString(std::string_view member_name,
std::string_view value) {
dict_.Set(member_name, value);
void JwkWriter::SetBytes(std::string_view member_name,
base::span<const uint8_t> value) {
// The JSON web signature spec says that padding is omitted.
std::string base64url_encoded;
std::string_view(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
base::Base64UrlEncodePolicy::OMIT_PADDING, &base64url_encoded);
dict_.Set(member_name, std::move(base64url_encoded));
void JwkWriter::ToJson(std::vector<uint8_t>* utf8_bytes) const {
std::string json;
base::JSONWriter::Write(dict_, &json);
utf8_bytes->assign(json.begin(), json.end());
Status GetWebCryptoUsagesFromJwkKeyOpsForTest(
const base::Value::List& key_ops,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask* usages) {
return GetWebCryptoUsagesFromJwkKeyOps(key_ops, usages);
} // namespace webcrypto