blob: a2160cd2dfc83213ee6fb38c88d17a87be086365 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/function_ref.h"
#include "base/memory/safety_checks.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/k_anonymity_service_delegate.h"
#include "content/public/browser/zoom_level_delegate.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/blob/blob.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/push_messaging/push_messaging.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/push_messaging/push_messaging_status.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/include/perfetto/tracing/traced_value_forward.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace download {
class InProgressDownloadManager;
namespace storage {
class ExternalMountPoints;
namespace media {
class VideoDecodePerfHistory;
class WebrtcVideoPerfHistory;
namespace learning {
class LearningSession;
} // namespace media
namespace storage {
class BlobStorageContext;
class SpecialStoragePolicy;
} // namespace storage
namespace variations {
class VariationsClient;
} // namespace variations
namespace perfetto {
template <typename>
class TracedProto;
namespace protos::pbzero {
class ChromeBrowserContext;
} // namespace protos::pbzero
} // namespace perfetto
namespace content {
class BackgroundFetchDelegate;
class BackgroundSyncController;
class BlobHandle;
class BrowserContextImpl;
class BrowserPluginGuestManager;
class BrowsingDataRemover;
class BrowsingDataRemoverDelegate;
class ClientHintsControllerDelegate;
class ContentIndexProvider;
class DownloadManager;
class DownloadManagerDelegate;
class FederatedIdentityPermissionContextDelegate;
class FederatedIdentityApiPermissionContextDelegate;
class FederatedIdentityAutoReauthnPermissionContextDelegate;
class FileSystemAccessPermissionContext;
class OriginTrialsControllerDelegate;
class PermissionController;
class PermissionControllerDelegate;
class PlatformNotificationService;
class PushMessagingService;
class ReduceAcceptLanguageControllerDelegate;
class ResourceContext;
class SSLHostStateDelegate;
class SharedCorsOriginAccessList;
class SiteInstance;
class StorageNotificationService;
class StoragePartition;
class StoragePartitionConfig;
// This class holds the context needed for a browsing session.
// It lives on the UI thread. All these methods must only be called on the UI
// thread.
class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserContext : public base::SupportsUserData {
// Do not remove this macro!
// The macro is maintained by the memory safety team.
// The BrowserContext methods below are provided/implemented by the //content
// layer (e.g. there is no need to override these methods in layers above
// //content).
// The currently recommended practice is to make the methods in this section
// non-virtual instance methods.
// TODO( Consider moving these methods to
// BrowserContextImpl.
~BrowserContext() override;
DownloadManager* GetDownloadManager();
// Returns BrowserContext specific external mount points. It may return
// nullptr if the context doesn't have any BrowserContext specific external
// mount points. Currently, non-nullptr value is returned only on ChromeOS.
storage::ExternalMountPoints* GetMountPoints();
// Returns a BrowsingDataRemover that can schedule data deletion tasks
// for this |context|.
BrowsingDataRemover* GetBrowsingDataRemover();
// Returns the PermissionController associated with this context. There's
// always a PermissionController instance for each BrowserContext.
PermissionController* GetPermissionController();
// Returns a StoragePartition for the given SiteInstance. By default this will
// create a new StoragePartition if it doesn't exist, unless |can_create| is
// false.
StoragePartition* GetStoragePartition(SiteInstance* site_instance,
bool can_create = true);
// Returns a StoragePartition for the given StoragePartitionConfig. By
// default this will create a new StoragePartition if it doesn't exist,
// unless |can_create| is false.
StoragePartition* GetStoragePartition(
const StoragePartitionConfig& storage_partition_config,
bool can_create = true);
// Deprecated. Do not add new callers. Use the SiteInstance or
// StoragePartitionConfig methods above instead.
// Returns a StoragePartition for the given URL. By default this will
// create a new StoragePartition if it doesn't exist, unless |can_create| is
// false.
StoragePartition* GetStoragePartitionForUrl(const GURL& url,
bool can_create = true);
// Synchronously invokes `fn` for each loaded StoragePartition.
// Persisted StoragePartitions (not in-memory) are loaded lazily on first
// use, at which point a StoragePartition object will be created that's
// backed by the on-disk storage. StoragePartitions will not be unloaded for
// the remainder of the BrowserContext's lifetime.
void ForEachLoadedStoragePartition(
base::FunctionRef<void(StoragePartition*)> fn);
// Returns the number of loaded StoragePartitions that exist for `this`
// BrowserContext.
// See |ForEachLoadedStoragePartition| for details about loaded
// StoragePartitions.
size_t GetLoadedStoragePartitionCount();
// Starts an asynchronous best-effort attempt to delete all on-disk storage
// related to |partition_domain| and synchronously invokes |done_callback|
// once all deletable on-disk storage is deleted. |on_gc_required| will be
// invoked if |partition_domain| corresponds to any StoragePartitions that
// are loaded and can't safely be deleted. In this case the caller should
// attempt to delete the StoragePartition again at next browser launch.
void AsyncObliterateStoragePartition(const std::string& partition_domain,
base::OnceClosure on_gc_required,
base::OnceClosure done_callback);
// Examines all on-disk StoragePartitions and removes any entries that are
// not loaded or listed in `active_paths`.
// The `done` closure is executed on the calling thread when garbage
// collection is complete.
void GarbageCollectStoragePartitions(
std::unordered_set<base::FilePath> active_paths,
base::OnceClosure done);
StoragePartition* GetDefaultStoragePartition();
using BlobCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<BlobHandle>)>;
using BlobContextGetter =
// This method should be called on UI thread and calls back on UI thread
// as well. Note that retrieving a blob ptr out of BlobHandle can only be
// done on IO. |callback| returns a nullptr on failure.
void CreateMemoryBackedBlob(base::span<const uint8_t> data,
const std::string& content_type,
BlobCallback callback);
// Get a BlobStorageContext getter that needs to run on IO thread.
BlobContextGetter GetBlobStorageContext();
// Returns a mojom::mojo::PendingRemote<blink::mojom::Blob> for a specific
// blob. If no blob exists with the given UUID, the
// mojo::PendingRemote<blink::mojom::Blob> pipe will close. This method should
// be called on the UI thread.
// TODO(mek): Blob UUIDs should be entirely internal to the blob system, so
// eliminate this method in favor of just passing around the
// mojo::PendingRemote<blink::mojom::Blob> directly.
mojo::PendingRemote<blink::mojom::Blob> GetBlobRemote(
const std::string& uuid);
// Delivers a push message with |data| to the Service Worker identified by
// |origin| and |service_worker_registration_id|.
void DeliverPushMessage(
const GURL& origin,
int64_t service_worker_registration_id,
const std::string& message_id,
std::optional<std::string> payload,
base::OnceCallback<void(blink::mojom::PushEventStatus)> callback);
// Fires a push subscription change event to the Service Worker identified by
// |origin| and |service_worker_registration_id| with |new_subscription| and
// |old_subscription| as event information.
void FirePushSubscriptionChangeEvent(
const GURL& origin,
int64_t service_worker_registration_id,
blink::mojom::PushSubscriptionPtr new_subscription,
blink::mojom::PushSubscriptionPtr old_subscription,
base::OnceCallback<void(blink::mojom::PushEventStatus)> callback);
void NotifyWillBeDestroyed();
// Ensures that the corresponding ResourceContext is initialized. Normally the
// BrowserContext initializs the corresponding getters when its objects are
// created, but if the embedder wants to pass the ResourceContext to another
// thread before they use BrowserContext, they should call this to make sure
// that the ResourceContext is ready.
void EnsureResourceContextInitialized();
// Tells the HTML5 objects on this context to persist their session state
// across the next restart.
void SaveSessionState();
void SetDownloadManagerForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<DownloadManager> download_manager);
void SetPermissionControllerForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<PermissionController> permission_controller);
// The list of CORS exemptions. This list needs to be 1) replicated when
// creating or re-creating new network::mojom::NetworkContexts (see
// network::mojom::NetworkContextParams::cors_origin_access_list) and 2)
// consulted by CORS-aware factories (e.g. passed when constructing
// FileURLLoaderFactory).
SharedCorsOriginAccessList* GetSharedCorsOriginAccessList();
// Shuts down the storage partitions associated to this browser context.
// This must be called before the browser context is actually destroyed
// and before a clean-up task for its corresponding IO thread residents (e.g.
// ResourceContext) is posted, so that the classes that hung on
// StoragePartition can have time to do necessary cleanups on IO thread.
void ShutdownStoragePartitions();
// Returns true if shutdown has been initiated via a
// NotifyWillBeDestroyed() call. This is a signal that the object will be
// destroyed soon and no new references to this object should be created.
bool ShutdownStarted();
// Returns a unique string associated with this browser context.
virtual const std::string& UniqueId();
// Gets media service for storing/retrieving video decoding performance stats.
// Exposed here rather than StoragePartition because all SiteInstances should
// have similar decode performance and stats are not exposed to the web
// directly, so privacy is not compromised.
media::VideoDecodePerfHistory* GetVideoDecodePerfHistory();
// Gets media service for storing/retrieving WebRTC video performance stats.
// Exposed here rather than StoragePartition because all SiteInstances should
// have similar encode/decode performance and stats are not exposed to the web
// directly, so privacy is not compromised.
media::WebrtcVideoPerfHistory* GetWebrtcVideoPerfHistory();
// Returns a LearningSession associated with |this|. Used as the central
// source from which to retrieve LearningTaskControllers for media machine
// learning.
// Exposed here rather than StoragePartition because learnings will cover
// general media trends rather than SiteInstance specific behavior. The
// learnings are not exposed to the web.
virtual media::learning::LearningSession* GetLearningSession();
// Retrieves the InProgressDownloadManager associated with this object if
// available
virtual std::unique_ptr<download::InProgressDownloadManager>
using TraceProto = perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeBrowserContext;
// Write a representation of this object into tracing proto.
// rvalue ensure that the this method can be called without having access
// to the declaration of ChromeBrowserContext proto.
void WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedProto<TraceProto> context) const;
// Deprecated. Do not add new callers.
// TODO( Get rid of ResourceContext.
ResourceContext* GetResourceContext() const;
base::WeakPtr<BrowserContext> GetWeakPtr();
// The //content embedder can override the methods below to change or extend
// how the //content layer interacts with a BrowserContext.
// All the methods below should be virtual. Most of the methods should be
// pure (i.e. `= 0`) although it may make sense to provide a default
// implementation for some of the methods.
// TODO( Migrate method declarations from this
// section into a separate BrowserContextDelegate class.
// Creates a delegate to initialize a HostZoomMap and persist its information.
// This is called during creation of each StoragePartition.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ZoomLevelDelegate> CreateZoomLevelDelegate(
const base::FilePath& partition_path) = 0;
// Returns the path of the directory where this context's data is stored.
virtual base::FilePath GetPath() = 0;
// Return whether this context is off the record. Default is false.
// Note that for Chrome this does not imply Incognito as Guest sessions are
// also off the record.
virtual bool IsOffTheRecord() = 0;
// Returns the DownloadManagerDelegate for this context. This will be called
// once per context. The embedder owns the delegate and is responsible for
// ensuring that it outlives DownloadManager. Note in particular that it is
// unsafe to destroy the delegate in the destructor of a subclass of
// BrowserContext, since it needs to be alive in ~BrowserContext.
// It's valid to return nullptr.
virtual DownloadManagerDelegate* GetDownloadManagerDelegate() = 0;
// Returns the guest manager for this context.
virtual BrowserPluginGuestManager* GetGuestManager() = 0;
// Returns a special storage policy implementation, or nullptr.
virtual storage::SpecialStoragePolicy* GetSpecialStoragePolicy() = 0;
// Returns the platform notification service, capable of displaying Web
// Notifications to the user. The embedder can return a nullptr if they don't
// support this functionality. Must be called on the UI thread.
virtual PlatformNotificationService* GetPlatformNotificationService() = 0;
// Returns a push messaging service. The embedder owns the service, and is
// responsible for ensuring that it outlives RenderProcessHost. It's valid to
// return nullptr.
virtual PushMessagingService* GetPushMessagingService() = 0;
// Returns a storage notification service associated with that context,
// nullptr otherwise. In the case that nullptr is returned, QuotaManager
// and the rest of the storage layer will have no connection to the Chrome
// layer for UI purposes.
virtual StorageNotificationService* GetStorageNotificationService() = 0;
// Returns the SSL host state decisions for this context. The context may
// return nullptr, implementing the default exception storage strategy.
virtual SSLHostStateDelegate* GetSSLHostStateDelegate() = 0;
// Returns the PermissionControllerDelegate associated with this context if
// any, nullptr otherwise.
// Note: if you want to check a permission status, you probably need
// BrowserContext::GetPermissionController() instead.
virtual PermissionControllerDelegate* GetPermissionControllerDelegate() = 0;
// Returns the ReduceAcceptLanguageControllerDelegate associated with that
// context if any, nullptr otherwise.
virtual ReduceAcceptLanguageControllerDelegate*
GetReduceAcceptLanguageControllerDelegate() = 0;
// Returns the ClientHintsControllerDelegate associated with that context if
// any, nullptr otherwise.
virtual ClientHintsControllerDelegate* GetClientHintsControllerDelegate() = 0;
// Returns the BackgroundFetchDelegate associated with that context if any,
// nullptr otherwise.
virtual BackgroundFetchDelegate* GetBackgroundFetchDelegate() = 0;
// Returns the BackgroundSyncController associated with that context if any,
// nullptr otherwise.
virtual BackgroundSyncController* GetBackgroundSyncController() = 0;
// Returns the BrowsingDataRemoverDelegate for this context. This will be
// called once per context. It's valid to return nullptr.
virtual BrowsingDataRemoverDelegate* GetBrowsingDataRemoverDelegate() = 0;
// Returns the FileSystemAccessPermissionContext associated with this context
// if any, nullptr otherwise.
virtual FileSystemAccessPermissionContext*
// Returns the ContentIndexProvider associated with that context if any,
// nullptr otherwise.
virtual ContentIndexProvider* GetContentIndexProvider();
// Returns true iff the sandboxed file system implementation should be disk
// backed, even if this browser context is off the record. By default this
// returns false, an embedded could override this to return true if for
// example the off-the-record browser context is stored in a in-memory file
// system anyway, in which case using the disk backed sandboxed file system
// API implementation can give some benefits over the in-memory
// implementation.
virtual bool CanUseDiskWhenOffTheRecord();
// Returns the VariationsClient associated with the context if any, or
// nullptr if there isn't one.
virtual variations::VariationsClient* GetVariationsClient();
// Creates the media service for storing/retrieving video decoding performance
// stats. Exposed here rather than StoragePartition because all SiteInstances
// should have similar decode performance and stats are not exposed to the web
// directly, so privacy is not compromised.
virtual std::unique_ptr<media::VideoDecodePerfHistory>
// Gets the permission context for determining whether the FedCM API is
// enabled in site settings.
virtual FederatedIdentityApiPermissionContextDelegate*
// Gets the permission context for determining whether the FedCM API's auto
// re-authentication feature is enabled in site settings.
virtual FederatedIdentityAutoReauthnPermissionContextDelegate*
// Gets the permission context for allowing session management capabilities
// between an identity provider and a relying party if one exists, or
// nullptr otherwise.
virtual FederatedIdentityPermissionContextDelegate*
// Gets the KAnonymityServiceDelegate if supported. Returns nullptr if
// unavailable.
virtual KAnonymityServiceDelegate* GetKAnonymityServiceDelegate();
// Returns the OriginTrialsControllerDelegate associated with the context if
// any, nullptr otherwise.
virtual OriginTrialsControllerDelegate* GetOriginTrialsControllerDelegate();
// Please don't add more fields to BrowserContext.
// Ideally, BrowserContext would be a pure interface (only pure-virtual
// methods and no fields), but currently BrowserContext and BrowserContextImpl
// and BrowserContextDelegate are kind of mixed together in a single class.
// TODO( Make BrowserContextImpl to implement
// BrowserContext instead (Removing afterwards the BrowserContextImpl,
// fwd-declaration, `impl_` field, `friend` declaration and `impl` accessor
// below).
friend class BrowserContextImpl;
std::unique_ptr<BrowserContextImpl> impl_;
BrowserContextImpl* impl() { return impl_.get(); }
const BrowserContextImpl* impl() const { return impl_.get(); }
base::WeakPtrFactory<BrowserContext> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace content