Security Shepherd

What is Security Shepherding?

Security Shepherding is a rotational assignment for security bug triage (Primary Shepherd) and managing the flow of incoming inquiries and progressing security issues (Secondary Shepherd). The Shepherding rota pool is made up of people actively working on security in Chrome.

All Security Shepherds are Googlers; therefore, some links on this page may not be externally accessible or even further restricted to just Chrome Security Googlers.

There is a Primary and Secondary Shepherd scheduled each rotation, with two rotations each week, one Tuesday - Thursday and Friday - Monday.

Security Shepherding is not an on-call rotation. There’s no pager duty, nor are you expected to perform Shepherding duties outside of your usual working hours, such as overnight or on holidays, weekends, or other off time.

Shepherds are only responsible for triage of security bugs during your shift. You are not responsible for bug triage or updating partially triaged bugs past your shift, unless you have specifically taken ownership of an issue, such as due to a complicated or OS-specific reproduction, and arranged that with the oncoming shepherd. All shepherds should use the handoff doc to communicate items for handover; however, the oncoming primary shepherd should operate on the premise all new or under-triaged issues are your responsibility. Please do not leave any unaddressed red cells in the dashboard at the end of your shift.

TL;DR Checklist for Primary Shepherding

(“I’m Primary Shepherd, what do I do???”)

The Primary Security Shepherd is the front line of security bug triage during their shift. The goal is to triage incoming security issues accurately, thoroughly, and quickly (as quickly as realistically possible).

Your PRIMARY DIRECTIVE as PRIMARY SHEPHERD is to tackle all the red cells on the security bug dashboard.

For every new incoming security bug:

All of the above should be completed as soon as possible during your shift, and at least, by the shift-handoff.

One or more of the above actions may be necessary to complete the triage of an under-triaged bug, i.e. covering any of the open red cells in the dashboard that were not completed from ClusterFuzz auto-triage or previous work on the bug.

All this is hard, so please remember to ask for help. Yell if you must!

TL;DR Checklist for Secondary Shepherding

(“I’m Secondary Shepherd, what do I do???”)

Links to Helpful Resources

Here are some of the important references and resources you need or may need during your shepherding shift:

Every New Incoming Security Bug

Monitor the Chrome open security bugs dashboard. Tackle all the empty red cells. New bugs populate at the top of the sheet and will need full triage. Partially triaged bugs, such as those triaged by ClusterFuzz or ones pending updates from a prior shift, may be lower in the sheet. Please check the sheet for any red cells and do your best to get any bugs to a fully triaged state.

We aim to have every bug triaged and assigned within two business days, preferably one. This does not include weekends, but please ensure you leave a clear queue before the weekend or a holiday.

Ensure self-contained issue

There should be one complete, self-contained report, per root cause. To ensure this is the case when assigning security bugs to engineering teams, you may need to take some specific actions here:

  • If the report is a bug chain with several underlying causes, open one new bug per root cause and mark the parent bug as blocked on each. The parent bug should be set to the severity of the full chain. Each child bug may have a lower severity.
    • If taking these actions for a VRP reported issue, update the Reporter field with the email address of the VRP reporter and cc: them on the parent issue so they have access.
  • Get everything you need from a reporter before you try and reproduce - do not feel bad about asking for a clear or minimized POC or repeatable steps before attempting to reproduce.
  • If complicated user gestures are required, encourage the reporter to upload a short video. This will alleviate a lot of back and forth for both them and us.

Confirm Valid and Actionable

We expect engineering teams to address security bugs promptly. In order to do that, our goal is to pass them actionable reports with little ambiguity.

For each bug, please take the appropriate action, either:

  • WontFix it as invalid (Many recurring types of invalid reports are covered by the Security FAQ, such as those related physically local attacks or inputting JavaScript in the URL bar or running Javascript directly in DevTools not being an indication of an XSS vulnerability. Mark as WontFix and update the ‘Issue access level’ to Default access so the issue is publicly visible.

  • Mark as duplicate – we want exactly one bug per root cause problem. Please check for duplicate issues of a given issue from that or other reporters / sources (such as ClusterFuzz).

    • Search for similar stack traces or sharing similar keyword traits in the bug tracker.
    • If there are two open reports of the same issue, please merge as a duplicate in the direction of the oldest report.
    • Use the Mark as Duplicate button at the upper right of the report pane. This will provide a pop-up to input the bug number of the canonical report that you are merging this report into as a duplicate of.
      • Using Mark as Duplicate is the best practice for merging issues as duplicates.
  • Convert functional bugs to Type=Bug For example, many reports are for crashes of a functional nature, rather than an exploitable security condition, such as most null pointer dereferences. Convert such reports from Type=Vulnerability to Type=Bug. Do NOT remove from collaborators first (as this will result in orphaning the bug), but update the ‘Issue Access Level’ to the appropriate visibility. You may consider adding other visibility restrictions, such as Limited visibility + Googlers and add to CC (this is similar to ‘Restrict-View-EditAccess’ in the legacy issue tracker) if the immediate disclosure could result in potential abuse (e.g. denial of service issue).

  • Convert to a privacy bug - privacy issues (such as issues with incognito) are not considered security bugs, but functional privacy issues. Convert to Type=Bug and add the Privacy component. Add yourself and any other security team members who may potentially need access to the cc: line. Update the ‘Issue access level’ to Limited visibility + Googlers and deselect / remove from the ‘add collaborator groups’.

  • Add the Needs-Feedback hotlist (hotlistID: 5433459) and set a Next Action date of 24-48 hours for more information if there is no response, close the issue as WontFix.

  • Determine issue to be theoretical - and follow the process for such issues – theoretical issues are ones that appear to be potentially real bugs, but there the report is lacking evidence of exploitability or reachability. These cases can be shared with engineering teams with a very clear message conveying the speculative nature of the issue. These reports should generally not be prioritized as a Pri-1 as they do not warrant disruption to the engineering teams to investigate and prioritize without more or new information to demonstrate conditions of exploitability.

None of these apply? Great – this means the bug may be valid and actionable! It can take multiple discussions with a reporter to understand a bug. Try really hard to reach a conclusion by the end of your shift. If this isn’t possible, please discuss outstanding cases with the next shepherd and don’t let bugs fall through the cracks. You are responsible for any bug reported or in an un-triaged state during your shift.

The best way to determine the validity of a security bug is to reproduce it. It’s helpful to remember that reporters invested time and energy in their bug reports:

alt text


If you have to close it, please give an explanation as to why.

Reproduce the bug

Reproducing the bug isn’t always required, but often it’s needed and the only way to:

  • Understand a report and validate the issue being presented.
  • Provide actionable information to the engineering team responsible for fixing the bug.
  • Setting the oldest impacted release channel correctly.

These things must be done correctly, so as Security Shepherd, you’ll spend a lot of time reproducing bugs. Here are some tips in doing so:

  • Assume that test cases may be malicious. You should only reproduce bugs on your local machine if you‘re completely certain that you understand 100% of the test case. If not, use a disposable virtual machine. If you’re inside Google, a good way to do this is using Redshell.
  • For any sort of a crash, CHECK/DCHECK or memory safety problem use ClusterFuzz. As well as reproducing bugs, ClusterFuzz will help you with lots of subsequent bisection and labelling tasks. Currently ClusterFuzz cannot guard against malicious test cases, so be just as paranoid as if you were running a test case locally.
  • Instructions for using an Android emulator can be found here. If you're inside Google, we have a guide for testing using Google infrastructure.
  • When you can't just build from a specific branch locally, see or for the latest release of a specific version.
  • The helper script is a handy way to download ASAN Chrome. The --help flag provides usage instructions, e.g. to fetch builds for various versions and platforms.
  • If you run into issues with a reproducible ClusterFuzz test case (like missing symbols, or if anything else seems off), try uploading the test case again using a different job type with a more mature tool (e.g. ASan on Linux). It may give more complete information.

Set severity

Use the Security Severity Guidelines.

If you can, reproduce it using ClusterFuzz, as the severity is usually set automatically.

For V8 issues, you can tentatively set the issue as High (S1) severity – see Assign,below.

Please adjust severity as your understanding of the bug evolves - but please always add a comment explaining the change. Higher severity bugs involve significant disruption for multiple teams; lower severity issues may not be fixed and a fix released to users as quickly as may be warranted. That’s why it’s important to get the severity as correct as possible.

Set oldest impacted active release channel

We do not release severe security regressions, so we need to know the earliest impacted Chrome release branch.

First, if an issue doesn’t impact Chrome users by default (such as be being behind a disabled feature or a command line flag), add the hotlist Security_Impact-None; otherwise, set a Found In milestone in the Found In field as follows:

Check ChromiumDash for the earliest relevant milestone number (Extended Stable or Stable – sometimes they are the same).

  • If that branch is affected, set the Found In field to, to the appropriate milestone number.
  • Otherwise, move forward through milestone numbers. Set the Found In field to the oldest impacted branch you find.

There is no general reason to test versions older than the current Extended Stable milestone. If you can reproduce using ClusterFuzz the Found In field can often be set automatically if ClusterFuzz can identify the culprit CL.

Otherwise, you may need to reproduce the bug manually to determine the impacted branches.

If you have a bisection or other convincing evidence, that’s sufficient. You can manually check which milestone has a given commit in ChromiumDash commits check.

Please do not base Found In- on the Chrome version number provided in the original report. This is often based on the version number the individual is using when discovering this issue or is automatically set in the report by the tracker’s report wizard and is not correct in terms of coverage of all active release channels.

For V8 bugs, you can set Found In as the current extended stable milestone unless you have reproduced the issue or an accurate bisection has been provided. (See Assign, below.)

Set impacted operating systems

Set the OS field as best you can based on these guidelines. You do not need to reproduce the bug on each platform, but it really helps if you set this field roughly right to ensure the bug has the attention of the different desktop and mobile release teams.

Some issues may be specific to a particular platform, if you need to reproduce a bug that is platform specific and you do not have access to a device with that OS, please ask for help, there is likely someone on the team that does and can help you.

ChromeOS is in the Google issue tracker. VRP reports for ChromeOS should be directly reported to ChromeOS. Please request the reporter submit reports directly to ChromeOS in the future. For VRP and other human-submitted security bug reports specific to ChromeOS, please move the report corresponding component (componentid:1335705) in the Google issue tracker. Since this bug is being moved between trackers you will need to use your account to move the bug into that tracker component.

Some machine-discovered (Clusterfuzz, Crash AutoBugFiler, GWP-ASAN) may be specific to ChromeOS. If this is determined to be the case after investigation (please remember some GWP-ASAN or crash bug auto-filer bugs may have come from a ChromeOS crash, but the issue may not be specific to ChromeOS), move the bug to the appropriate ChromeOS component (componentid:1214738) in the Google issue tracker for these reports. Again, you will need to use your account to move this bug into that component.


Security bugs are not automatically visible, so you must add people to get them fixed. For each bug, set:

  • The Component – due to a limited set of auto-cc rules, this may add some visibility. This will “move” the bug into that component; this is the expected outcome. It can also be helpful to set additional Component Tags when a bug does not fall neatly into a single component.
  • An assignee/owner. Use git blame or look for similar past bugs in the tracker.
  • Lots of ccs. Copy everyone who could possibly be relevant. Use the owners file for a particular feature to help achieve this.
  • Add a comment so that recipients know what’s expected, and why you think they’re the right person to take action.
    • Be sure to convey if you have reproduced this issue and your determinations about security relevance or diagnosis.

It’s okay if you cannot determine or know the exact right assignee, but please pass it along to / include someone who can direct it more precisely.

Some types of bugs have specific assignment needs:

  • V8 bugs. First, upload benign-looking test cases to ClusterFuzz if it isn't already there (please keep an eye out for any special flags and debug vs release). Hopefully, this will cause ClusterFuzz to reproduce and bisect the bug. If not:
    • Set a provisional severity of High (S1), assuming this causes renderer memory corruption.
    • Set a provisional Found In of the current Extended Stable.
    • Assign it to the current V8 Sheriff with a comment explaining that the severity and Found In are provisional. Note that V8 CHECK failure crashes can have security implications, so don't triage it yourself.
    • If for any reason you need to discuss the bug with a particular V8 contact, Googlers can look at the V8 security bug triage instructions for lists of component owners, but this shouldn't normally be necessary.
  • V8 Sandbox bypasses. The V8 Sandbox is still under development, but V8 has begun accepting bypass submissions as low-severity security bugs with specific submission rules. That being said, Chrome Shepherds are not expected to fully triage these reports. You do not need to submit the sandbox bypasses to Clusterfuzz. If the report is clearly a V8 sandbox bypass, simply:
    • Set a provisional severity of Low (S3).
    • Assign to the current V8 Sheriff.
    • Apply the Security_Impact-None hotlist (hotlistID:5433277).
    • If possible, please also apply the V8 Sandbox hotlist (hotlistID:4802478).
  • Skia bugs can be assigned to Be careful while triaging these! The place where we‘re crashing isn’t necessarily the place where the bug was introduced, so blame may be misleading. Skia fuzzing bugs can be assigned to, as Skia is heavily fuzzed on OSS-Fuzz and some issues reported in Chromium are already known or even fixed upstream.
  • URL spoofing issues, especially related to RTL or IDNs? See go/url-spoofs for a guide to triaging these.
  • SQLite bugs can be assigned to an owner from //third_party/sqlite/OWNERS. CC drhsqlite@ for upstream issues.
  • Fullscreen bugs the Open Screen team is taking ownership of Full Screen issues, including security bugs. Please assign Full Screen security issues to and cc:,, and They are also working on holistic solutions to improving the security of fullscreen, so please remember to look for potential duplicates of ongoing work.
  • BoringSSL the BoringSSL project has moved into the Chromium tracker. BoringSSL is a library, so security bugs that do not impact Chrome may still be meaningful (e.g. server-side bugs). BoringSSL security issues should be fully assessed by the BoringSSL team. If you come across a BoringSSL bug in the triage queue:
    • Set a provisional severity based on the issue the report proports; the BoringSSL team may need to adjust based on their assessment.
    • Set Component to: Chromium > BoringSSL.
    • Assign to an appropriate owner based on third_party/boringssl/OWNERS; Add owners to cc: on the bug to ensure visibility.
    • Add Security_Impact-None hotlist; owner will update if this issue does impact Chrome.
  • Report suspected malicious URLs to SafeBrowsing:
  • If the report is in an upstream package that we pull into our tree via //third_party or elsewhere:
    • Ask the reporter to file a bug report upstream, if there is an active upstream. If they can‘t / don’t, or the report is from a bot (clusterfuzz or similar), ask the //third_party package owner to file it.
    • For the downstream bug (the one on the Chromium tracker):
      • Add the downstream bug to the Status-External_Dependency hotlist.
      • Assign that bug to an OWNER from the //third_party package.
      • Ask that owner to ensure that the upstream bug is fixed, the downstream copy in Chromium is rolled, and finally the downstream bug is marked Fixed.
  • For vulnerabilities in services Chrome uses (e.g. Omaha, Chrome Web Store, SafeBrowsing), make sure the affected team is informed and has access to the necessary bugs.
  • Chrome for iOS - bugs suspected to be in WebKit:
    • Reproduce using an iOS device or desktop Safari.
    • Set Severity, Found In, and set Component Tags fields.
    • If the issue is in Webkit
      • Add hotlist Status_ExternalDependency (hotlistID: 5438152)
      • If reported by an external VRP reporter, request they report the issue directly to Webkit and provide us the WebKit issue ID after they have done so.
      • If this is an internally discovered issue, file a security bug in the Security product at and This alias is monitored by the iOS Chrome team so they can be notified when the WebKit bug is fixed.
        • Note the WebKit bug ID in the Chromium issue report.
    • All security issues need owners, the WebKit ones can be assigned to ajuma@.

Shift handoff

As you work through the queue each day, please manage your time and ensure you have addressed all red rows and cells in the sheet to the best of your ability. Make sure there are no red cells at the top of your sheet before the end of your shift. It’s not okay to leave a backlog for the next oncoming security shepherd.

Please fill out the Shepherding Handoff Log to communicate issues from your shift that may be helpful to the oncoming shift.

Ask for help

Security bug triage is hard. We receive around 75 bug reports per week on average. If you are ever stuck or in doubt, please ask for help from the Chrome Security Shepherds chat or the Chrome Security Chat. During some shifts, there are just too many incoming bugs. It’s okay to ask for help, please do!

You may also like the classic HOWTO: Be a Security Shepherd deck

Because shepherding is fun. You like fun. Don't you? Fun is great.

Secondary Shepherd

Check in on triaged issues

Review open security bug reports and check that progress is occurring. This does not apply to the new bug reports as these are handled by the primary shepherd. The rule of thumb is if there is any red cell on the dashboard, it needs your attention: that especially includes the last updated column. Our severity guidelines contain the expected duration for shipping fixes, but it’s important to remember that to get a fix to all users in 60 days or so, this may require us to land a fix in a week or two.

Suggestions for cultivating progress on security bugs:

  • Don’t just add a comment to the bug as these can disappear into spam (though a well-crafted, meaningful, actionable comment can be effective).
  • Contact the owner via chat or email in addition to commenting on the bug (so others on the bug can see an update is needed).
  • cc: more relevant people
  • Think about what you can do to unblock the bug. What would you do next? Perhaps you bring in a subject matter expert of some aspect of the bug that is a particular sticking point or suggest a different approach to reproduce the bug. Sometimes a security perspective can help shed light on a different way forward.
  • Are there old, open Security_Impact-None bugs in unlaunched features, where the response has been that there are no plans to launch that feature? Perhaps inquire as to if that code can be removed rather than keeping vulnerable code production code base. (Removing code that is not being used is a win!)
  • Consider if it is better for you to make meaningful steps forward on three bugs versus simple pings on many bugs.

You can’t possibly usher all bugs toward meaningful progress during your shift. As a general rule, expect to spend a solid two hours each day ushering bugs toward progress during your shift. Use the last updated column to avoid duplicating the work of the previous secondary.

Handle incoming security emails

Ensure that all incoming inquiries to the,, and lists get a reply (by someone; not necessarily you). See go/chrome-security-emails for a dashboard.

  • When triaging an email to be handled off of the list, make sure to bcc: the list that it arrived on, so that others (including future secondary shepherds) can see that it has been handled.
  • Some of these emails are requests for the inclusion of third-party code. By the time you do shift handoff, please ensure these are either completed or have been acknowledged by some other owner. If not, you may need to do them yourself.

Other Helpful Info

What do all these bug labels mean?

Security Labels.

An owner is asking for security input on backporting a security fix.

What do I do here?

You are not responsible for handling merges or approving a fix for backmerge. If the issue is resolved and there is a landed CL, please ensure the bug is closed as Fixed. Please also make sure the bug has a severity and FoundIn set. This will allow the bot (Sheriffbot) to add the appropriately update the Merge custom field with the appropriate request-MMM or review-MMM labels, where MMM = the milestones for backmerge consideration (based on rules driven by severity (and security_impact, derived from Found In). See security merge triage for more information.

That issue will be visible to the security merge review queue. There are designated members of the security team who have the hefty responsibility of reviewing security issues for backmerge. Merge approvals will be handled by them after at least the fix has had sufficient bake time on Canary.

When / how does X happen to a security bug?

(e.g. how and when does a VRP bug get to the Chrome VRP Panel?) See Life of a Security Issue.

I have questions related to Chrome VRP policy and scope.

Chrome VRP policies and rewards page and Chrome VRP News and FAQs. You can also reach out directly to the Chrome VRP TL or ask questions in the Chrome Security Shepherds chat, all VRP Panel members are also members of that chat.

There is PII or other data in a report we do not want to publicly disclose.

For cases of PII, simply delete the attachment or comment that contains PII within the issue tracker. If PII is contained in the text of the original description of the report, simply choose the Edit description option and remove any PII.

For cases in which we are just delaying public disclosure (such as when a security issue impacts other products or vendors), please use this label and set a date in the Next Action field so that disclosure can be re-evaluated at that time.

Protecting researcher identities

Many researchers report security issues under a pseudonym and from a specific email address pertaining to that pseudonym. Please do not refer to the researcher by the email username directly in any comments of the report. When reports are publicly disclosed, that becomes visible to all and we have to delete those comments to protect that information. To direct a comment at an external security researcher, please use “OP”, “reporter”, or "researcher”.

Deleted Reports / Issues Marked as Spam or Abuse

You may come across some reports in the security bug triage queue with a red banner, “The issue has been deleted. Reason: ABUSE,” this is generally due to the overactive spam filtering in the issue tracker. Just click Undelete in the right side of the banner, and triage the report as you normally would.

Shepherding Scheduling

  • Current Shepherds
  • Rotation schedule
  • If you're a Shepherd, you should get a calendar invite. Please accept it to acknowledge your upcoming shepherding duty.
  • If you need to swap shifts, ask around for a volunteer and then just update the rotation sheet and wait 10 minutes for the calendar invites to be updated.

Incident response

Sometimes you’ll need to handle a security emergency, such as a critical severity bug or bug known or under active exploitation in the wild. In such cases:

  • As soon as possible, reach out to the Shepherds chat for a Chrome Security Incident Responder, so they can take on IR Commander responsibilities.
  • Sometimes features can be switched off using feature flags – for example in permissions. Check with the engineer if that is a possibility in the case of this issue.

That‘s a lot of stuff! You have this resource and your peers to lean on for questions and expertise. Hopefully this doc helps. You’re gonna do great!