Loading metrics changes in Chrome 99

Navigation optimizations

A few changes are being rolled out that may impact loading metrics, such as FCP and LCP. Most of these changes are browser optimizations that should improve those loading metrics for everyone.

timeOrigin to take pre-beforeUnload IPC into account

We also improved the accuracy of the timeOrigin value, on which all loading metrics are based. It now takes into account an extra IPC call that happens before beforeUnload event handlers. In scenarios where traffic to your site is coming from a site with a beforeUnload handler, your timeline metrics are likely to slightly change: because the timeOrigin value is now earlier, durations relative to timeOrigin will appear to be larger.

Note that the duration of the beforeUnload event itself is not included in the timeOrigin, as its semantic meaning is not changed.

How does this affect a site's metrics?

On the whole, users will see significant improvements to both FCP and LCP due to this effort.

The pre-beforeUnload IPC change means that if large parts of the traffic to your site are coming from sites with a beforeUnload handler, you may see a mix of metric regressions and progressions. Otherwise, you're likely to see your metrics improve.

When were users affected?

This change is being rolled out starting from Chrome 99.