blob: 2657a70e5422dc4a5506617d31aa4d49375781df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <concepts>
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/default_construct_tag_internal.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/template_util.h"
namespace mojo {
// This must be specialized for any type |T| to be serialized/deserialized as
// a mojom array.
// Usually you would like to do a partial specialization for a container (e.g.
// vector) template. Imagine you want to specialize it for Container<>, you need
// to implement:
// template <typename T>
// struct ArrayTraits<Container<T>> {
// using Element = T;
// // These two statements are optional. Use them if you'd like to serialize
// // a container that supports iterators but does not support O(1) random
// // access and so GetAt(...) would be expensive.
// // using Iterator = Container<T>::iterator;
// // using ConstIterator = Container<T>::const_iterator;
// // These two methods are optional. Please see comments in struct_traits.h
// // Note that unlike with StructTraits, IsNull() is called *twice* during
// // serialization for ArrayTraits.
// static bool IsNull(const Container<T>& input);
// static void SetToNull(Container<T>* output);
// static size_t GetSize(const Container<T>& input);
// // These two methods are optional. They are used to access the
// // underlying storage of the array to speed up copy of POD types.
// static T* GetData(Container<T>& input);
// static const T* GetData(const Container<T>& input);
// // The following six methods are optional if the GetAt(...) methods are
// // implemented. These methods specify how to read the elements of
// // Container in some sequential order specified by the iterator.
// //
// // Acquires an iterator positioned at the first element in the container.
// static ConstIterator GetBegin(const Container<T>& input);
// static Iterator GetBegin(Container<T>& input);
// // Advances |iterator| to the next position within the container.
// static void AdvanceIterator(ConstIterator& iterator);
// static void AdvanceIterator(Iterator& iterator);
// // Returns a reference to the value at the current position of
// // |iterator|. Optionally, the ConstIterator version of GetValue can
// // return by value instead of by reference if it makes sense for the
// // type.
// static const T& GetValue(ConstIterator& iterator);
// static T& GetValue(Iterator& iterator);
// // These two methods are optional if the iterator methods are
// // implemented.
// static T& GetAt(Container<T>& input, size_t index);
// static const T& GetAt(const Container<T>& input, size_t index);
// // Returning false results in deserialization failure and causes the
// // message pipe receiving it to be disconnected.
// // Note that mojo does not require that Resize preserve the original
// // elements in `input` it merely has to set the size of `input` to
// // `size`.
// static bool Resize(Container<T>& input, size_t size);
// };
template <typename T>
struct ArrayTraits {
"Cannot find the mojo::ArrayTraits specialization. Did you "
"forget to include the corresponding header file?");
// Generic specialization for vector-like containers.
template <typename Container>
requires requires(Container& c, size_t i) {
typename Container::value_type;
{ c.size() } -> std::same_as<typename Container::size_type>;
{ c.clear() } -> std::same_as<void>;
{ c[i] } -> std::same_as<typename Container::reference>;
struct ArrayTraits<Container> {
using Element = Container::value_type;
// vector-like containers have no built-in null.
static bool IsNull(const Container& c) { return false; }
static void SetToNull(Container* c) {
// TODO(dcheng): Should this ever be called? It seems questionable...
static auto GetSize(const Container& c) { return c.size(); }
// Conditional since some vector implementations have specializations which do
// not provide direct access to an underlying array, e.g. `std::vector<bool>`.
static auto* GetData(Container& c)
requires requires {
{ } -> std::same_as<typename Container::pointer>;
static const auto* GetData(const Container& c)
requires requires {
{ } -> std::same_as<typename Container::const_pointer>;
// The static_casts here are safe, since out-of-range issues would be caught
// by `Resize()`.
static decltype(auto) GetAt(Container& c, size_t index) {
return c[static_cast<typename Container::size_type>(index)];
static decltype(auto) GetAt(const Container& c, size_t index) {
return c[static_cast<typename Container::size_type>(index)];
static bool Resize(Container& c, size_t size) {
if (c.size() == size) {
return true;
if (!base::IsValueInRangeForNumericType<typename Container::size_type>(
size)) {
return false;
if constexpr (std::constructible_from<Element,
::mojo::DefaultConstruct::Tag>) {
Container temp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
} else {
Container temp(static_cast<typename Container::size_type>(size));
return true;
} // namespace mojo