blob: be872c84cb11439e5a8da9fc66320317bf6bec53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "chrome/common/extensions/permissions/chrome_permission_message_provider.h"
#include "extensions/common/extensions_client.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace extensions {
// The implementation of ExtensionsClient for Chrome, which encapsulates the
// global knowledge of features, permissions, and manifest fields.
class ChromeExtensionsClient : public ExtensionsClient {
ChromeExtensionsClient(const ChromeExtensionsClient&) = delete;
ChromeExtensionsClient& operator=(const ChromeExtensionsClient&) = delete;
~ChromeExtensionsClient() override;
void Initialize() override;
void InitializeWebStoreUrls(base::CommandLine* command_line) override;
const PermissionMessageProvider& GetPermissionMessageProvider()
const override;
const std::string GetProductName() override;
void FilterHostPermissions(const URLPatternSet& hosts,
URLPatternSet* new_hosts,
PermissionIDSet* permissions) const override;
void SetScriptingAllowlist(const ScriptingAllowlist& allowlist) override;
const ScriptingAllowlist& GetScriptingAllowlist() const override;
URLPatternSet GetPermittedChromeSchemeHosts(
const Extension* extension,
const APIPermissionSet& api_permissions) const override;
bool IsScriptableURL(const GURL& url, std::string* error) const override;
const GURL& GetWebstoreBaseURL() const override;
const GURL& GetNewWebstoreBaseURL() const override;
const GURL& GetWebstoreUpdateURL() const override;
bool IsBlocklistUpdateURL(const GURL& url) const override;
std::set<base::FilePath> GetBrowserImagePaths(
const Extension* extension) override;
void AddOriginAccessPermissions(
const Extension& extension,
bool is_extension_active,
std::vector<network::mojom::CorsOriginPatternPtr>* origin_patterns)
const override;
std::optional<int> GetExtensionExtendedErrorCode() const override;
const ChromePermissionMessageProvider permission_message_provider_;
// An allowlist of extensions that can script anywhere. Do not add to this
// list (except in tests) without consulting the Extensions team first.
// Note: Component extensions have this right implicitly and do not need to be
// added to this list.
ScriptingAllowlist scripting_allowlist_;
GURL webstore_base_url_;
GURL new_webstore_base_url_;
GURL webstore_update_url_;
} // namespace extensions