blob: dc7058f21f610958cb517892c51cc4a6661d5f91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_input_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/media_controls/elements/media_control_element_base.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
namespace blink {
class MediaControlsImpl;
// MediaControlElementBase implementation based on an <input> element. Used by
// buttons and sliders.
class MODULES_EXPORT MediaControlInputElement : public HTMLInputElement,
public MediaControlElementBase {
static bool ShouldRecordDisplayStates(const HTMLMediaElement&);
// Creates an overflow menu element with the given button as a child.
HTMLElement* CreateOverflowElement(MediaControlInputElement*);
bool OverflowElementIsWanted();
// Implements MediaControlElementBase.
void SetOverflowElementIsWanted(bool) final;
void MaybeRecordDisplayed() final;
void Trace(Visitor*) const override;
MediaControlInputElement* OverflowElementForTests() const {
return overflow_element_.Get();
// Get the size of the element in pixels or the default if we cannot get the
// size because the element has not been laid out yet.
gfx::Size GetSizeOrDefault() const override;
bool IsDisabled() const override;
// Returns a string that represents the button for metrics purposes. This
// will be used as a suffix for histograms.
virtual const char* GetNameForHistograms() const = 0;
// Returns a string resource id of the media control element.
// Subclasses should override this method to return the string resource id
// of the overflow button.
virtual int GetOverflowStringId() const;
// Implements a default event handler to record interaction on click.
void DefaultEventHandler(Event&) override;
// Implements MediaControlElementBase.
void UpdateShownState() final;
// Updates the value of the Text string shown in the overflow menu.
void UpdateOverflowString();
// Record interaction if it wasn't recorded yet. It is used internally for
// click events but also by some elements that have complex interaction logic.
void MaybeRecordInteracted();
// Returns whether this element is used for the overflow menu.
bool IsOverflowElement() const;
// Sets/removes a CSS class from this element based on |should_have_class|.
void SetClass(const String& class_name, bool should_have_class);
virtual void UpdateDisplayType();
// Returns whether element is a button on the control panel.
virtual bool IsControlPanelButton() const { return false; }
// Updates the |aria_label_|.
void UpdateAriaLabel(const String& new_aria_label);
friend class MediaControlInputElementTest;
friend class MediaControlPopupMenuElementTest;
bool IsMediaControlElement() const final;
// Returns a string representation of the media control element. Used for
// the overflow menu.
String GetOverflowMenuString() const;
// Returns a subtitle for the overflow menu text, or a null String if there
// should not be a subtitle.
virtual String GetOverflowMenuSubtitleString() const;
// Create/update subtitle text on the overflow element. If a null String is
// given, the subtitle element is removed.
void UpdateOverflowSubtitleElement(String text);
// Remove the subtitle text from the overflow element.
void RemoveOverflowSubtitleElement();
// Updates aria label on overflow_label_element_.
void UpdateOverflowLabelAriaLabel(String);
// Used for histograms, do not reorder.
enum class CTREvent {
kDisplayed = 0,
kMaxValue = kInteracted,
// Records the CTR event.
void RecordCTREvent(CTREvent);
// The copy of this element used for the overflow menu in the media controls.
// Setting this pointer is optional so it may be null.
Member<MediaControlInputElement> overflow_element_;
// The overflow label element for the overflow_element_;
Member<HTMLLabelElement> overflow_label_element_;
// Contains the overflow text and its subtitle (if exists).
Member<HTMLDivElement> overflow_menu_container_;
// The text representation of the button within the overflow menu.
Member<HTMLSpanElement> overflow_menu_text_;
// The subtitle of the text within the overflow menu.
Member<HTMLSpanElement> overflow_menu_subtitle_;
// The aria label for the overflow element without subtitle text.
String aria_label_;
// Keeps track if the button was created for the purpose of the overflow menu.
bool is_overflow_element_ = false;
// Keeps track of whether the display/interaction have been recorded for the
// CTR metrics.
bool display_recorded_ = false;
bool interaction_recorded_ = false;
} // namespace blink