blob: c3f425799ae162897eaedaa3892fef4f61370758 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
namespace syncer {
struct DataTypeActivationResponse;
// An interface into the core parts of sync for model types. By adding/removing
// types through methods of this interface consumer controls which types will be
// syncing (receiving updates and committing local changes).
// In addition it handles creating the connection between the ModelTypeWorker
// (CommitQueue) on the sync side and the (Shared)ModelTypeProcessor on the
// model type side.
class ModelTypeConnector {
ModelTypeConnector() = default;
virtual ~ModelTypeConnector() = default;
// Connect a worker on the sync thread and |type|'s processor on the model
// thread. Note that in production |activation_response| actually
// owns a processor proxy that forwards calls to the model thread and is safe
// to call from the sync thread.
virtual void ConnectDataType(
ModelType type,
std::unique_ptr<DataTypeActivationResponse> activation_response) = 0;
// Disconnects the worker from |type|'s processor and stop syncing the type.
// This is the sync thread's chance to clear state associated with the type.
// It also causes the syncer to stop requesting updates for this type, and to
// abort any in-progress commit requests.
// No-op if the type is not connected.
virtual void DisconnectDataType(ModelType type) = 0;
// Propagates whether PROXY_TABS is enabled, which influences a bit exposed to
// the server during commits.
virtual void SetProxyTabsDatatypeEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
} // namespace syncer