blob: 599e7d74c923eb1ec3e686c2712acd46d5b07321 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/quic/quic_ack_notifier_manager.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_ack_notifier.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_flags.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
namespace net {
AckNotifierManager::AckNotifierManager() {}
AckNotifierManager::~AckNotifierManager() {
for (const auto& pair : ack_notifier_map_) {
for (QuicAckNotifier* notifier : pair.second) {
if (notifier->OnPacketAbandoned()) {
delete notifier;
void AckNotifierManager::OnPacketAcked(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
QuicTime::Delta delta_largest_observed) {
// Inform all the registered AckNotifiers of the new ACK.
auto map_it = ack_notifier_map_.find(sequence_number);
if (map_it == ack_notifier_map_.end()) {
// No AckNotifier is interested in this sequence number.
// One or more AckNotifiers are registered as interested in this sequence
// number. Iterate through them and call OnAck on each.
for (QuicAckNotifier* ack_notifier : map_it->second) {
if (ack_notifier->OnAck(delta_largest_observed)) {
// If this has resulted in an empty AckNotifer, erase it.
delete ack_notifier;
// Remove the sequence number from the map as we have notified all the
// registered AckNotifiers, and we won't see it again.
void AckNotifierManager::OnPacketRetransmitted(
QuicPacketSequenceNumber old_sequence_number,
QuicPacketSequenceNumber new_sequence_number,
int packet_payload_size) {
auto map_it = ack_notifier_map_.find(old_sequence_number);
if (map_it == ack_notifier_map_.end()) {
// No AckNotifiers are interested in the old sequence number.
// Update the existing QuicAckNotifiers to the new sequence number.
AckNotifierList& ack_notifier_list = map_it->second;
for (QuicAckNotifier* ack_notifier : ack_notifier_list) {
// The old sequence number is no longer of interest, copy the updated
// AckNotifiers to the new sequence number before deleting the old.
ack_notifier_map_[new_sequence_number] = ack_notifier_list;
void AckNotifierManager::OnSerializedPacket(
const SerializedPacket& serialized_packet) {
// Inform each attached AckNotifier of the packet's serialization.
AckNotifierList& notifier_list =
for (QuicAckNotifier* notifier : serialized_packet.notifiers) {
if (notifier == nullptr) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "AckNotifier should not be nullptr.";
void AckNotifierManager::OnPacketRemoved(
QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number) {
// Determine if there are any notifiers interested in this packet.
auto map_it = ack_notifier_map_.find(sequence_number);
if (map_it == ack_notifier_map_.end()) {
// Notify all of the interested notifiers that the packet is abandoned.
for (QuicAckNotifier* ack_notifier : map_it->second) {
if (ack_notifier->OnPacketAbandoned()) {
// If this has resulted in an empty AckNotifer, erase it.
delete ack_notifier;
// Remove the packet with given sequence number from the map.
} // namespace net