blob: 6d706adad998e6431634724ed9cf297684ac044a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The purpose of SessionManager is to facilitate creation of chromotocol
// sessions. Both host and client use it to establish chromotocol
// sessions. JingleChromotocolServer implements this inteface using
// libjingle.
// Connect() must be used to create new session to a remote host. The
// returned session is initially in INITIALIZING state. Later state is
// changed to CONNECTED if the session is accepted by the host or
// CLOSED if the session is rejected.
// The IncomingSessionCallback is called when a client attempts to connect.
// The callback function decides whether the session should be accepted or
// rejected.
// Implementations of the Session and SessionManager interfaces
// delegate authentication to an Authenticator implementation. For
// incoming connections authenticators are created using an
// AuthenticatorFactory set via the set_authenticator_factory()
// method. For outgoing sessions authenticator must be passed to the
// Connect() method. The Session's state changes to AUTHENTICATED once
// authentication succeeds.
// The SessionManager must not be closed or destroyed before all sessions
// created by that SessionManager are destroyed. Caller owns Sessions
// created by a SessionManager (except rejected
// sessions). The SignalStrategy must outlive the SessionManager.
// When client connects to a host it sends a session-initiate stanza with list
// of supported configurations for each channel. If the host decides to accept
// session, then it selects configuration that is supported by both sides
// and then replies with the session-accept stanza that contans selected
// configuration. The configuration specified in the session-accept is used
// for the session.
// The CandidateSessionConfig class represents list of configurations
// supported by an endpoint. The |candidate_config| argument in the Connect()
// specifies configuration supported on the client side. When the host receives
// session-initiate stanza, the IncomingSessionCallback is called. The
// configuration sent in the session-intiate staza is available via
// ChromotocolConnnection::candidate_config(). If an incoming session is
// being accepted then the IncomingSessionCallback callback function must
// select session configuration and then set it with Session::set_config().
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/session.h"
namespace remoting {
class SignalStrategy;
namespace protocol {
class Authenticator;
class AuthenticatorFactory;
// Generic interface for Chromoting session manager.
class SessionManager : public base::NonThreadSafe {
enum IncomingSessionResponse {
// Accept the session.
// Reject the session because the host is currently disabled due
// to previous login attempts.
// Reject the session because the client is not allowed to connect
// to the host.
// Callback used to accept incoming connections. If the host decides to accept
// the session it should set the |response| to ACCEPT. Otherwise it should set
// it to DECLINE, or INCOMPATIBLE. INCOMPATIBLE indicates that the session has
// incompatible configuration, and cannot be accepted. If the callback accepts
// the |session| then it must also set configuration for the |session| using
// Session::set_config(). The callback must take ownership of the |session| if
// it ACCEPTs it.
typedef base::Callback<void(Session* session,
IncomingSessionResponse* response)>
SessionManager() {}
virtual ~SessionManager() {}
// Starts accepting incoming connections.
virtual void AcceptIncoming(
const IncomingSessionCallback& incoming_session_callback) = 0;
// Sets local protocol configuration to be used when negotiating outgoing and
// incoming connections.
virtual void set_protocol_config(
scoped_ptr<CandidateSessionConfig> config) = 0;
// Tries to create a session to the host |jid|.
// |host_jid| is the full jid of the host to connect to.
// |authenticator| is a client authenticator for the session.
virtual scoped_ptr<Session> Connect(
const std::string& host_jid,
scoped_ptr<Authenticator> authenticator) = 0;
// Set authenticator factory that should be used to authenticate
// incoming connection. No connections will be accepted if
// authenticator factory isn't set. Must not be called more than
// once per SessionManager because it may not be safe to delete
// factory before all authenticators it created are deleted.
virtual void set_authenticator_factory(
scoped_ptr<AuthenticatorFactory> authenticator_factory) = 0;
} // namespace protocol
} // namespace remoting