blob: eb7d6414976333f8da1dbee5465452d4bece82e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/global_keyboard_shortcuts_mac.h"
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/nsmenuitem_additions.h"
namespace {
// Returns the menu item associated with |key| in |menu|, or nil if not found.
NSMenuItem* FindMenuItem(NSEvent* key, NSMenu* menu) {
NSMenuItem* result = nil;
for (NSMenuItem* item in [menu itemArray]) {
NSMenu* submenu = [item submenu];
if (submenu) {
if (submenu != [NSApp servicesMenu])
result = FindMenuItem(key, submenu);
} else if ([item cr_firesForKeyEventIfEnabled:key]) {
result = item;
if (result)
return result;
bool MatchesEventForKeyboardShortcut(const KeyboardShortcutData& shortcut,
bool command_key,
bool shift_key,
bool cntrl_key,
bool opt_key,
int vkey_code,
unichar key_char) {
// Expects that one of |key_char| or |vkey_code| is 0.
DCHECK((shortcut.key_char == 0) ^ (shortcut.vkey_code == 0));
if (shortcut.key_char) {
// Shortcuts that have a |key_char| and have |opt_key| set are mistakes,
// since |opt_key| is not checked when there is a |key_char|.
// The given shortcut key is to be matched by a keyboard character.
// In this case we ignore shift and opt (alt) key modifiers, because
// the character may be generated by a combination with those keys.
if (shortcut.command_key == command_key &&
shortcut.cntrl_key == cntrl_key &&
shortcut.key_char == key_char)
return true;
} else if (shortcut.vkey_code) {
// The given shortcut key is to be matched by a virtual key code.
if (shortcut.command_key == command_key &&
shortcut.shift_key == shift_key &&
shortcut.cntrl_key == cntrl_key &&
shortcut.opt_key == opt_key &&
shortcut.vkey_code == vkey_code)
return true;
} else {
NOTREACHED(); // Shouldn't happen.
return false;
int CommandForKeyboardShortcut(const std::vector<KeyboardShortcutData>& table,
bool command_key,
bool shift_key,
bool cntrl_key,
bool opt_key,
int vkey_code,
unichar key_char) {
// Scan through keycodes and see if it corresponds to one of the global
// shortcuts on file.
// TODO(jeremy): Change this into a hash table once we get enough
// entries in the array to make a difference.
// (When turning this into a hash table, note that the current behavior
// relies on the order of the table (see the comment for '{' / '}' above).
for (const auto& shortcut : table) {
if (MatchesEventForKeyboardShortcut(shortcut, command_key, shift_key,
cntrl_key, opt_key, vkey_code,
return shortcut.chrome_command;
return -1;
} // namespace
int CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(
bool command_key, bool shift_key, bool cntrl_key, bool opt_key,
int vkey_code, unichar key_char) {
return CommandForKeyboardShortcut(GetWindowKeyboardShortcutTable(),
command_key, shift_key,
cntrl_key, opt_key, vkey_code,
int CommandForDelayedWindowKeyboardShortcut(
bool command_key, bool shift_key, bool cntrl_key, bool opt_key,
int vkey_code, unichar key_char) {
return CommandForKeyboardShortcut(GetDelayedWindowKeyboardShortcutTable(),
command_key, shift_key,
cntrl_key, opt_key, vkey_code,
int CommandForBrowserKeyboardShortcut(
bool command_key, bool shift_key, bool cntrl_key, bool opt_key,
int vkey_code, unichar key_char) {
return CommandForKeyboardShortcut(GetBrowserKeyboardShortcutTable(),
command_key, shift_key,
cntrl_key, opt_key, vkey_code,
int CommandForKeyEvent(NSEvent* event) {
if ([event type] != NSKeyDown)
return -1;
// Look in menu.
NSMenuItem* item = FindMenuItem(event, [NSApp mainMenu]);
if (item && [item action] == @selector(commandDispatch:) && [item tag] > 0)
return [item tag];
// "Close window" doesn't use the |commandDispatch:| mechanism. Menu items
// that do not correspond to IDC_ constants need no special treatment however,
// as they can't be blacklisted in
// |BrowserCommandController::IsReservedCommandOrKey()| anyhow.
if (item && [item action] == @selector(performClose:))
// "Exit" doesn't use the |commandDispatch:| mechanism either.
if (item && [item action] == @selector(terminate:))
return IDC_EXIT;
// Look in secondary keyboard shortcuts.
NSUInteger modifiers = [event modifierFlags];
const bool cmdKey = (modifiers & NSCommandKeyMask) != 0;
const bool shiftKey = (modifiers & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0;
const bool cntrlKey = (modifiers & NSControlKeyMask) != 0;
const bool optKey = (modifiers & NSAlternateKeyMask) != 0;
const int keyCode = [event keyCode];
const unichar keyChar = KeyCharacterForEvent(event);
int cmdNum = CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(
cmdKey, shiftKey, cntrlKey, optKey, keyCode, keyChar);
if (cmdNum != -1)
return cmdNum;
cmdNum = CommandForBrowserKeyboardShortcut(
cmdKey, shiftKey, cntrlKey, optKey, keyCode, keyChar);
if (cmdNum != -1)
return cmdNum;
return -1;
unichar KeyCharacterForEvent(NSEvent* event) {
NSString* eventString = [event charactersIgnoringModifiers];
NSString* characters = [event characters];
if ([eventString length] != 1)
return 0;
if ([characters length] != 1)
return [eventString characterAtIndex:0];
// Some characters are BiDi mirrored. The mirroring is different
// for different OS versions. Instead of having a mirror table, map
// raw/processed pairs to desired outputs.
const struct {
unichar rawChar;
unichar unmodChar;
unichar targetChar;
} kCharMapping[] = {
// OSX 10.8 mirrors certain chars.
{'{', '}', '{'},
{'}', '{', '}'},
{'(', ')', '('},
{')', '(', ')'},
// OSX 10.9 has the unshifted raw char.
{'[', '}', '{'},
{']', '{', '}'},
{'9', ')', '('},
{'0', '(', ')'},
// These are the same either way.
{'[', ']', '['},
{']', '[', ']'},
unichar noModifiersChar = [eventString characterAtIndex:0];
unichar rawChar = [characters characterAtIndex:0];
// Only apply transformation table for ascii.
if (isascii(noModifiersChar) && isascii(rawChar)) {
// Alphabetic characters aren't mirrored, go with the raw character.
// [A previous partial comment said something about Dvorak?]
if (isalpha(rawChar))
return rawChar;
// In RTL keyboard layouts, Cocoa mirrors characters in the string
// returned by [event charactersIgnoringModifiers]. In this case, return
// the raw (unmirrored) char.
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kCharMapping); ++i) {
if (rawChar == kCharMapping[i].rawChar &&
noModifiersChar == kCharMapping[i].unmodChar) {
return kCharMapping[i].targetChar;
// opt/alt modifier is set (e.g. on german layout we want '{' for opt-8).
if ([event modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask)
return rawChar;
return noModifiersChar;