blob: 8327ccd786e12e8ee052c220dd05f5192a128273 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace ui {
AXNode::AXNode(AXNode* parent, int32_t id, int32_t index_in_parent)
: index_in_parent_(index_in_parent), parent_(parent) { = id;
AXNode::~AXNode() {
bool AXNode::IsTextNode() const {
return data().role == AX_ROLE_STATIC_TEXT ||
data().role == AX_ROLE_LINE_BREAK ||
data().role == AX_ROLE_INLINE_TEXT_BOX;
void AXNode::SetData(const AXNodeData& src) {
data_ = src;
void AXNode::SetLocation(int offset_container_id,
const gfx::RectF& location,
gfx::Transform* transform) {
data_.offset_container_id = offset_container_id;
data_.location = location;
if (transform)
data_.transform.reset(new gfx::Transform(*transform));
void AXNode::SetIndexInParent(int index_in_parent) {
index_in_parent_ = index_in_parent;
void AXNode::SwapChildren(std::vector<AXNode*>& children) {
void AXNode::Destroy() {
delete this;
bool AXNode::IsDescendantOf(AXNode* ancestor) {
if (this == ancestor)
return true;
else if (parent())
return parent()->IsDescendantOf(ancestor);
return false;
std::vector<int> AXNode::GetOrComputeLineStartOffsets() {
std::vector<int> line_offsets;
if (data().GetIntListAttribute(AX_ATTR_CACHED_LINE_STARTS, &line_offsets))
return line_offsets;
int start_offset = 0;
ComputeLineStartOffsets(&line_offsets, &start_offset);
data_.AddIntListAttribute(AX_ATTR_CACHED_LINE_STARTS, line_offsets);
return line_offsets;
void AXNode::ComputeLineStartOffsets(std::vector<int>* line_offsets,
int* start_offset) const {
for (const AXNode* child : children()) {
if (child->child_count()) {
child->ComputeLineStartOffsets(line_offsets, start_offset);
// Don't report if the first piece of text starts a new line or not.
if (*start_offset &&
!child->data().HasIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_PREVIOUS_ON_LINE_ID)) {
// If there are multiple objects with an empty accessible label at the
// start of a line, only include a single line start offset.
if (line_offsets->empty() || line_offsets->back() != *start_offset)
base::string16 text = child->data().GetString16Attribute(ui::AX_ATTR_NAME);
*start_offset += static_cast<int>(text.length());
} // namespace ui