blob: 01275cc03199e7daf17fc46999dcaed5e1459680 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/elevation_service/elevator.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/win/registry.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_process_information.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_util.h"
namespace elevation_service {
namespace {
// This registry key contains the commands that the Elevator can run.
constexpr base::char16 kCommandsRegistryKey[] = L"Commands";
constexpr base::char16 kPathAndName[] = L"PathAndName";
constexpr base::char16 kArguments[] = L"Arguments";
const DWORD error_code = ::GetLastError();
return (error_code != ERROR_SUCCESS) ? HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(error_code) :
// TODO(ganesh): we need to have the installer write into the proper key for the
// bitness (i.e., no KEY_WOW64 specifier) and make sure it deletes a stale value
// in the opposite bitness hive to cover cases where a 32-bit install is updated
// to 64-bit.
HRESULT GetCommandToLaunch(base::StringPiece16 cmd_id,
base::FilePath* path_and_name,
base::string16* args) {
base::win::RegKey key;
auto registry_key_path =
install_static::GetRegistryPath() + L"\\" + kCommandsRegistryKey + L"\\";
LONG result =
key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, registry_key_path.c_str(), KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(result);
base::string16 string_path_and_name;
result = key.ReadValue(kPathAndName, &string_path_and_name);
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(result);
*path_and_name = base::FilePath(string_path_and_name);
if (!path_and_name->IsAbsolute())
result = key.ReadValue(kArguments, args);
if (result != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(result);
return S_OK;
HRESULT StartProcess(const base::FilePath& path_and_name,
const base::string16& args,
STARTUPINFO si = {sizeof(si)};
// We have had problems in the past with subprocs preventing chrome from being
// uninstalled because their cwd was within Google\Chrome\Application\. Hence,
// making the starting directory the Temp directory. This should be
// \\Windows\\Temp for the Service.
const base::char16* starting_directory = nullptr;
base::FilePath temp_dir;
if (base::GetTempDir(&temp_dir))
starting_directory = temp_dir.value().c_str();
base::string16 command_line = L"\"" + path_and_name.value() + L"\" " + args;
bool success =
::CreateProcess(path_and_name.value().c_str(), // Application path/name
&command_line[0], // Command line
nullptr, // Process handle not inheritable
nullptr, // Thread handle not inheritable
false, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
0, // No creation flags
nullptr, // Use parent's environment block
starting_directory, // Use TMP
&si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO struct
pi); // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
if (!success) {
HRESULT hr = HRESULTFromLastError();
LOG(ERROR) << "StartProcess::CreateProcess failed; hr: " << hr
<< ", command_line: " << path_and_name << ", args:" << args;
return hr;
return S_OK;
HRESULT OpenCallingProcess(DWORD proc_id, base::Process* process) {
HRESULT hr = ::CoImpersonateClient();
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
*process = base::Process::OpenWithAccess(proc_id, PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE);
hr = process->IsValid() ? S_OK : HRESULTFromLastError();
return hr;
HRESULT LaunchCmd(const base::FilePath& path_and_name,
const base::string16& args,
const base::Process& calling_process,
base::win::ScopedHandle* proc_handle) {
PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info = {};
HRESULT hr = StartProcess(path_and_name, args, &process_info);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to launch app: " << path_and_name << ", args:" << args
<< "; hr: " << hr;
return hr;
base::win::ScopedProcessInformation pi(process_info);
// DuplicateHandle call will close the source handle regardless of any error
// status returned.
HANDLE duplicate_proc_handle = nullptr;
constexpr DWORD desired_access =
bool res = ::DuplicateHandle(
::GetCurrentProcess(), // Current process.
pi.TakeProcessHandle(), // Process handle to duplicate.
calling_process.Handle(), // Process receiving the handle.
&duplicate_proc_handle, // Duplicated handle.
desired_access, // Access requested for the new handle.
FALSE, // Don't inherit the new handle.
DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE) != 0; // Closes the source handle.
if (!res) {
hr = HRESULTFromLastError();
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to duplicate the handle; hr: " << hr;
return hr;
return S_OK;
} // namespace
IFACEMETHODIMP Elevator::LaunchCommand(const WCHAR* cmd_id,
DWORD caller_proc_id,
ULONG_PTR* proc_handle) {
const base::StringPiece16 id = cmd_id;
if (id.empty() || id.find(L'\\') != base::StringPiece16::npos || !proc_handle)
base::Process calling_process;
HRESULT hr = OpenCallingProcess(caller_proc_id, &calling_process);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to open caller's handle; hr: " << hr
<< ", cmd_id: " << cmd_id << ", pid: " << caller_proc_id;
return hr;
base::FilePath path_and_name;
base::string16 args;
hr = GetCommandToLaunch(id, &path_and_name, &args);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
base::win::ScopedHandle scoped_proc_handle;
hr = LaunchCmd(path_and_name, args, calling_process, &scoped_proc_handle);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
*proc_handle = reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(scoped_proc_handle.Take());
return hr;
Elevator::~Elevator() = default;
} // namespace elevation_service