blob: 4512ab29422edfde29cc159b1fac34c69045a6f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.android_webview;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.Log;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNativeUnchecked;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.base.task.PostTask;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.UiThreadTaskTraits;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* This class handles the JNI communication logic for the the AwContentsClient class.
* Both the Java and the native peers of AwContentsClientBridge are owned by the
* corresponding AwContents instances. This class and its native peer are connected
* via weak references. The native AwContentsClientBridge sets up and clear these weak
* references.
public class AwContentsClientBridge {
private static final String TAG = "AwContentsClientBridge";
private AwContentsClient mClient;
private Context mContext;
// The native peer of this object.
private long mNativeContentsClientBridge;
private final ClientCertLookupTable mLookupTable;
// Used for mocking this class in tests.
protected AwContentsClientBridge(ClientCertLookupTable table) {
mLookupTable = table;
public AwContentsClientBridge(Context context, AwContentsClient client,
ClientCertLookupTable table) {
assert client != null;
mContext = context;
mClient = client;
mLookupTable = table;
* Callback to communicate clientcertificaterequest back to the AwContentsClientBridge.
* The public methods should be called on UI thread.
* A request can not be proceeded, ignored or canceled more than once. Doing this
* is a programming error and causes an exception.
public class ClientCertificateRequestCallback {
private final int mId;
private final String mHost;
private final int mPort;
private boolean mIsCalled;
public ClientCertificateRequestCallback(int id, String host, int port) {
mId = id;
mHost = host;
mPort = port;
public void proceed(final PrivateKey privateKey, final X509Certificate[] chain) {
UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, () -> proceedOnUiThread(privateKey, chain));
public void ignore() {
PostTask.runOrPostTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, () -> ignoreOnUiThread());
public void cancel() {
PostTask.runOrPostTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, () -> cancelOnUiThread());
private void proceedOnUiThread(PrivateKey privateKey, X509Certificate[] chain) {
if (privateKey == null || chain == null || chain.length == 0) {
Log.w(TAG, "Empty client certificate chain?");
provideResponse(null, null);
// Encode the certificate chain.
byte[][] encodedChain = new byte[chain.length][];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < chain.length; ++i) {
encodedChain[i] = chain[i].getEncoded();
} catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Could not retrieve encoded certificate chain: " + e);
provideResponse(null, null);
mLookupTable.allow(mHost, mPort, privateKey, encodedChain);
provideResponse(privateKey, encodedChain);
private void ignoreOnUiThread() {
provideResponse(null, null);
private void cancelOnUiThread() {
mLookupTable.deny(mHost, mPort);
provideResponse(null, null);
private void checkIfCalled() {
if (mIsCalled) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The callback was already called.");
mIsCalled = true;
private void provideResponse(PrivateKey privateKey, byte[][] certChain) {
if (mNativeContentsClientBridge == 0) return;
nativeProvideClientCertificateResponse(mNativeContentsClientBridge, mId,
certChain, privateKey);
// Used by the native peer to set/reset a weak ref to the native peer.
private void setNativeContentsClientBridge(long nativeContentsClientBridge) {
mNativeContentsClientBridge = nativeContentsClientBridge;
// If returns false, the request is immediately canceled, and any call to proceedSslError
// has no effect. If returns true, the request should be canceled or proceeded using
// proceedSslError().
// Unlike the webview classic, we do not keep keep a database of certificates that
// are allowed by the user, because this functionality is already handled via
// ssl_policy in native layers.
private boolean allowCertificateError(int certError, byte[] derBytes, final String url,
final int id) {
final SslCertificate cert = SslUtil.getCertificateFromDerBytes(derBytes);
if (cert == null) {
// if the certificate or the client is null, cancel the request
return false;
final SslError sslError = SslUtil.sslErrorFromNetErrorCode(certError, cert, url);
final Callback<Boolean> callback = value
-> PostTask.runOrPostTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT,
() -> proceedSslError(value.booleanValue(), id));
// Post the application callback back to the current thread to ensure the application
// callback is executed without any native code on the stack. This so that any exception
// thrown by the application callback won't have to be propagated through a native call
// stack.
new Handler().post(() -> mClient.onReceivedSslError(callback, sslError));
// Record UMA on ssl error
// Use sparse histogram in case new values are added in future releases
"Android.WebView.onReceivedSslError.ErrorCode", sslError.getPrimaryError());
return true;
private void proceedSslError(boolean proceed, int id) {
if (mNativeContentsClientBridge == 0) return;
nativeProceedSslError(mNativeContentsClientBridge, proceed, id);
// Intentionally not private for testing the native peer of this class.
protected void selectClientCertificate(final int id, final String[] keyTypes,
byte[][] encodedPrincipals, final String host, final int port) {
assert mNativeContentsClientBridge != 0;
ClientCertLookupTable.Cert cert = mLookupTable.getCertData(host, port);
if (mLookupTable.isDenied(host, port)) {
nativeProvideClientCertificateResponse(mNativeContentsClientBridge, id,
null, null);
if (cert != null) {
nativeProvideClientCertificateResponse(mNativeContentsClientBridge, id,
cert.mCertChain, cert.mPrivateKey);
// Build the list of principals from encoded versions.
Principal[] principals = null;
if (encodedPrincipals.length > 0) {
principals = new X500Principal[encodedPrincipals.length];
for (int n = 0; n < encodedPrincipals.length; n++) {
try {
principals[n] = new X500Principal(encodedPrincipals[n]);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Exception while decoding issuers list: " + e);
nativeProvideClientCertificateResponse(mNativeContentsClientBridge, id,
null, null);
final ClientCertificateRequestCallback callback =
new ClientCertificateRequestCallback(id, host, port);
mClient.onReceivedClientCertRequest(callback, keyTypes, principals, host, port);
// Record UMA for onReceivedClientCertRequest.
private void handleJsAlert(final String url, final String message, final int id) {
// Post the application callback back to the current thread to ensure the application
// callback is executed without any native code on the stack. This so that any exception
// thrown by the application callback won't have to be propagated through a native call
// stack.
new Handler().post(() -> {
JsResultHandler handler = new JsResultHandler(AwContentsClientBridge.this, id);
mClient.handleJsAlert(url, message, handler);
private void handleJsConfirm(final String url, final String message, final int id) {
// Post the application callback back to the current thread to ensure the application
// callback is executed without any native code on the stack. This so that any exception
// thrown by the application callback won't have to be propagated through a native call
// stack.
new Handler().post(() -> {
JsResultHandler handler = new JsResultHandler(AwContentsClientBridge.this, id);
mClient.handleJsConfirm(url, message, handler);
private void handleJsPrompt(
final String url, final String message, final String defaultValue, final int id) {
// Post the application callback back to the current thread to ensure the application
// callback is executed without any native code on the stack. This so that any exception
// thrown by the application callback won't have to be propagated through a native call
// stack.
new Handler().post(() -> {
JsResultHandler handler = new JsResultHandler(AwContentsClientBridge.this, id);
mClient.handleJsPrompt(url, message, defaultValue, handler);
private void handleJsBeforeUnload(final String url, final String message, final int id) {
// Post the application callback back to the current thread to ensure the application
// callback is executed without any native code on the stack. This so that any exception
// thrown by the application callback won't have to be propagated through a native call
// stack.
new Handler().post(() -> {
JsResultHandler handler = new JsResultHandler(AwContentsClientBridge.this, id);
mClient.handleJsBeforeUnload(url, message, handler);
private void newDownload(String url, String userAgent, String contentDisposition,
String mimeType, long contentLength) {
url, userAgent, contentDisposition, mimeType, contentLength);
// Record UMA for onDownloadStart.
private void newLoginRequest(String realm, String account, String args) {
mClient.getCallbackHelper().postOnReceivedLoginRequest(realm, account, args);
// Record UMA for onReceivedLoginRequest.
private void onReceivedError(
// WebResourceRequest
String url, boolean isMainFrame, boolean hasUserGesture, boolean isRendererInitiated,
String method, String[] requestHeaderNames, String[] requestHeaderValues,
// WebResourceError
@NetError int errorCode, String description, boolean safebrowsingHit) {
AwContentsClient.AwWebResourceRequest request = new AwContentsClient.AwWebResourceRequest(
url, isMainFrame, hasUserGesture, method, requestHeaderNames, requestHeaderValues);
AwContentsClient.AwWebResourceError error = new AwContentsClient.AwWebResourceError();
error.errorCode = errorCode;
error.description = description;
String unreachableWebDataUrl = AwContentsStatics.getUnreachableWebDataUrl();
boolean isErrorUrl =
unreachableWebDataUrl != null && unreachableWebDataUrl.equals(request.url);
if ((!isErrorUrl && error.errorCode != NetError.ERR_ABORTED) || safebrowsingHit) {
// NetError.ERR_ABORTED error code is generated for the following reasons:
// - WebView.stopLoading is called;
// - the navigation is intercepted by the embedder via shouldOverrideUrlLoading;
// - server returned 204 status (no content).
// Android WebView does not notify the embedder of these situations using
// this error code with the WebViewClient.onReceivedError callback.
if (safebrowsingHit) {
error.errorCode = ErrorCodeConversionHelper.ERROR_UNSAFE_RESOURCE;
} else {
error.errorCode = ErrorCodeConversionHelper.convertErrorCode(error.errorCode);
if (request.isMainFrame
&& AwFeatureList.pageStartedOnCommitEnabled(isRendererInitiated)) {
mClient.getCallbackHelper().postOnReceivedError(request, error);
if (request.isMainFrame) {
// Need to call onPageFinished after onReceivedError for backwards compatibility
// with the classic webview. See also AwWebContentsObserver.didFailLoad which is
// used when we want to send onPageFinished alone.
public void onSafeBrowsingHit(
// WebResourceRequest
String url, boolean isMainFrame, boolean hasUserGesture, String method,
String[] requestHeaderNames, String[] requestHeaderValues, int threatType,
final int requestId) {
AwContentsClient.AwWebResourceRequest request = new AwContentsClient.AwWebResourceRequest(
url, isMainFrame, hasUserGesture, method, requestHeaderNames, requestHeaderValues);
// TODO(ntfschr): remove clang-format directives once crbug/764582 is resolved
// clang-format off
Callback<AwSafeBrowsingResponse> callback =
response -> PostTask.runOrPostTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT,
() -> nativeTakeSafeBrowsingAction(mNativeContentsClientBridge,
response.action(), response.reporting(), requestId));
// clang-format on
int webViewThreatType = AwSafeBrowsingConversionHelper.convertThreatType(threatType);
mClient.getCallbackHelper().postOnSafeBrowsingHit(request, webViewThreatType, callback);
// Record UMA on threat type
webViewThreatType, AwSafeBrowsingConversionHelper.SAFE_BROWSING_THREAT_BOUNDARY);
private void onReceivedHttpError(
// WebResourceRequest
String url, boolean isMainFrame, boolean hasUserGesture, String method,
String[] requestHeaderNames, String[] requestHeaderValues,
// WebResourceResponse
String mimeType, String encoding, int statusCode, String reasonPhrase,
String[] responseHeaderNames, String[] responseHeaderValues) {
AwContentsClient.AwWebResourceRequest request = new AwContentsClient.AwWebResourceRequest(
url, isMainFrame, hasUserGesture, method, requestHeaderNames, requestHeaderValues);
Map<String, String> responseHeaders =
new HashMap<String, String>(responseHeaderNames.length);
// Note that we receive un-coalesced response header lines, thus we need to combine
// values for the same header.
for (int i = 0; i < responseHeaderNames.length; ++i) {
if (!responseHeaders.containsKey(responseHeaderNames[i])) {
responseHeaders.put(responseHeaderNames[i], responseHeaderValues[i]);
} else if (!responseHeaderValues[i].isEmpty()) {
String currentValue = responseHeaders.get(responseHeaderNames[i]);
if (!currentValue.isEmpty()) {
currentValue += ", ";
responseHeaders.put(responseHeaderNames[i], currentValue + responseHeaderValues[i]);
AwWebResourceResponse response = new AwWebResourceResponse(
mimeType, encoding, null, statusCode, reasonPhrase, responseHeaders);
mClient.getCallbackHelper().postOnReceivedHttpError(request, response);
// Record UMA on http response status.
"Android.WebView.onReceivedHttpError.StatusCode", statusCode);
private boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(
String url, boolean hasUserGesture, boolean isRedirect, boolean isMainFrame) {
return mClient.shouldIgnoreNavigation(
mContext, url, isMainFrame, hasUserGesture, isRedirect);
void confirmJsResult(int id, String prompt) {
if (mNativeContentsClientBridge == 0) return;
nativeConfirmJsResult(mNativeContentsClientBridge, id, prompt);
void cancelJsResult(int id) {
if (mNativeContentsClientBridge == 0) return;
nativeCancelJsResult(mNativeContentsClientBridge, id);
// Native methods
private native void nativeTakeSafeBrowsingAction(
long nativeAwContentsClientBridge, int action, boolean reporting, int requestId);
private native void nativeProceedSslError(long nativeAwContentsClientBridge, boolean proceed,
int id);
private native void nativeProvideClientCertificateResponse(long nativeAwContentsClientBridge,
int id, byte[][] certChain, PrivateKey androidKey);
private native void nativeConfirmJsResult(long nativeAwContentsClientBridge, int id,
String prompt);
private native void nativeCancelJsResult(long nativeAwContentsClientBridge, int id);