blob: 6eef54030b9e0b984dfeb20478985a3a38d1bf83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.android_webview;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryProcessType;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.ProcessInitException;
* AwCookieManager manages cookies according to RFC2109 spec.
* Methods in this class are thread safe.
public final class AwCookieManager {
public AwCookieManager() {
try {
} catch (ProcessInitException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error initializing WebView library", e);
* Control whether cookie is enabled or disabled
* @param accept TRUE if accept cookie
public void setAcceptCookie(boolean accept) {
* Return whether cookie is enabled
* @return TRUE if accept cookie
public boolean acceptCookie() {
return nativeGetShouldAcceptCookies();
* Synchronous version of setCookie.
public void setCookie(String url, String value) {
UrlValue pair = fixupUrlValue(url, value);
nativeSetCookieSync(pair.mUrl, pair.mValue);
* Deprecated synchronous version of removeSessionCookies.
public void removeSessionCookies() {
* Deprecated synchronous version of removeAllCookies.
public void removeAllCookies() {
* Set cookie for a given url. The old cookie with same host/path/name will
* be removed. The new cookie will be added if it is not expired or it does
* not have expiration which implies it is session cookie.
* @param url The url which cookie is set for.
* @param value The value for set-cookie: in http response header.
* @param callback A callback called with the success status after the cookie is set.
public void setCookie(final String url, final String value, final Callback<Boolean> callback) {
try {
UrlValue pair = fixupUrlValue(url, value);
nativeSetCookie(pair.mUrl, pair.mValue, new CookieCallback(callback));
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"SetCookie must be called on a thread with a running Looper.");
* Get cookie(s) for a given url so that it can be set to "cookie:" in http
* request header.
* @param url The url needs cookie
* @return The cookies in the format of NAME=VALUE [; NAME=VALUE]
public String getCookie(final String url) {
String cookie = nativeGetCookie(url.toString());
// Return null if the string is empty to match legacy behavior
return cookie == null || cookie.trim().isEmpty() ? null : cookie;
* Remove all session cookies, the cookies without an expiration date.
* The value of the callback is true iff at least one cookie was removed.
* @param callback A callback called after the cookies (if any) are removed.
public void removeSessionCookies(Callback<Boolean> callback) {
try {
nativeRemoveSessionCookies(new CookieCallback(callback));
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"removeSessionCookies must be called on a thread with a running Looper.");
* Remove all cookies.
* The value of the callback is true iff at least one cookie was removed.
* @param callback A callback called after the cookies (if any) are removed.
public void removeAllCookies(Callback<Boolean> callback) {
try {
nativeRemoveAllCookies(new CookieCallback(callback));
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"removeAllCookies must be called on a thread with a running Looper.");
* Return true if there are stored cookies.
public boolean hasCookies() {
return nativeHasCookies();
* Remove all expired cookies
public void removeExpiredCookies() {
public void flushCookieStore() {
* Whether cookies are accepted for file scheme URLs.
public boolean allowFileSchemeCookies() {
return nativeAllowFileSchemeCookies();
* Sets whether cookies are accepted for file scheme URLs.
* Use of cookies with file scheme URLs is potentially insecure. Do not use this feature unless
* you can be sure that no unintentional sharing of cookie data can take place.
* <p>
* Note that calls to this method will have no effect if made after a WebView or CookieManager
* instance has been created.
public void setAcceptFileSchemeCookies(boolean accept) {
* CookieCallback is a bridge that knows how to call a Callback on its original thread.
* We need to arrange for the users Callback#onResult to be called on the original
* thread after the work is done. When the API is called we construct a CookieCallback which
* remembers the handler of the current thread. Later the native code uses
* the native method |RunBooleanCallbackAndroid| to call CookieCallback#onResult which posts a
* Runnable on the handler of the original thread which in turn calls Callback#onResult.
private static class CookieCallback implements Callback<Boolean> {
Callback<Boolean> mCallback;
Handler mHandler;
public CookieCallback(@Nullable Callback<Boolean> callback) {
if (callback != null) {
if (Looper.myLooper() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("new CookieCallback should be called on "
+ "a thread with a running Looper.");
mCallback = callback;
mHandler = new Handler();
public void onResult(final Boolean result) {
if (mHandler == null) return;
assert mCallback != null; -> mCallback.onResult(result));
* A tuple to hold a URL and Value when setting a cookie.
private static class UrlValue {
public String mUrl;
public String mValue;
public UrlValue(String url, String value) {
mUrl = url;
mValue = value;
private static String appendDomain(String value, String domain) {
// Prefer the explicit Domain attribute, if available. We allow any case for "Domain".
if (value.matches("^.*(?i);[\\t ]*Domain[\\t ]*=.*$")) {
return value;
} else if (value.matches("^.*;\\s*$")) {
return value + " Domain=" + domain;
return value + "; Domain=" + domain;
private static UrlValue fixupUrlValue(String url, String value) {
final String leadingHttpTripleSlashDot = "http:///.";
// The app passed a domain instead of a real URL (and the glue layer "fixed" it into this
// form). For backwards compatibility, we fix this into a well-formed URL and add a Domain
// attribute to the cookie value.
if (url.startsWith(leadingHttpTripleSlashDot)) {
String domain = url.substring(leadingHttpTripleSlashDot.length() - 1);
url = "http://" + url.substring(leadingHttpTripleSlashDot.length());
value = appendDomain(value, domain);
return new UrlValue(url, value);
private native void nativeSetShouldAcceptCookies(boolean accept);
private native boolean nativeGetShouldAcceptCookies();
private native void nativeSetCookie(String url, String value, CookieCallback callback);
private native void nativeSetCookieSync(String url, String value);
private native String nativeGetCookie(String url);
private native void nativeRemoveSessionCookies(CookieCallback callback);
private native void nativeRemoveSessionCookiesSync();
private native void nativeRemoveAllCookies(CookieCallback callback);
private native void nativeRemoveAllCookiesSync();
private native void nativeRemoveExpiredCookies();
private native void nativeFlushCookieStore();
private native boolean nativeHasCookies();
private native boolean nativeAllowFileSchemeCookies();
private native void nativeSetAcceptFileSchemeCookies(boolean accept);