blob: 4908730c06ad1908c38264972e3d82f2a7ad5523 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was generated at (2015-03-12 15:00:42.307998) by running:
// chrome/test/chromedriver/ --directory
// chrome/test/chromedriver/chrome/
// third_party/WebKit/Source/devtools/front_end/toolbox/OverridesUI.js
#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/chrome/network_list.h"
const char kNetworks[] =
"[{\"id\": \"offline\", \"title\": \"Offline\", \"throughput\": 0, "
"\"latency\": 0},{\"id\": \"gprs\", \"title\": \"GPRS\", \"throughput\": "
"50, \"latency\": 500},{\"id\": \"edge\", \"title\": \"Regular 2G\", "
"\"throughput\": 250, \"latency\": 300},{\"id\": \"2g+\", \"title\": "
"\"Good 2G\", \"throughput\": 450, \"latency\": 150},{\"id\": \"3g\", "
"\"title\": \"Regular 3G\", \"throughput\": 750, \"latency\": "
"100},{\"id\": \"3g+\", \"title\": \"Good 3G\", \"throughput\": 1536.0, "
"\"latency\": 40},{\"id\": \"4g\", \"title\": \"Regular 4G\", "
"\"throughput\": 4096.0, \"latency\": 20},{\"id\": \"dsl\", \"title\": "
"\"DSL\", \"throughput\": 2048.0, \"latency\": 5},{\"id\": \"wifi\", "
"\"title\": \"WiFi\", \"throughput\": 30720.0, \"latency\": 2},{\"id\": "
"\"online\", \"title\": \"No throttling\", \"throughput\": -1, "
"\"latency\": 0}]";