blob: cdf0395dba80d8f8e3f56abedecca19a3f6f0698 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/gpu/android/device_info.h"
#include "base/android/build_info.h"
#include "media/base/android/media_codec_util.h"
namespace media {
DeviceInfo* DeviceInfo::GetInstance() {
static DeviceInfo* info = new DeviceInfo();
return info;
int DeviceInfo::SdkVersion() {
static const int result = base::android::BuildInfo::GetInstance()->sdk_int();
return result;
bool DeviceInfo::IsVp8DecoderAvailable() {
static const bool result = MediaCodecUtil::IsVp8DecoderAvailable();
return result;
bool DeviceInfo::IsVp9DecoderAvailable() {
static const bool result = MediaCodecUtil::IsVp9DecoderAvailable();
return result;
bool DeviceInfo::IsAv1DecoderAvailable() {
static const bool result = MediaCodecUtil::IsAv1DecoderAvailable();
return result;
bool DeviceInfo::IsDecoderKnownUnaccelerated(VideoCodec codec) {
return MediaCodecUtil::IsKnownUnaccelerated(codec,
bool DeviceInfo::IsSetOutputSurfaceSupported() {
static const bool result = MediaCodecUtil::IsSetOutputSurfaceSupported();
return result;
bool DeviceInfo::SupportsOverlaySurfaces() {
static const bool result = MediaCodecUtil::IsSurfaceViewOutputSupported();
return result;
bool DeviceInfo::CodecNeedsFlushWorkaround(MediaCodecBridge* codec) {
return MediaCodecUtil::CodecNeedsFlushWorkaround(codec);
bool DeviceInfo::IsAsyncApiSupported() {
// Technically the base setCallback() API is available in L, but we
// need the version which accepts a Handler which is in M... but
// in M there's a MediaCodec bug that's not fixed until N :|
return SdkVersion() >= base::android::SDK_VERSION_NOUGAT;
bool DeviceInfo::AddSupportedCodecProfileLevels(
std::vector<CodecProfileLevel>* result) {
return MediaCodecUtil::AddSupportedCodecProfileLevels(result);
} // namespace media