blob: 337955e31a5b17437b12c231ed1837525130cacb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "net/dns/host_resolver.h"
class FuzzedDataProvider;
namespace net {
class ContextHostResolver;
class NetLog;
// Creates a ContextHostResolver that uses a fuzzer to determine what results to
// return. It inherits from ContextHostResolver, unlike MockHostResolver, so
// more closely matches real behavior.
// By default uses a mocked out system resolver, though can be configured to use
// the built-in async resolver (Built in DNS stub resolver) with a fuzzed set
// of UDP/TCP sockets by setting ManagerOptions.insecure_dns_client_enabled to
// true or calling SetInsecureDnsClientEnabled on the underlying
// HostResolverManager.
// To make behavior most deterministic, does not use the WorkerPool to run its
// simulated platform host resolver calls, instead runs them on the thread it is
// created on.
// Note that it does not attempt to sort the resulting AddressList when using
// the mock system resolver path.
// The async DNS client can make system calls in AddressSorterPosix, but other
// methods that make system calls are stubbed out.
std::unique_ptr<ContextHostResolver> CreateFuzzedContextHostResolver(
const HostResolver::ManagerOptions& options,
NetLog* net_log,
FuzzedDataProvider* data_provider,
bool enable_caching);
} // namespace net