blob: ffe7b6d9a232d09b9f3e1a89a4e50c4c2436bade [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromecast/public/avsettings.h"
namespace chromecast {
// Dummy implementation of AvSettings.
class AvSettingsDummy : public AvSettings {
~AvSettingsDummy() override;
// AvSettings implementation:
void Initialize(Delegate* delegate) override;
void Finalize() override;
ActiveState GetActiveState() override;
bool TurnActive(bool switch_to_cast) override;
bool TurnStandby() override;
bool KeepSystemAwake(int time_millis) override;
AudioVolumeControlType GetAudioVolumeControlType() override;
bool GetAudioVolumeStepInterval(float* step_interval) override;
int GetAudioCodecsSupported() override;
int GetMaxAudioChannels(AudioCodec codec) override;
bool GetScreenResolution(int* width, int* height) override;
int GetHDCPVersion() override;
int GetSupportedEotfs() override;
int GetDolbyVisionFlags() override;
int GetScreenWidthMm() override;
int GetScreenHeightMm() override;
bool GetOutputRestrictions(OutputRestrictions* restrictions) override;
void ApplyOutputRestrictions(const OutputRestrictions& restrictions) override;
WakeOnCastStatus GetWakeOnCastStatus() override;
bool EnableWakeOnCast(bool enabled) override;
HdrOutputType GetHdrOutputType() override;
bool SetHdmiVideoMode(bool allow_4k,
int optimize_for_fps,
HdrOutputType output_type) override;
bool IsHdrOutputSupportedByCurrentHdmiVideoMode(
HdrOutputType output_type) override;
Delegate* delegate_;
// Disallow copy and assign.
AvSettingsDummy(const AvSettingsDummy&) = delete;
AvSettingsDummy& operator=(const AvSettingsDummy&) = delete;
} // namespace chromecast